Britain is overweight.

Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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I seem to remember Jerry Guscote was 14 and a half stone. Don't remember exactly how tall. Looked quite slim, though.

I'm 5ft 11ins and 11st 2lb.
3 years ago I was 12st 4lb.
40 years ago I was 11st.

Deleted member 21258

My problem is that I could have 6 good days in the week of low calories, one takeaway and a couple of beers on a Saturday, and end up 2 pounds heavier. Life's too short to forgo the beers and takeaways completely though! In fairness though I generally stay the same as you said. I'm also 6 foot, weighing around 12 stone 10 at the moment, ideally I would like to be closer to 12. But as long as I'm not over 13 it's not the end of the world.

Oh yeah for every naughty excess day, I have to be good for 1-3 days to lose that excess day.

Balance is everything.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Seriously do you not consider 14 stone being overweight for 6 foot ?

Im under 13 stone and consider that I am carrying alot of excess fat and fairly active(not muscle bound or big boned :whistle:). How peoples outlook of what is thin/normal/fat has changed in 2 generations, its a massive problem.
No, it's not. I have a natural strong body with good muscle definition. At 13 stone I am thin, anything under that and I look skeletal. I could in reality lose a stone with a push but I don't think I need to. I do work on maintaining muscle as I'm not young and don't want muscle wastage which happens in older people.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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There's plenty that can be harmful in butter - and some butters are 'better' (or perhaps 'less bad') than others.
Twaddle back to you my old sausage. That article you've posted makes a very strong case for the beneficial contents found in butter, and I'm talking about butter from cow's milk. Butter has a high calorific value so it's good to bear in mind your overall calories just like any food. The old view that butter and many fats are unhealthy has long been proven false. Like any food it needs to be used in balance.


Nov 16, 2011
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I seem to remember Jerry Guscote was 14 and a half stone. Don't remember exactly how tall. Looked quite slim, though.
6ft 1"/185cm. His BMI would not have been 'normal' either - though likely would have been pretty normal for any international centre/wing/fullback.
He'd have had significantly different attributes to a half-back, #8, Props or Hooker though. That's one of the unique things about Rugby as a sport...There's a place in a Rugby team for virtually every body shape!


Nov 16, 2011
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Twaddle back to you my old sausage. That article you've posted makes a very strong case for the beneficial contents found in butter, and I'm talking about butter from cow's milk. Butter has a high calorific value so it's good to bear in mind your overall calories just like any food. The old view that butter and many fats are unhealthy has long been proven false. Like any food it needs to be used in balance.
I don't disagree! But you posted simply that there's 'nothing in Butter that's bad'. That generalisation needed a 'disclaimer' like the sentence I've italicised above, otherwise my 'twaddle' certainly applies!
Please remember the old truism....'All generalisers are fools'!;)
Last edited:


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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A question for you - that you may have documented in the past, so apologies for being a bit lazy....

You seemed to have become a bit of a fitness and food content 'fan' or even 'fanatic'. Was there a specific reason - that you can share? Or a thread you can point me to to avoid repetition?

Not sure I have ever documented it if I am honest. Long post warning!

Let's start at the beginning!! I used to play an OK standard of rugby, stopped in my late 20's wife, kids, dodgy knees from injuries.

Fast forward maybe 7 years I'm close to 14 stone, smoking 20 a day (from age 15!!), drinking every day. Got diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis (Actually after I quit smoking)

Determined to get fit, I started jogging. Couch to 5k was just starting I think, anyway, I entered a 10k race 5 months in the future. I couldn't run more than 1km without walking. That was probably 2008 ish.

Fast forward to today, I quit drinking almost 3 years ago now, for multiple reasons, my UC was a big factor, but I also recognized I had an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. I was never drinking to excess in one go, but I was drinking nigh on every day. Maybe 1-2 cans on a low day, but upward of 4-5 and a bottle of wine (with no effect the next day!).

One bank holiday weekend I was out dog walking, had 2 pints in the pub, got home had another 6 cans, then finished the half bottle of red from the previous night, then went and bought another and finished that! Woke the next morning and was fine. That was the big issue! That I didn't feel like carp after that!! Not had a drink since as I recognize for me, there is no such thing as one.

Anyway, I wanted to be a role model for my kids. Not a fat dad that dies of heart disease before his daughter finished uni.

This year I did a couple of half ironman, and manchester marathon, I am now training for Ironman UK. So yeh, you could say I am a little bit of a fanatic now! My 30-week training plan kicked in this week, at its peak, I will be training 20 hours per week!!!

My disease is at its best its ever been, i am convinced this is partly due to the respect and fuel i give my body. I am by far the fittest i have ever been, lowest body fat, and when i want (takes a month or 2 effort) i can get a full 6 pack, but I would have to live like a monk to maintain that!! I now stress a little less, but yes, I have a very close eye on what I eat! (Don't read the mince pie thread!!!)

I love it, feel great, look great, have fallen in love with myself which i think everyone needs to do. You must love yourself and treat your body with respect, you wouldn't but a lambo and drive it off road and fill it with chip fat fuel.

If i was not a wage slave to the industry i am in, i would retrain as a nutritionist / athletic coach

Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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Hmmm, probably very little!

in fact, lets go, from Myfitnesspal (only quite basic, and I never fully trust MFP, no sugar numbers on the carb breakdown which I like to see, also Fat Vs Sat fat)

Mcdonalds Bacon Roll with Ketchup
319 cal
43g carb
8.4g fat
18g protein

Greggs Bacon Roll
337 cal
36g carb
13g fat
19g protein

Club option (1 x sourdough roll, 1 teaspoon butter, Bacon 2 rashers, 1 tsp ketchup)

210 + 80 + 80 + 20 cal 390 cal
40g + 0g + 0g +5g carb 45g
2g + 9g + 7g + 0g fat 18g
5g + 0g +5g + 0g protein 10g
I like this detailed breakdown.
Can you do the same for my breakfast this morning, please?
2/3 of a mug of oats. 1 & 1/2 mugs of water. 1/2 teaspoon of butter.
Stir well over a low heat until thick porridge is formed.
Pour into a bowl and add 1/2 teaspoon of honey.


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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6ft 1"/185cm. His BMI would not have been 'normal' either - though likely would have been pretty normal for any international centre/wing/fullback.
He'd have had significantly different attributes to a half-back, #8, Props or Hooker though. That's one of the unique things about Rugby as a sport...There's a place in a Rugby team for virtually every body shape!
That certainly used to be the case, not really any more at pro level. Have you seen the size of these guys now :oops:


Nov 16, 2011
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That certainly used to be the case, not really any more at pro level. Have you seen the size of these guys now :oops:
Indeed, the (official) Pro game is all about power now - so numbers 10, 12 and 13 now need to be more solid to get oppo to have to commit. Oh and Jonah Lomu changed a lot of attitudes too!


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I don't disagree! But you posted simply that there's 'nothing in Butter that's bad'. That generalisation needed a 'disclaimer' like the sentence I've italicised above, otherwise my 'twaddle' certainly applies!
Please remember the old truism....'All generalisers are fools'!;)
If you had a diet that only consisted of cabbage it would eventually probably kill you. I still say there's nothing in butter that's bad for you.


Journeyman Pro
May 15, 2014
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If i was not a wage slave to the industry i am in, i would retrain as a nutritionist / athletic coach

You might be interested in this video on nutrition and sport performance, maybe already seen it. It says ketogenic on the tin but he covers a broad range of nutritional science from the point of view of a being a very well accomplished athlete (trad climber) struggling with his diet and went back to university to study nutrition. Downside (it's an upside really!) is it's over 4 hours long but very enjoyable and informative.



Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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At nearly 72 I've just returned from a 9 mile canal walk.
Cycling, jogging, sprinting are no problem.
I will probably go jogging this evening
I can do over 100 challenging yoga poses and can perform a one hour Tai Chi workout (hardest of the lot).

If I have a 'secret' it's not eating much. I never have a big meal, only snacks.
I avoid all take-away's.
I don't expect others' to lead this lifestyle. It's their choice.
I'm going to die one day, but I'd still like to extend my health span.

There is a clear price to pay for over eating and over exercising.
It's like the smoker who realises too late there was a price to pay for his addiction.
I've never smoked and have consumed very little alcohol in my life.
Yet there is always an element of luck.

Well done. So long as Sods Law stays away, you should be good for another twenty ?
You've done all you can your end. And you're obviously a thinker.
Good luck.


Medal Winner
Oct 21, 2016
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Did anybody watch the disturbing Michael Mosley program on overweight Britain last night?

It seems that the truth is being kept from us by the food companies, by politicians, and fake news as to how exercise can solve the problem.
Even Mosley who promotes fast exercise (HIIT) seemed to back off.
Jamie Oliver who is clearly overweight himself, didn't want to say too much.

It's the scandal of the century that the public are being deliberately lied to about diet.

In my opinion, there is no such thing as healthy eating.
The only way to lose weight is to ensure that calories in are not greater than calories out.


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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Did anybody watch the disturbing Michael Mosley program on overweight Britain last night?

Its on my watch list, I take what mosley says with a pinch of salt, but I like him.

In my opinion, there is no such thing as healthy eating.
The only way to lose weight is to ensure that calories in are not greater than calories out.

No such thing as healthy eating.... just lower calories than you burn... OK So what shall we call this method of eating fewer calories than we burn?? Eating Healthy?


Tour Winner
Apr 2, 2009
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64% of people now considered to be overweight or obese.
PM is obsessed with the problem and blames it for the severity of his Covid infection.
A friend reported to me that she was concerned. I asked her to check her BMI and it came back as 32 (obese).
Strange thing about this I didn't notice she had a problem, a bit like fat being the new thin.

So what do we know?
Food is too easily available. We don't have to go far to find plenty of it.
Commercial diets don't work. As soon as you come off them the weight returns.
Similarly, exercise does not take weight off you for long.
If calories in are greater than calories out, you put on weight, and vice versa.

I was brought up austerity Britain when hardly anyone was overweight.
One or two main meals a week was normal.
The rest was pretty unspeakable!
Have you been to America/Florida recently?