Hi All,
Considering a week in Belek golfing in October / November and wondered if anyone has had any experience post covid, of which hotels / courses are worth staying at / playing?
Appreciate there are plenty of threads on golf in Turkey already with a lot of usual suspects in terms of hotels and courses, but, things may or may not have changed!
Looking at possibly 3 rounds so any course recommendations and likewise hotels, would be welcomed greatly! I also recall there being a particular course where the all inclusive is included on the golf course too, if anyone knows of that?
Considering a week in Belek golfing in October / November and wondered if anyone has had any experience post covid, of which hotels / courses are worth staying at / playing?
Appreciate there are plenty of threads on golf in Turkey already with a lot of usual suspects in terms of hotels and courses, but, things may or may not have changed!
Looking at possibly 3 rounds so any course recommendations and likewise hotels, would be welcomed greatly! I also recall there being a particular course where the all inclusive is included on the golf course too, if anyone knows of that?

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