Balls - recommendations


Head Pro
May 27, 2008
Essex, England
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hi guys, just bought a golf mag (won't say which as its a rival!) with a big review of golf balls.

when i was fitted the other week for my driver i was advised to use a very low spinning ball. having had a quick browse over the article i can see spin rates vary enormously and can make a big impact on distance.

my question is do you think this does make a big distance on your performance?
my stats show a lot of side spin on the ball which exagerates a fade into a slice. so which balls should i go for and would you recommend any which won't reduce my distance too much?
The problem with the TG tests (there you are -I said it!) is that they have amateurs swinging the clubs. So the spin rates will vary. One ball might suit one players game but not another and a completely different ball will suit someone else.

You've also got to ask yourself what you want from a ball. If you want distance and you're not worried about "feel" around the greens, then Topflites, Warbirds and Pinnacles will do you. But if you want spin around the greens then you're looking at Prov-1's or ZUR-S or iX balls - Tour calibre. Expensive but good around the greens and you shouldn't lose much distance. Titleist NXT Tour, Srixon Trispeed, TaylorMade Burner TP are mid range balls that (allegedly!) don't spin too much off the driver so you still get distance. They also have enough feel to make chipping and putting easy.

I reckon the best bet is to get a sleeve of 3 of a few different types and try them. Some "soft" balls feel hard to some and vice versa
Re: Balls - recommendations

well i guess at the moment my main aim is to improve off the tee so i am willing to compromise a little on the short game. point taken, need to try and see! but can prove expensive unfortunetly.
back to ebay for me tonight!
Re: Balls - recommendations

Have to say that I was singularly unimpressed with the test that TG did on golf balls. Am I being unreasonable to suggest that they should have done a closing summary with what balls they felt were best for different handicap levels?

Anyway, have sent away for my three 'free' Srixon Soft Feel balls and will probably buy a sleeve of three of each of their Trispeed, AD333's and also Titleist NXT Tours, just to see how they go.
Re: Balls - recommendations

If you aint looking at spinning the ball on the green then just buy a distance ball.

AD333's are a good mix of both, low spin off the driver, medium-high spin off the irons. Nice feel, not too expensive.

I think though, you are probably better working on your swing to eradicate the fade/slice thats causing you problems. You aint going to hit every fairway by changing ya balls.
Re: Balls - recommendations

My recommendation would be Prov1x or Nike one black. Low spin off the driver, loads around the green.

Cost money though.
Re: Balls - recommendations

ProV1 if cost doesnt matter.

Wilson Staff DX2 soft, an awesome ball for no money, nearly as good as a proV.

Maxfli Noodle+ very underrated, good distance, not as good on greens but not as crucial this time of year.

AD333, I must be the only person who thinks they are crap?
Re: Balls - recommendations

"AD333, I must be the only person who thinks they are crap? "

No ! I'll join you on that one Jon. I find they are rather hard for normal summer golf. Don't get anywhere near the control or action on them I can with my preferred make/models.

TM TP Red or Prov1 for me.
Re: Balls - recommendations

Jon, the prov1 isn't a low spin ball, which is what the OP wanted.

May be the AD333 is, I don't know, as I don't play them, they cut up too easily.
Re: Balls - recommendations

I use the wilson Dx2 soft and the Px3 soft I find that I lose a little distance as they don't roll as far in the winter but are excellent around the green.

A compromise I am willing to live with.