Boris the PM - a new beginning

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Sep 11, 2011
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Which is why they continue to demur from ruling on it. The Court seems to be waiting until they can see whether or not the EU accept the letter as being 'fit for the purpose' that the Benn Act requires of it. And it looks like they will.

Doesn't stop it appearing that Johnson is being rather childish in respect of the letter. Here's what I have been asked to provide - but nah-ney-nah I haven't signed it...

Well if it makes him and his team feel clever then they can feel clever. But to me it most certainly isn't Prime Ministerial or in any way dignified, rather disrespectful to the EU in fact - goodness knows what they think of him - a bit desperate and pathetic probably - and rather supports the accusation that he'll do anything that he thinks deflects responsibility from himself to others.

It's all rather sad but perhaps not surprising behaviour.

As sad as it is I don't blame Johnson for doing what he did. He is a puppet PM with no majority, the strings being pulled by other parties and those in his own party that don't agree with him. The obvious course is a GE but the opposition knows it won't win, so continue to just jerk the strings.

Maybe the other side should agree to an election. It will be fought, predominantly, around Brexit and would be that second referendum that so many are asking for.


As sad as it is I don't blame Johnson for doing what he did. He is a puppet PM with no majority, the strings being pulled by other parties and those in his own party that don't agree with him. The obvious course is a GE but the opposition knows it won't win, so continue to just jerk the strings.

Maybe the other side should agree to an election. It will be fought, predominantly, around Brexit and would be that second referendum that so many are asking for.

Disagree, it's not a 2 party system so that doesn't work. Besided a lot of parties have both leave and remain supporters, arguably only The Brexit Party and UKIP are 100% on Brexit.


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Aug 28, 2013
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Which is why they continue to demur from ruling on it. The Court seems to be waiting until they can see whether or not the EU accept the letter as being 'fit for the purpose' that the Benn Act requires of it. And it looks like they will.

Doesn't stop it appearing that Johnson is being rather childish in respect of the letter. Here's what I have been asked to provide - but nah-ney-nah I haven't signed it...

Well if it makes him and his team feel clever then they can feel clever. But to me it most certainly isn't Prime Ministerial or in any way dignified, rather disrespectful to the EU in fact - goodness knows what they think of him - a bit desperate and pathetic probably - and rather supports the accusation that he'll do anything that he thinks deflects responsibility from himself to others.

It's all rather sad but perhaps not surprising behaviour.

Do you not think that those opposing Art50 have continuously acted with dubious tactics towards PM May and now PM Johnson?


Nov 16, 2011
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As sad as it is I don't blame Johnson for doing what he did. He is a puppet PM with no majority, the strings being pulled by other parties and those in his own party that don't agree with him. The obvious course is a GE but the opposition knows it won't win, so continue to just jerk the strings.

Maybe the other side should agree to an election. It will be fought, predominantly, around Brexit and would be that second referendum that so many are asking for.
It was petulant, if not childish!

But that describes the way many politician act when it suits them!


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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It was petulant, if not childish!

But that describes the way many politician act when it suits them!
I think he's right in not signing it. Its content does not support his view and he is forced to send it in his name. He has carried out what was required of him but signing it suggests he is party to its message.


Nov 16, 2011
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I think he's right in not signing it. Its content does not support his view and he is forced to send it in his name. He has carried out what was required of him but signing it suggests he is party to its message.
I don't! It achieves nothing and seems very un-statesman-like! But that's a pretty good description of him anyway!

I stand my 'petulant, if not childish' description!

His personal letter that accompanied the request was sufficient imo.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I don't! It achieves nothing and seems very un-statesman-like! But that's a pretty good description of him anyway!

I stand my 'petulant, if not childish' description!

His personal letter that accompanied the request was sufficient imo.
Twaddle 🙂

Colonel Bogey

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Dec 6, 2018
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I don't! It achieves nothing and seems very un-statesman-like! But that's a pretty good description of him anyway!

I stand my 'petulant, if not childish' description!

His personal letter that accompanied the request was sufficient imo.

So you think he should just do what some idiots have told him that he should do????? Would you, if you were the leader of the country and you didn't agree with what you were being told to do by people who aren't in power?


Nov 16, 2011
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So you think he should just do what some idiots have told him that he should do????? Would you, if you were the leader of the country and you didn't agree with what you were being told to do by people who aren't in power?
You are wrong! They've created a directive telling him what he MUST do!

Signing it or not is irrelevant, but as it comes from the Office of the PM I'd prefer/expect him to sign it. Petty petulance/childishness otherwise!


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Do you not think that those opposing Art50 have continuously acted with dubious tactics towards PM May and now PM Johnson?

I disagree - not dubious tactics - they have been open about what they are doing in using parliamentary process and rules...they might be using the process and rules to their advantage as best they can (as we are told we must do when playing golf - know the rules and use them) but they have been open.

Johnson and his crew have been hatching plots and have been completely secretive about them. Now that might be OK in negotiation with the EU - but this is with parliament. Whereas I might once have thought that they had Cunning Cumming plans I am no longer that convinced. So when Johnson was going on - and on - about him dying in a ditch before sending a letter to the EU requesting an extension, I actually thought he'd find a way of actually not doing what he had to do under law. Instead his cunning plan was to send a photocopy of a Schedule to the Act - which of course was unsigned. That's not a cunning plan - that's childish and rather pathetic.

I have no doubt that they have another Cumming Plan currently in action to force a 31/10 Brexit and/or a GE.
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Sep 11, 2011
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Do you not think that those opposing Art50 have continuously acted with dubious tactics towards PM May and now PM Johnson?

I think some have been disingenuous and conniving but I think some have been very honest and open, e.g. Tim Farron. I don't like the guy one bit but he's been honest. What I do find disappointing however, is that Article 50 was triggered after receiving a significant majority. I'd argue that those who are continuing to oppose are no respecters of democracy.

I'd hope that Remain MP's would respect the result and use their energies to get as good a deal as possible, and as close ties as possible. And if they then want to rejoin the EU, campaign for that. I'd support that all day long and twice on Sundays.

Colonel Bogey

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Dec 6, 2018
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I'm reading a book that basically explains everything. They are all connected via public schools education and it's all just a bluddy game to them.

When the GE is called THE ONLY SOLUTION is to vote Brexit. I've a feeling that Boris has misjudged the mood of the country and Nige will get enough MP's to make a difference, ie will ONLY support a no deal brexit.


Jun 20, 2018
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I'm reading a book that basically explains everything. They are all connected via public schools education and it's all just a bluddy game to them.

When the GE is called THE ONLY SOLUTION is to vote Brexit. I've a feeling that Boris has misjudged the mood of the country and Nige will get enough MP's to make a difference, ie will ONLY support a no deal brexit.
Nige will be lucky to get 1 MP

Colonel Bogey

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Dec 6, 2018
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Nige will be lucky to get 1 MP

LOL. you think!!!!? If boris doesn't "get brexit done" then he's p0roved he's not the man we all hoped for and people will look elsewhere. Nige must be loving all this mess the clowns are creating. It's all down to the £39 BILLION. IF boris had blown that away, he might still have a chance but he didn't so is going to loose a lot of votes. Labour are shot to hell up north and their vote will collapse. They will get Manchester coz their idiots, and London and a few odds and sods, but the Brexit party will be able to rise up and continue to say that they are the ONLY party that want a clean brexit and the leave voters will flock to them. As long as there are no screw ups during the campaign the whole political map will change.

Colonel Bogey

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Dec 6, 2018
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The £39 BILLION will mean we are paying for 20 years on membership for something we do have membership of and the EU desperately need this money to continue to function. Why the hell don't you think they have said, oh well if you don't want to be a member of our club you can all clear off then. Eh? COZ THEY NEED OUR MONEY!!!!! £160 MILLION A WEEK !!!!!! We pay now. So the £39 billion is five years of our money!!!!!!


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2015
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I'm reading a book that basically explains everything. They are all connected via public schools education and it's all just a bluddy game to them.

When the GE is called THE ONLY SOLUTION is to vote Brexit. I've a feeling that Boris has misjudged the mood of the country and Nige will get enough MP's to make a difference, ie will ONLY support a no deal brexit.

Prediction - we will move to a GE (hopefully early December, but can easilly see it being swung till January). it seems that every time the government has had the chance to run the clock down towards a deadline, it has taken that opportunity.

Boris will campaign hard on 'Get Brexit Done' and they will try to pay very little attention to other policy areas. Similar to Theresa May's 'strong and stable' it will get boring within a week of the campaign and Boris will struggle under tougher scrutiny of a hastily cobbled together and relatively uncosted manifesto.

A combination of other parties doing better in the campaign (perception is more important than reality), the Brexit party picking up a few million votes but probably with very few seats and remain voters tactically voting for the right candidates in the right seats will see the Tories do worse than in 2017 - potentially with a narrow majority of pro-remain or pro-2nd ref MPs in the HoC, even if Tories remain largest party.

in reality, no clear majority for a further course of action and we end up really no further forward than we were this time last year - except that people have become more entrenched in their various positions.

Boris's strategy is clearly to appeal to leave voters in midlands and the North in the hope they can take these seats from Labour. In reality, their hard-line Brexit stance is likely to lose them 10 or 12 seats in Scotland and probably a similar number in London, as well as be at risk of Lib Dem challenge in the South West (and other middle class market towns in England). So that gives them a lot to do in these pro-leave areas to make up for that shortfall and try and find a majority.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Prediction - we will move to a GE (hopefully early December, but can easilly see it being swung till January). it seems that every time the government has had the chance to run the clock down towards a deadline, it has taken that opportunity.

Boris will campaign hard on 'Get Brexit Done' and they will try to pay very little attention to other policy areas. Similar to Theresa May's 'strong and stable' it will get boring within a week of the campaign and Boris will struggle under tougher scrutiny of a hastily cobbled together and relatively uncosted manifesto.

A combination of other parties doing better in the campaign (perception is more important than reality), the Brexit party picking up a few million votes but probably with very few seats and remain voters tactically voting for the right candidates in the right seats will see the Tories do worse than in 2017 - potentially with a narrow majority of pro-remain or pro-2nd ref MPs in the HoC, even if Tories remain largest party.

in reality, no clear majority for a further course of action and we end up really no further forward than we were this time last year - except that people have become more entrenched in their various positions.

Boris's strategy is clearly to appeal to leave voters in midlands and the North in the hope they can take these seats from Labour. In reality, their hard-line Brexit stance is likely to lose them 10 or 12 seats in Scotland and probably a similar number in London, as well as be at risk of Lib Dem challenge in the South West (and other middle class market towns in England). So that gives them a lot to do in these pro-leave areas to make up for that shortfall and try and find a majority.
Big difference is that Boris knows how to campaign, he knows how to appeal to people. TM had no people skills and her popularity dropped like a stone the longer the campaign went on.

I'd add in to this the mess the Labour party are towards Brexit. It has a policy that does not stand up and Boris will home in on this. I don't like Jo Swinson, I have no time for the LibDems but there is absolute clarity in where they stand and they could do well next time around.
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