Britain is overweight.

Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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Both are OK as long as you don't put any of that red or brown gloop on it that has the main ingredient of sugar. And go very easy on the butter or margarine. Or don't use any at all.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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What's the difference between a McDonald's Bacon McMuffin and a bacon roll at the golf club? Apart from one being criticised and one being often praised on this forum?

I'm here all day.

One is a roll and one is a muffin.
I don't play golf every day.
If I want a bacon roll before golf, I'll have one at home.
I also have coffee.
I guess I'm just the old fashioned type who has breakfast before leaving home.
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Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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One is a roll and one is a muffin.
I don't play golf every day.
If I want a bacon roll before golf, I'll have one at home.
I also have coffee.
I guess I'm just the old fashioned type who has breakfast before leaving home.
For me, the bacon butty before golf is part of the whole golf experience. Time to catch up with the rest of the guys, find out who still has a dodgy handicap, who is on fire and likely to shoot 4 under (then won't :ROFLMAO:) and time to talk down my own game before (hopefully) winning the sweep. Breakfast at the club is as much part of my round as the drink afterwards.


Medal Winner
Oct 21, 2016
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Most people here don't seem to want to lose weight and that is their choice.
Food retailers don't want them to, either.

If you do want to lose weight you could try the Robert Atkins' diet.
But he was clinically obese when he passed away.
You could try Paul McKenna's I Can Make You Thin method.
But images of him suggest he is at least a bit overweight.

So what works? There are just one or two things which are so simple they are easy to overlook.
Reduce your input of calories.
Try to catch up with your sleep.


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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I think that obese people are eating too much refined and unrefined sugar rather than fat. Fat has been given an undeserved bad press for a long time, it's transfats that are unhealthy. The most unhealthy part of a burger is the bun.

My money is on the sauces. But agree, Fat gets a bad rap. Sugars are my nemesis for sure.


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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What's the difference between a McDonald's Bacon McMuffin and a bacon roll at the golf club? Apart from one being criticised and one being often praised on this forum?

I'm here all day.

Hmmm, probably very little!

in fact, lets go, from Myfitnesspal (only quite basic, and I never fully trust MFP, no sugar numbers on the carb breakdown which I like to see, also Fat Vs Sat fat)

Mcdonalds Bacon Roll with Ketchup
319 cal
43g carb
8.4g fat
18g protein

Greggs Bacon Roll
337 cal
36g carb
13g fat
19g protein

Club option (1 x sourdough roll, 1 teaspoon butter, Bacon 2 rashers, 1 tsp ketchup)

210 + 80 + 80 + 20 cal 390 cal
40g + 0g + 0g +5g carb 45g
2g + 9g + 7g + 0g fat 18g
5g + 0g +5g + 0g protein 10g


Nov 16, 2011
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...Sugars are my nemesis for sure.
Not unusual/unexpected. Sugars are recognised and processed by various the body (at least normally). Many 'fats' are simply passed through!
All about having an 'appropriate' diet imo.Yours will almost certainly be vastly different to mine!


Journeyman Pro
May 15, 2014
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in fact, lets go, from Myfitnesspal (only quite basic, and I never fully trust MFP, no sugar numbers on the carb breakdown which I like to see, also Fat Vs Sat fat)

Nicely done! Point taken on MFP validity. McDonalds take their nutrition reporting seriously because if they get it wrong they're an easy litigation target. Sad, mad and true unfortunately.

Here's McDonald's Nutrition breakdown for comparison with MFP.

  1. Energy (kJ) Energy in kJ 1397
  2. Energy (kcal) Energy in kcal 332
  3. Fat (g) Fat in grams 9.2
    1. of which saturated (g) of which saturated in grams 2.8
  4. Carbohydrate (g) Carbohydrate in grams 40
    1. of which sugars (g) of which sugars in grams 7.4
  5. Fibre (g) Fibre in grams 2.2
  6. Protein (g) Protein in grams 21
  7. Salt (g) Salt in grams 2.2


Nov 16, 2011
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Hmmm, probably very little!...
A question for you - that you may have documented in the past, so apologies for being a bit lazy....

You seemed to have become a bit of a fitness and food content 'fan' or even 'fanatic'. Was there a specific reason - that you can share? Or a thread you can point me to to avoid repetition?


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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What's the difference between a McDonald's Bacon McMuffin and a bacon roll at the golf club? Apart from one being criticised and one being often praised on this forum?

I'm here all day.
Nothing is 'wrong' with either. I firmly believe that no food is 'wrong', you just need to be sensible and have things in moderation. A bacon butty or Mcmuffin once a week before your weekly medal is fine, 1 a day is less so and you should have a word with yourself. I also believe that those who weigh their portions and get hung up if they eat 0.1g too much of protein/fat/sugar should get a life and live a little!


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I certainly thing a bacon sarnie is fair game when you're about to do 3.5 to 4 hours of walking. I'm usually starving again by 9 holes.

Edit: This time of year is the worst though. On Tuesday night I had work drinks, on the way home I had a Greggs and a Burger King. Awful decision-making. :LOL:

Deleted member 21258

I'm not convinced it's possible to have a one fits all scale when you consider the different body makeup of humans. I'm 6ft tall and my ideal BMI puts me at around 11 stone, I'm around 14 stone and in no way an Olympian, international rugby player or body builder, I'm also not obese or even what could be considered overweight, if I was 11 stone I'd look emaciated . I understand your point but for me BMI is not good.

Seriously do you not consider 14 stone being overweight for 6 foot ?

Im under 13 stone and consider that I am carrying alot of excess fat and fairly active(not muscle bound or big boned :whistle:). How peoples outlook of what is thin/normal/fat has changed in 2 generations, its a massive problem.

Deleted member 21258

For me weight, has always been reflective of how much I eat.

There is a sweet spot that my weight basically doesn't vary (around 1750-2200 calories a day). If stick with that range, then weight does not vary over the course of a week or month or year. Lockdown killed my weight but lost it all now, would like to lose a bit more, but with all going on Ive maintained status quo.

Below those calories the weight falls off and above those calories the weight piles on ('almost' irrelevant of the exercise level).


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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For me weight, has always been reflective of how much I eat.

There is a sweet spot that my weight basically doesn't vary (around 1750-2200 calories a day). If stick with that range, then weight does not vary over the course of a week or month or year. Lockdown killed my weight but lost it all now, would like to lose a bit more, but with all going on Ive maintained status quo.

Below those calories the weight falls off and above those calories the weight piles on ('almost' irrelevant of the exercise level).
My problem is that I could have 6 good days in the week of low calories, one takeaway and a couple of beers on a Saturday, and end up 2 pounds heavier. Life's too short to forgo the beers and takeaways completely though! In fairness though I generally stay the same as you said. I'm also 6 foot, weighing around 12 stone 10 at the moment, ideally I would like to be closer to 12. But as long as I'm not over 13 it's not the end of the world.