Camping. Yay or nay?


Journeyman Pro
Feb 6, 2012
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Love it. We've camped in all weathers, had leaks, snapped guide ropes, very nearly packed up in Cornwall on the first night due to extremely strong winds but managed to always stick it out.

I love it until it gets to about 5am and the sun comes up, kids start to wake up, zips start going and I can't get back to sleep!!

Going to Norfolk this year which I think will be our last with our 2 teenagers. Our 17 year old hates it, he's possibly not coming with us which is fair enough but I don't think he wants to miss out on a 'holiday'.

Me and the wife are going to Leyburn this month for a couple of nights camping and walking. It's just so easy. Easier when the weather's nice!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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I was recently checking some campsites for the cost of pitching a 2 man tent for a night (Scotland) and a lot of sites are not allowing tents these days but the ones that did were charging approx £25 per night, I was gobsmacked as pre covid, it was usually approx £6-8 per night. I enjoy camping, sometimes wild camp but if on anything more than an overnight trip then I will try for campsites. We ended up staying in bunk houses/hostels instead as the forecast was poor (cycling trip) and even these are expensive these days, over £30 per night, it seems there is no such thing as a cheap holiday these days. Thanks.

Cheers, John

The last few years (pre-covid) we would pitch up our caravan for the whole month of April and October at a local Haven site. Would cost less than £350 for the whole month. At a little over £10 per night it was a bargain. Would go down every Friday after school for the weekend and also for the whole of Easter holidays or October half term. Also occasional trips down during the week to go swimming or have something to eat. There are still cheap holidays to be had if you know where to look.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 6, 2012
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The last few years (pre-covid) we would pitch up our caravan for the whole month of April and October at a local Haven site. Would cost less than £350 for the whole month. At a little over £10 per night it was a bargain. Would go down every Friday after school for the weekend and also for the whole of Easter holidays or October half term. Also occasional trips down during the week to go swimming or have something to eat. There are still cheap holidays to be had if you know where to look.

Our trip at the end of this month is at a no thrills site behind a fantastic old pub and it's £10 per night.

I compare it to staying in a hotel when pricing it up. What do you want it for, is is it basically a place to sleep or do I want some luxuries like a pool, restaurant, nicer facilities etc and be prepared to pay the going rate.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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Our trip at the end of this month is at a no thrills site behind a fantastic old pub and it's £10 per night.

I compare it to staying in a hotel when pricing it up. What do you want it for, is is it basically a place to sleep or do I want some luxuries like a pool, restaurant, nicer facilities etc and be prepared to pay the going rate.

That's what we got at the Haven site. Could take the kids swimming every day if we wanted to and had the evening entertainment for the weekends we were there. The other trick we found was that if you wanted to go for a week/10 days during half term it was quite pricey - booking from the Friday they broke up to the Sunday before they went back. If you booked from the Thursday before to the Monday after it was quite often several hundred pounds cheaper. Even just booking to start your holiday one day earlier can make a massive difference.
The image below, from a few years ago, shows the difference you can make by changing your dates.....



Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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Our trip at the end of this month is at a no thrills site behind a fantastic old pub and it's £10 per night.

I compare it to staying in a hotel when pricing it up. What do you want it for, is is it basically a place to sleep or do I want some luxuries like a pool, restaurant, nicer facilities etc and be prepared to pay the going rate.

Where’s this site? ?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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There are many families who cannot afford anything else and with costs rising it will be an increasing number.

To the pious posters there is no need to decry other people's choices...
The OP asked if people liked camping and posters have been giving their opinions on whether they like it or not, why do you need to pee on their parades and turn it into a social divisive witch hunt.

So, do you like camping or not?