Better contact with all clubs with simple setup change like a draw


Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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Hi guys

Many on here will know i have been seeking help against a pull / pull hook etc after playing for approx 4 years

I think the best advice i have had for a while was from JustOne and Bob but i think my body isnt willing to comply !

Anyway, the point is today at the range i made some simple changes as follows

1. Reduced my backswing to feel like 3/4 ( results more like full )
2. set up stance like a draw with club face aimed at target and rear foot back by 2" to 3"
3. swing plane like playing a draw

The results were very impressive, i could feel the better contact on the club face and the ball flight was straight at target with a mini draw.

Did this for approx 100 balls and the results were far better than anything lately

I think the thought and swinging across the toe line more in to out helped my path and release and the ball flight

Not sure if this is a huge plaster over a fault but i think at my age ( over 50 ) and a body that is slow responding i.e legs and hips the actual final results are the best ball flights and on target shots for a long time.

Does anybody else on here set up slightly like a draw for a normal full shot ??

PS. Sorry James but i know this isnt the answer but its working !
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Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Hi guys

Many on here will know i have been seeking help against a pull / pull hook etc after playing for approx 4 years

I think the best advice i have had for a while was from JustOne and Bob but i think my body isnt willing to comply !

Anyway, the point is today at the range i made some simple changes as follows

1. Reduced my backswing to feel like 3/4 ( results more like full )
2. Open stance setup like a draw with club face aimed at target
3. swing plane like playing a draw

The results were very impressive, i could feel the better contact on the club face and the ball flight was straight at target with a mini draw.

Did this for approx 100 balls and the results were far better than anything lately

I think the thought and swinging across the toe line more in to out helped my path and release and the ball flight

Not sure if this is a huge plaster over a fault but i think at my age ( over 50 ) and a body that is slow responding i.e legs and hips the actual final results are the best ball flights and on target shots for a long time.

Does anybody else on here set up slightly open for a normal full shot ??

PS. Sorry James but i know this isnt the answer but its working !

Hi Wolfman,

When you say 'setup open' do you mean pointing right of target?


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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There is a very good player on here that sets up closed to hit a straight shot to counter a slightly out to in path.

I might start doing it as well if I can't change my swing path once my shoulder is better.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
PS. Sorry James but i know this isnt the answer but its working !

Regardless of what I think, it's your game and you are the one who has to enjoy it. It's about getting your game to where you want it to be, not to where I think it should be,.. I can only advise :thup:

Some people are prepared to work at their swings whilst others just apply quick fixes, it's always been that way as people are quite simply...different.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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im always standing either open or closed a touch. its how i feel comfortable. deffo not textbook in any way shape or form.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Anyway, the point is today at the range i made some simple changes as follows

1. Reduced my backswing to feel like 3/4 ( results more like full )
2. set up stance like a draw with club face aimed at target and rear foot back by 2" to 3"
3. swing plane like playing a draw


Does anybody else on here set up slightly like a draw for a normal full shot ??

1. that looks like taking an appropriate backswing
2. square club face, closed stance, makes it easier to take the club away for those with restricted mobility - the down side is that the shot shape will be very sensitive to ball position relative to swing plane.
3. don't understand that one

many people set up closed - some of them deliberately. some people think they are set up closed and aren't.


Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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I have read that some famous golfers had a closed stance, Sam Snead and even Hogan ??

At least it helps me get a better plane and if i start hitting pushes i can square things up more