

Sep 27, 2008
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Hi guys, dont know if any of you remember my previous post stating that i was new to golf so bare with me if this is a stoopid question.. :D

Ive been down the driving range today and hit quite a few balls and found ive got blisters on both my thumbs and on my index finger of my right hand, I bought myself a glove mid-session, but was wondering if its more likely an error with my grip or with the grips on my clubs? (they aren't new clubs, they are my old mans old set)

Any help would be much appreciated.
Probably because you weren't wearing a glove and the old hands aren't toughened up yet!

You may also be gripping the club too hard try holding it like you are squeezing a tube of toothpaste.
Yes get the same problem if i hit to many balls at the range how many are you hitting in a session.

Dont forget it's quality practice that counts not quantity.
If you are getting blisters then you are holding on too tight. Try to relax, it will never come out of your grip if you have the club located in the right parts of your hands as your two index fingers and and small of your left hand act like clamps.
Probably due to your hands not being use to hitting that many balls but a glove will help. I'd check your grip pressure though. I tend to get a blister on the inside of the little finger of my right hand (interlocking grip) and both index fingers. I also get a callous on my left thumb. I tend to put plasters on my little finger and left index finger and it works pretty well
My hands are pretty caloused up, so blisters aren't a problem unless it gets really hot, and I hit too many balls with sweaty hands (nice mental image).

Roll on my Easter Florida hols then.

Until your hands get used to playing golf, I would regulate how much you parctice. It also helps to not hit 'eyeballs out' on every shot. Develope a smooth swing, with a light grip, and all shoould be well.
I get blisters when I come back to playing after a lay-off.
It's normal. It's possible you are gripping too tight but not 100%. A glove is the best protection for the left hand (for a right hander!).
I wouldn't worry Newfish. After a while your hands will get used to it. You'll develop callouses and it won't bother you any more.
Hi there NewFish,

Just to put a slightly different angle on things, are you gripping the club properly ? Blisters are generaly caused by friction, so if you are thrashing many balls into the horizon down at the range and your grip is a little suspect,there may be a problem. You may well be getting a bit of movement of the club in the fingers whilst making the swing. Hard to say without seeing how you grip it, but try to have a gentle even pressure between the two hands on the grip. Don't try and grip it too tight as this will bring in other problems and will make release difficult.

Hope your hands get better soon and you get things worked out re your grip.

(it will never come out of your grip if you have the club located in the right parts of your hands as your two index fingers and and small of your left hand act like clamps

I threw my 5 iron about 20 yards into the range once where I relaxed to much but it was wet. Doesn't help with your question though newfish...just a funny story!
I would agree with brendy, as a new golfer a common error is over gripping as is loose gripping, both can cause blisters with repeated shots often of a misguided whack em! type of method.

Firm grip but not to cause blood to stop and not too loose to cause grip movement or loss of club lol.

Swing easy till you learn the game and allow your swing to fulfill its destiny, dont stop your swing before its finished with you (common with beginners)pulling up or stopping the club taking its natural and complete rotation will give you blisters.
I don't wear gloves, don't have callouses either.

however to your point, take a towel and dry your hands and the grip, keep them dry. and as has been said, there is no need to hang on like grim death but firm enough to stop the shaft twisting in your hand.
Hey Viscount, you have just unwittingly made me think of playing without gloves, I used to many yrs ago but got into gloves a while back (maybe it was cold lol) but Im gonna have another go next round if I remember.