Boris the PM - a new beginning

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Head Pro
Jul 22, 2015
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Big difference is that Boris knows how to campaign, he knows how to appeal to people. TM had no people skills and her popularity dropped like a stone the longer the campaign went on.

I'd add in to this the mess the Labour party are towards Brexit. It has a policy that does not stand up and Boris will home in on this. I don't like Jo Swinson, I have no time for the LibDems but there is absolute clarity in where they stand and they could do well next time around.

Agree on both counts - but May wasn't trying to re position the core of the party from middle England aspirationals to working class leave voters in seats that have voted Labour for 70 years. Tough to do - especially for a posh Etonian.

And Labour Party were in a similar position at this time in 2017 and still managed to appeal to many during the campaign and put on a huge number of votes compared with 2015 election. Lib Dems and Brexit party also more likely to do more damage to Tory vote than Labour vote, in my view.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
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Man in "doesn't know where north is" shocker! :)
Perhaps you in all your wisdom can tell me where he meant, was it Scotland, Northern Scotland, Northern England, Northern Ireland, Northern NI or North Wales.
It may have been associated with Lincolnshire which is obviously in the South Midlands of the UK so his ramblings get even dafter.;)


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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Perhaps you in all your wisdom can tell me where he meant, was it Scotland, Northern Scotland, Northern England, Northern Ireland, Northern NI or North Wales.
It may have been associated with Lincolnshire which is obviously in the South Midlands of the UK so his ramblings get even dafter.;)

Well I've read some strange things in this and the Brexit thread but, for me, this ranks as one of the strangest !!

Deleted member 15344

Well I've read some strange things in this and the Brexit thread but, for me, this ranks as one of the strangest !!
It’s just more anti English bitterness from him

I believe he suggesting that Boris Johnson was ignoring the Scottish when he said there would investment in the North and Boris was Prob talking about the North of England.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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LOL. you think!!!!? If boris doesn't "get brexit done" then he's p0roved he's not the man we all hoped for and people will look elsewhere. Nige must be loving all this mess the clowns are creating. It's all down to the £39 BILLION. IF boris had blown that away, he might still have a chance but he didn't so is going to loose a lot of votes. Labour are shot to hell up north and their vote will collapse. They will get Manchester coz their idiots, and London and a few odds and sods, but the Brexit party will be able to rise up and continue to say that they are the ONLY party that want a clean brexit and the leave voters will flock to them. As long as there are no screw ups during the campaign the whole political map will change.

He is loving and stirring it big time these days 6-7pm on LBC.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Perhaps you in all your wisdom can tell me where he meant, was it Scotland, Northern Scotland, Northern England, Northern Ireland, Northern NI or North Wales.
It may have been associated with Lincolnshire which is obviously in the South Midlands of the UK so his ramblings get even dafter.;)
Seeing as Scotland now has control of its own finances it aint them, or would you prefer it was given back to people who could do a better job.
It's up North, you know Up 't' North 🙄


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Nov 19, 2018
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Which is why they continue to demur from ruling on it. The Court seems to be waiting until they can see whether or not the EU accept the letter as being 'fit for the purpose' that the Benn Act requires of it. And it looks like they will.

Doesn't stop it appearing that Johnson is being rather childish in respect of the letter. Here's what I have been asked to provide - but nah-ney-nah I haven't signed it...

Well if it makes him and his team feel clever then they can feel clever. But to me it most certainly isn't Prime Ministerial or in any way dignified, rather disrespectful to the EU in fact - goodness knows what they think of him - a bit desperate and pathetic probably - and rather supports the accusation that he'll do anything that he thinks deflects responsibility from himself to others.

It's all rather sad but perhaps not surprising behaviour.

My God man, you do go on about Boris. You call him names, every chance you get you have a go at him,
And when you were called out for hating him , you piously say you don't, you just pity him! Sanctimonious rubbish!
I believe that it is his personal life that motivates your extreme dislike and your willingness to not give him even an inch.
I find it tedious that nearly every post you make you have a go at him, not his Government, but him.
Give it a rest.

Deleted member 16999

My God man, you do go on about Boris. You call him names, every chance you get you have a go at him,
And when you were called out for hating him , you piously say you don't, you just pity him! Sanctimonious rubbish!
I believe that it is his personal life that motivates your extreme dislike and your willingness to not give him even an inch.
I find it tedious that nearly every post you make you have a go at him, not his Government, but him.
Give it a rest.
This thread is about Boris! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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My God man, you do go on about Boris. You call him names, every chance you get you have a go at him,
And when you were called out for hating him , you piously say you don't, you just pity him! Sanctimonious rubbish!
I believe that it is his personal life that motivates your extreme dislike and your willingness to not give him even an inch.
I find it tedious that nearly every post you make you have a go at him, not his Government, but him.
Give it a rest.

This thread is about Boris! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
& he's a blustering prat.... so no surprise people have a go at him


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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My God man, you do go on about Boris. You call him names, every chance you get you have a go at him,
And when you were called out for hating him , you piously say you don't, you just pity him! Sanctimonious rubbish!
I believe that it is his personal life that motivates your extreme dislike and your willingness to not give him even an inch.
I find it tedious that nearly every post you make you have a go at him, not his Government, but him.
Give it a rest.

If you knew SILH as we do he's like a record player with a stuck needle. He wont give anything a rest as has been proven on other threads over the past few years. Try researching the DMD thread and the where to stand on the tee thread, Boris, and the Brexit thread, are manna from heaven for him!


Sep 11, 2011
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Agree on both counts - but May wasn't trying to re position the core of the party from middle England aspirationals to working class leave voters in seats that have voted Labour for 70 years. Tough to do - especially for a posh Etonian.

And Labour Party were in a similar position at this time in 2017 and still managed to appeal to many during the campaign and put on a huge number of votes compared with 2015 election. Lib Dems and Brexit party also more likely to do more damage to Tory vote than Labour vote, in my view.

Predicting which way the electorate will finally vote is like knitting fog. The polls currently put Labour in a worse position than when Michael Foot was leader (another far left leader?) but polls are only snapshots in time, and its clear how well Labour did in the last campaign. Can they do it again? To a certain extent they don't have to. As you say, the LibDems are on the rise, and the Brexit party will harvest some of the traditional Tory votes. I'd also expect the Tory gains in Scotland will all but disappear.

Another hung parliament? Probably, and with the SNP expected to return around 50 seats, a Labour/SNP alliance?


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Predicting which way the electorate will finally vote is like knitting fog. The polls currently put Labour in a worse position than when Michael Foot was leader (another far left leader?) but polls are only snapshots in time, and its clear how well Labour did in the last campaign. Can they do it again? To a certain extent they don't have to. As you say, the LibDems are on the rise, and the Brexit party will harvest some of the traditional Tory votes. I'd also expect the Tory gains in Scotland will all but disappear.

Another hung parliament? Probably, and with the SNP expected to return around 50 seats, a Labour/SNP alliance?

TBH i can't see there being a single Tory MP in Scotland< with RD gone that was the only thing that got them seats last time.

some libs may gain the the traditional LD area's, but once the SNP advertise Jo Swinsons Voting record with the Tory's she will be gone...;)

Deleted member 16999

If you knew SILH as we do he's like a record player with a stuck needle. He wont give anything a rest as has been proven on other threads over the past few years. Try researching the DMD thread and the where to stand on the tee thread, Boris, and the Brexit thread, are manna from heaven for him!
Come on Chris, the guy is moaning about SILH posting about Boris on a Boris thread, for any faults he he may or may not have, the answer everyone else normally gets is “if you don’t like the posts or thread you don’t have to read it”
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