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Can Non handicap Play but he is a fully paid Member mark a general play card


Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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My fellow Golfers
Can a fully paid member mark a general play card but does not hold a handicap .

My understanding is that the decision is a matter for individual club committees. You won’t get a definitive answer here because of that. Best bet is to ask your handicap secretary.

Steven Rules

Well-known member
Mar 18, 2022
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To recycle a previous answer I gave to a not dissimilar question:

Many committees will stipulate who can and cannot be a marker for another player (e.g. must be playing in the same competition, must have a handicap) but in the absence of such stipulation it can be anybody - playing or non-playing.

Check your Committee's requirements.


Head Pro
Sep 2, 2015
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We’ve been through this before- a marker is not a referee, so Rules knowledge is not a requirement. And a marker is not an accountant, so counting is not a requirement. Upon completion of the hole, the marker asks the player what the player scored and writes that on the scorecard, then signs the card at the end of the round. If the marker has any concerns about the score(s), they bring it to the attention of the Committee to deal with.

Steven Rules

Well-known member
Mar 18, 2022
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As long as they can count, why not?
It’s about knowing the rules too otherwise someone could take advantage!
We had this discussion a few months ago. Let's not go back over old ground so soon.
