Batten down the hatches....


Q-School Graduate
Jan 3, 2012
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Assuming the weather guys have got it right Southern England could be due some interesting weather early next week.......

The Met Office has issued extreme weather warnings as 90mph gales threaten to lash coastal regions, with 80mph winds uprooting trees and *damaging buildings inland.

The storm is predicted to sweep into the South, then the rest of the country, overnight Sunday and into Monday.

Jonathan Powell, of Vantage Weather Services, said: “This is a very brutal weather system. A repeat of 1987 is highly likely.”

This is a very brutal weather system. A repeat of 1987 is highly likely. The storm is currently gathering strength in the Gulf of Mexico, before heading towards the UK.

Severe weather warnings have been issued for the South-west and parts of the North tomorrow, with more warnings likely to follow.

The Environment Agency has issued 24 flood alerts and one “more serious” flood warning.

In a statement, the Agency said: “Heavy rainfall early Friday morning is likely to lead to some river response across Cornwall and Devon.”

Flood alerts are already in place across the South and East, following rising river levels due to heavy rain.

The Met Office said it was difficult to predict the full severity of the weather over the next few days, but people should expect the worst.

Spokeswoman Nicky Maxey said: “It is still early to be 100 per cent accurate, but people should expect stormy conditions through the weekend and into next week.”

Twenty-six years ago, former BBC weatherman Michael Fish infamously failed to predict the Great Storm of 1987, telling viewers there would be no hurricane.

But yesterday he conceded: “It looks like being very stormy.”

Vantage Weather Services’ Jonathan Powell went further, saying: “This is possibly going to be the worst storm we have seen for a very long time. A repeat of 1987 is highly likely.

“The impact of this could be absolutely devastating and people should really prepare for a very severe storm.

“Coastal regions are in for gusts of more than 90mph, well into hurricane force, with 70 and 80mph widely likely inland.”

Leon Brown, forecaster for The Weather Channel, said wind speed in the jet stream – a ribbon of air which circulates the globe and influences the weather – could hit 200mph.

He said: “We continue to monitor developments very closely for this coming Monday.

“The storm in question, which we have named Saint Jude, is currently a minor disturbance over the Gulf of Mexico which will propagate eastwards and become caught in a ferocious jet stream currently off the eastern seaboard of the US.

“Wind speeds in the jet stream are likely to reach as much as 200mph this weekend – typically it’s around 100mph over the Atlantic.

“The exact development and track is still uncertain, but it looks most likely to cross central or southern Britain during Monday, but could yet move further north or south.”

He said Monday could bring severe storm-force winds, adding: “These winds may bring down trees and cause structural damage, so batten down the hatches.”

The Great Storm, which hit overnight on October 15-16 in 1987, killed 18 people, brought down 15 million trees and left thousands of homes without power for days. The cost was put at over £1billion.

Last night, some forecasters said there will be a brief period of calm with more settled weather today and at times tomorrow. It comes as Britain has been enjoying an unseasonable balmy spell with temperatures nudging 64F (18C).
I have to laugh about all the Dawn Souff mob constantly knocking Scotland's weather.
I recently spent 12 days down there and it rained EVERY day. Looked at today's forecast and it is still soaking down there.
Is it true that the south coast is slowly sinking into the English Channel.

We had a fabulous day on the Galloway hills today, we even got lost for over an hour which caused a bit of panic for the Head Gardener. No wind, brilliant sunshine 16 degrees.
Next week a group of guys I know are coming up to Ayrshire for a weeks golf from Suffolk. Wise men.
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I have to laugh about all the Dawn Souff mob constantly knocking Scotland's weather.
I recently spent 12 days down there and it rained EVERY day. Looked at today's forecast and it is still soaking down there.
Is it true that the south coast is slowly sinking into the English Channel.

We had a fabulous day on the Galloway hills today, we even got lost for over an hour which caused a bit of panic for the Head Gardener. No wind, brilliant sunshine 16 degrees.
Next week a group of guys I know are coming up to Ayrshire for a weeks golf from Suffolk. Wise men.

You won't be so smug when you are under three feet of snow!
But unlike the south where 3 flakes fall and it's national news us up north will still manage to get to work and carry as normal.

They sorted your hosepipe ban yet? LOL

I'm usually revving up the car for the dash home by the second flake!

Don't want to get stuck out for days!