Bought a slow motion camera


Medal Winner
Jun 17, 2012
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Hi guys, long time lurker on the forum. I recently purchased a high speed camera, capable of taking slow motion videos up to 1000fps and thought I would put it to good use with my swing.
I have been playing for about 18 months and was hoping for some help on my swing, this is going to be an ongoing thread where I try to iron out issues then post updated videos.

At the moment, I know I overswing, but am not sure why as my practice swings are nice and short and I have a flap/rubbish follow through.


Any help appreciated! :)


Medal Winner
Jun 17, 2012
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Also, things I want to work on later:
Holding my lag longer as I release early.
Starting the down swing with my lower body.
For now I would like to nail the fundamentals before working on the rest.


Q-School Graduate
Jul 29, 2011
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im not an expert im sure one of or resident ones will be along in a minute....

from my experience id say your fundamentals look pretty good, i like the posture grip and wrist cock looks sound.
i agree with what you need to work on in the future. your swing needs to be more dynamic, starting the downswing with the lower half, pushing the hips forward and rotating.

The only flaw i can see in the fundamentals is the across the line position at the top of the backswing, club pointing right, to help with this you need to keep the club head outside of the hands, if you look at 0.24 on the video the club head is to the left, towards the body, inside the hands, you want it more towards the ball or inline with the hands this will help the club get into a laid of position or pointing target at the top, which helps swing path and consistency


Medal Winner
Jun 17, 2012
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Thanks for the comments. Totally agree on the lower body being very static on the way down, something I will be working on over winter.

With the across the line, I think I am over doing it slightly as I have a tendency to have the club head outside the ball on the takeaway. Now that you pointed it out, it has gone the other way on my swing.


Q-School Graduate
Jul 29, 2011
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i understand where your coming from, overdoing it, i do the same, the great thing about these slow motion cameras is you can keep on top of it, stopping you practicing the wrong thing. for me the difference between what i feel is happening and what is actually happening can be pretty big.

i must admit i wouldn't worry about the club head being slightly outside the hands on the way back much better than the former, the majority of touring pro's have it slightly outside the hands, or inline, rickie fowler being the extreme

i think only matt kucher has the club head on the inside
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Head Pro
Jun 8, 2011
Holywood, N. Ireland
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no expert but some bits I'd be trying to fix if that were my swing.

you've got a bit of a scoopy action at impact. arms look very bent at impact when they should be straightening. I think sorting that out would also sort out your follow through which looks a bit dodgy lol

Right leg straightens very quickly on the backswing.

Clubface a open at the top of the backswing.

As I said I dont really know what im talking about or if any of what I've mentioned needs fixed or even how to fix it (I know I'm a great help lol) but that's what i picked up from your video.

You do look like you have the foundations for a very good swing!


Tour Rookie
Jun 12, 2012
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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Yes looking at your swing you've got some great fundamentals, wish I swung like that after 18 months. The swing looks nice right on plane as you come back. As mentioned above you need to keep the club head outside the hands. Try this as a drill to see what I mean. Adopt your stance and address position. Now turn the shoulders to 45 degrees with NO wrist or forearm roll. At this point the leading edge should be square to your body as you have turned ie it is outside your hands. Now turn your feet and hips 45 degrees to match your shoulders. Place the club on the ground and you should find yourself in the address position, be it 45 degrees away from the target.

As mentioned at impact as you pointed out you flip the club you need to keep the angle of the shaft firm with the wrists. Going back to takeaway I think you might have your left arm moving away slightly from your body, try to feel the left arm brushing across the nipple on your chest.

These slow motion cameras are excellent and I'm certainly no expert, my advice would be to see a good pro one who has been recommended. He will certainly be able to spot more than us, but the good thing is I don't think you'll have to change much.

Go see a recommended good pro he or she will put you right

Good luck
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Beautiful to the top, I thought it was going to be an amassing swing at that point, your arms are nice and straight, flex in both legs, good turn. You get to the top and then the first thing to move is your head. The down swing should start from the bottom not the top, feet, knees, hips!! then the rest, so arms last. Because you have moved your head first (down) you then have to bend your arms or you will fat the ball. Get those hips moving, keep that head still. You are going to be a great swinger in my opinion, you seem in total control and then at the top you let your body take over, keep in control of it! If its easier foucs on the hips being the first thing to move after you get to the top.

You should be happy, there is some great stuff there!

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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my 0p worth.....for contrast I'm afraid!

on the take away -
1. resist the hip turn (it's leading to the overswing, you run out of right leg flex, and will be robbing you of power)
2. if you keep the hands closer,more inside, but leave the club head where it is you will be on a better plane, will have the relationship between the hands and club head someone raises above but without the clubhead being moved off plane to get it outside the hands!
3. the club face appears to be opening a little as you take it back, but this may be a result of the above. It's hard to tell and I wouldn't conciously change anything until you have the above resolved - then review.

of these the rotated hips is the big one, and leads to most of the dynamic flaws mentioned (by you and others), including the impact arms/release.


Medal Winner
Jun 17, 2012
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no expert but some bits I'd be trying to fix if that were my swing.

you've got a bit of a scoopy action at impact. arms look very bent at impact when they should be straightening. I think sorting that out would also sort out your follow through which looks a bit dodgy lol

Right leg straightens very quickly on the backswing.

Clubface a open at the top of the backswing.

As I said I dont really know what im talking about or if any of what I've mentioned needs fixed or even how to fix it (I know I'm a great help lol) but that's what i picked up from your video.

You do look like you have the foundations for a very good swing!

Thanks for the comments, yep I agree the arms should be straight at impact, as mentioned below I think this comes from bobbing downwards with my head to start the backswing.

Yes looking at your swing you've got some great fundamentals, wish I swung like that after 18 months. The swing looks nice right on plane as you come back. As mentioned above you need to keep the club head outside the hands. Try this as a drill to see what I mean. Adopt your stance and address position. Now turn the shoulders to 45 degrees with NO wrist or forearm roll. At this point the leading edge should be square to your body as you have turned ie it is outside your hands. Now turn your feet and hips 45 degrees to match your shoulders. Place the club on the ground and you should find yourself in the address position, be it 45 degrees away from the target.

As mentioned at impact as you pointed out you flip the club you need to keep the angle of the shaft firm with the wrists. Going back to takeaway I think you might have your left arm moving away slightly from your body, try to feel the left arm brushing across the nipple on your chest.

These slow motion cameras are excellent and I'm certainly no expert, my advice would be to see a good pro one who has been recommended. He will certainly be able to spot more than us, but the good thing is I don't think you'll have to change much.

Go see a recommended good pro he or she will put you right

Good luck

Thanks, I take a lesson or tow a month with a really good pro, this is a video log I am working on as I feel like my progress has slowed up. Over winter I want to tighten up my backswing so will definitely try to keep my left arm closer in and work on the flipping at impact. (consequence of a fault elsewhere rather than a problem in its own right)

Beautiful to the top, I thought it was going to be an amassing swing at that point, your arms are nice and straight, flex in both legs, good turn. You get to the top and then the first thing to move is your head. The down swing should start from the bottom not the top, feet, knees, hips!! then the rest, so arms last. Because you have moved your head first (down) you then have to bend your arms or you will fat the ball. Get those hips moving, keep that head still. You are going to be a great swinger in my opinion, you seem in total control and then at the top you let your body take over, keep in control of it! If its easier foucs on the hips being the first thing to move after you get to the top.

You should be happy, there is some great stuff there!

Definitely will be working on the down swing as soon as I battle my across the line/ overswing issues!

my 0p worth.....for contrast I'm afraid!

on the take away -
1. resist the hip turn (it's leading to the overswing, you run out of right leg flex, and will be robbing you of power)
2. if you keep the hands closer,more inside, but leave the club head where it is you will be on a better plane, will have the relationship between the hands and club head someone raises above but without the clubhead being moved off plane to get it outside the hands!
3. the club face appears to be opening a little as you take it back, but this may be a result of the above. It's hard to tell and I wouldn't conciously change anything until you have the above resolved - then review.

of these the rotated hips is the big one, and leads to most of the dynamic flaws mentioned (by you and others), including the impact arms/release.

Thanks for the advice! I just tried my back swing with less hip turn and it stopped my overswing and I got better coil. Will have to spend a few buckets down the range to ingrain it in my swing.

By hands closer, do you mean closer to my legs/ arm closer to chest?

Thanks for the comments guys, will be putting up another video after working on overswing :)

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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arm closer to chest - looking at the behind shot, at about 9 on the take away, the hands should appear pretty much in the centre of the chest on their way up over the shoulder (appearance!). at that point the club head is in the right position currently (but not for where the hands are currently!)

hard to tell exactly as your camera angle is critical to the appearance of these passive freeze frames.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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As has been said already...a very good effort.
But.............because there's always a but.

There are a few issues that I'd like to help you with
The set up

It looks pretty good except for one thing as you can see in comparison to Luke........your hand position.
I'd like to see you lift your hands a touch to the yellow line. that will give you more room to swing down the line later

After impact


At the moment, because your hands are so low in the set up, you're swinging back into yourself into impact while your lower half hardly does anything. As you can see, Luke's hips and right foot have moved already and his hands are able to swing down the line longer, creating the gap you can see between his hands and body.

So, lift the hands at address, and try and swing down the line longer and not into yourself.
This will help with the rubbish follow through


Medal Winner
Jun 17, 2012
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arm closer to chest - looking at the behind shot, at about 9 on the take away, the hands should appear pretty much in the centre of the chest on their way up over the shoulder (appearance!). at that point the club head is in the right position currently (but not for where the hands are currently!)

hard to tell exactly as your camera angle is critical to the appearance of these passive freeze frames.

Thanks, makes sense now, club is in right place but hands drift outside. Do I need to put the camera in line with my ball or with my feet to have a god view down the line?

As has been said already...a very good effort.
But.............because there's always a but.

There are a few issues that I'd like to help you with
The set up

It looks pretty good except for one thing as you can see in comparison to Luke........your hand position.
I'd like to see you lift your hands a touch to the yellow line. that will give you more room to swing down the line later

After impact

View attachment 3293

At the moment, because your hands are so low in the set up, you're swinging back into yourself into impact while your lower half hardly does anything. As you can see, Luke's hips and right foot have moved already and his hands are able to swing down the line longer, creating the gap you can see between his hands and body.

So, lift the hands at address, and try and swing down the line longer and not into yourself.
This will help with the rubbish follow through

Thanks Bob! For some reason I can't see the first pic? but definitely see the difference in space/cramped at impact.

This weekend is going to be:

Change of address and limiting hip movement.

Will follow up with hands/ across the following weekend, I like to try to to hit 200 balls with any change so it becomes ingrained before moving on.


Medal Winner
Jun 17, 2012
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Nice quality, what camera?

Hi Darth, it is a Casio EX FH100 compact camera. It takes 240/420fps up to 1000fps (but resolution becomes useless at 1000) and has manual shutter so you can see the shaft at all times.

Unfortunately they stopped making them and the replacement doesn't have manual shutter, so the shaft can become a blur. Look out on ebay if you are interested, they turn up every so often.

Here is the video that convinced me: (especially 1:45 onwards)


Also takes 720p video and decent still shots. :)


Aug 5, 2011
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Hi Darth, it is a Casio EX FH100 compact camera. It takes 240/420fps up to 1000fps (but resolution becomes useless at 1000) and has manual shutter so you can see the shaft at all times.

Unfortunately they stopped making them and the replacement doesn't have manual shutter, so the shaft can become a blur. Look out on ebay if you are interested, they turn up every so often.

Here is the video that convinced me: (especially 1:45 onwards)


Also takes 720p video and decent still shots. :)

Thanks, what do you mean by Manual shutter and how does that effect it?


Medal Winner
Jun 17, 2012
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Thanks Bob, will be working on that this weekend!

With regards the camera, I'm not an expert, but from my research when picking a camera:

FPS = how many frames per second. I.e. if you swing is 3 seconds long at 240 fps you will have 720 fps to view back at say 60fps, giving you 12secs of film. The more frames, the more slow motion it looks.

Manual shutter (exposure) = how much light is let into the camera. This prevents motion blur, you really want manual shutter/ exposure control and not auto to prevent the shaft becoming a blur.


Medal Winner
Jun 17, 2012
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Im not an expert, but here is something that may help:


Essentially, faster shutter speed = less blur. :)