Back to the same problem... The Driver... (video)


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Big overswing as been said already. Try half a swing and I bet you end up with the club horizontal at the top. A lot of the time we dont realise just how long our swings are. Going back fast accentuates this problem because the wrists will break more than normal. Out of interest do you wear a hole in your glove?


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Probably one of the best on the net as well as Shawn Clements......
I use Mark Crossfields site for a lot of things game and gear related.


Medal Winner
Apr 11, 2011
Cardiff, South Wales
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Where do you have your lessons? I'm booked in tom lunchtime at Cardiff Golf Centre,I can highly recommend Daryl as he sorts me out in around 3 swings. All the drivers you mentioned are good drivers,nobody makes bad ones these day cept Dunlop,try some of the MD stuff if you don't want to spend to much it's very good for the price.Cardiff golf centre also have some deals going on older models,the Srixon WR is £50 and there were a few others in there as well.

Yeah thats where I go. I had my lesson last night with Renton Doig. Quite an eye opener to be honest with you. I live in St. Mellons, so I'm just around the corner from Cardiff Golf Centre.

Dont bother buying new drivers until you get your swing sorted. As has been said massive overswing and over the top action. Try these 2 videos mate both related to you problems:

Believe it or not, I watch Mark Crossfield pretty much everyday. I'm always looking at his reviews things. Problem is, which I said this last night in my lesson, I watch all these instrutional videos, but never go away and practice what they say. I just go play golf on a Saturday, nothing changes and thats the end of that.

after the lesson have a look at the Mizuno MP630 its under £99 now as the 650 is out, its a great club and excellent Fubuki shaft.

However, no club will fix a poor swing. I must add though that at address the posture looks good, you start back too straight then it all goes Pete Tong after that.
Check out Mark Crossfield videos, he had one very recently that was aimed exactly at you, it shows your faults and why it happens and how to fix it

Good luck

Well, this is exactly what the instructor said last night to me. I address the ball well, but during my take off/back swing & downswing I have no idea where my club is, what its doing or I don't seem to care, as long as I can smash that golf ball as hard as I can... Clearly the wrong way to do it, I'll explain that further down in the post.

Big overswing as been said already. Try half a swing and I bet you end up with the club horizontal at the top. A lot of the time we dont realise just how long our swings are. Going back fast accentuates this problem because the wrists will break more than normal. Out of interest do you wear a hole in your glove?

Another thing I was told last night at my lesson... Slow everything down. I'm trying to do everything 100mph! What do you mean by hole in my glove mate?

I really like this bit of the first vid.

EVERYONE should be shown that as it is a mistake I make and I see MANY others make!

Well, I've been gripping my club like Mark does in that video, in the groove that the fingers meet the palm. But I was told last night to grip it running from the bottom of my little finger, to the top of my index finger...


Medal Winner
Apr 11, 2011
Cardiff, South Wales
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So... The lesson.

Now I'll give you a bit of background, I've been playing golf for about 20-24 months. I've had 1 lesson about 4 months into my golf life to help cure a ridiculous slice with my driver by which I was basically taught to release the club better, it cured my slice to be fair, but I wish the guy had told me then there was a whole load of other problems with my swing... Anyway.

Turned up at the range last night, Renton (the instructor) gave me a few balls to hit whilst he was finishing off with another lesson. Hitting a few practice balls with my 7 iron, swing felt strong, balls were flying out into the range nice n straight. Everything felt good.

Renton called me into the video booth, where he asked me for a bit of background information about how long have I been playing, where do I play, what handicap am I, etc.

He then got the camcorder out & asked me to take my 7 iron and hit a shot. I stepped up, quite relaxed, hit a shot. We went over to the screen and he brought up my video & asked me what I thought was wrong with it. I replied with "well I guess I've got a little too much back swing going on there" (the club was about the same distance behind my head as my driver in the video of this post)... So I asked him what he thought of it...

His reply: "You don't seem to care where the club is, what the face angle is, what the club is doing during any part of the golf swing, as long as you can smash the living day lights out of that golf ball and hit it as far as you can."

By which I completely agreed with him. I don't.. Because I've never thought about that part of the golf swing. In my narrow minded way, as long as that club face hits the golf ball, thats all that matters right? Wrong.

So we started off with a few videos of other players (Luke Donald & Yani Tseng), showing me how effortless their swings are, yet they control the ball very well. He then went on to explain, not matter how hard I try and smash the golf ball, unless I'm connecting the club with it flush, it's never going to go the distance I'm trying to get out of it. It massively decreases the chances of that happening.

He got me bringing the club up to a 9 o'clock position & addressed all the problems from there, I seem to be transferring all the weight of my body onto my left leg, which is clearly wrong. He told me to bring my left shoulder across my body rather than dipping it down, rotate your shoulders 90* and your hips will start to turn when you're shoulders can't go no further, creating a coil effect. He then put me into the correct final position of the back swing and told me to hold it there, boy, I could feel my obliques pulling as if to say "I haven't been here before!!". But, from that held position at the correct part of the back swing, he asked me to keep that path & hit the golf ball... So I did, the ball shot about 150 yards (7 iron) and that was without a full motion backswing! I was shocked. He then went to on to explain that cause my body was coiled up, the uncoiling was able to produce that amount of distance, without you actually putting that much effort into it.

Anyway, I won't go into every detail, but it was possibly the most intense 40 minutes I've ever had! Renton seems like an excellent teacher who was very keen to drill it into me that I'm doing it wrong, and unless I'm willing to change and put the practice into changing, I'm going to continue to hit wayward shots and I'm never going to be able to control a driver off the tee.

So, the competition I'm playing on Saturday will be a practice round for me.

Time to start learning how to play golf properly.

Thanks for all your replies.


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 29, 2011
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Sounds good mate, looks like youve got some good stuff to work on there :) With regards to a driver I wouldn't bother with one at the moment, just stick with your 3 wood, as it may not go as far and you may feel like your losing a lot on par 5's, but your more likely to score well from the fairway than the rough even if it means sacrificing distance :)


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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I was asking about the glove because your swing reminded me how long my backswing used to be. I used to prematurely wear a hole in the palm of my glove. I've shortened and slowed my swing since and it doesnt happen anymore. I think because of the speed I was going back and the overswing I used to feel the club being forced out of hands at the top. Almost like you lose your grip for a split second. This movement was responsible for wearing a hole.

Thats why I asked if you had the same thing in your glove thats all.

Good luck with your practise.


Medal Winner
Apr 11, 2011
Cardiff, South Wales
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I played on Saturday (in a competition), although I just used it as a practice round, it was a total disaster!

Couldn't hit my 3 wood off the tee for the life of me. Must have pull every single tee shot. My irons seemed to be alot more controlled mind. Which I was happy about. Having no driver in my bag totally killed me! Went round in 18 points, worst stableford score I've ever hit.

Anyway, just gotta keep practicing I guess.


Medal Winner
Apr 11, 2011
Cardiff, South Wales
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I was asking about the glove because your swing reminded me how long my backswing used to be. I used to prematurely wear a hole in the palm of my glove. I've shortened and slowed my swing since and it doesnt happen anymore. I think because of the speed I was going back and the overswing I used to feel the club being forced out of hands at the top. Almost like you lose your grip for a split second. This movement was responsible for wearing a hole.

Thats why I asked if you had the same thing in your glove thats all.

Good luck with your practise.

Ah right, I see what you're saying, but no, I don't have this problem mate