Armlock Putter Conversion

Sounds good. Brave man doing work in the kitchen!

No work undertaken in the kitchen, Mrs Rusty would not be impressed.

I've just kept all the components in the pantry so they don't get lost and i can quickly grab everything to rush to the putting green and tinker. Resulting in photos in the kitchen.

Looks good, hope it all works out for you. Wish I had the space and skills to experiment like this.

I definitely have no level of skill, the Mrs doesn't let me do any DIY around the house, thats one of the main reasons for tinkering with this. Just read up on online, browse videos and do everything at a steady pace. As a result I might become a bit more proficient with manly things just by tinkering in this way.
Got it how I like it now, just to send for head to be refurbished, when I can drag myself away from it however that’s more of a niceity not a necessity.

Loft: 7
Lie: 70
Length: 42 inch
Head Weight: 420g

It’s a bit of a beast as can be seen against one of my 35 inch putters. Leaves an inch below my elbow at address of putt.

Can I ask how you got the head moved to 7 degrees?

Was that work undertaken by a professional with a loft/lie machine that can be used with a putter? Any professional I have asked about moving a putter head hasn't had the necessary equipment.

Also any update on the progress of the project? Has the head been sent for refurbishment or are you still playing with it?
Can I ask how you got the head moved to 7 degrees?

Was that work undertaken by a professional with a loft/lie machine that can be used with a putter? Any professional I have asked about moving a putter head hasn't had the necessary equipment.

Also any update on the progress of the project? Has the head been sent for refurbishment or are you still playing with it?

The pro only has a loft and lie machine himself, he borrowed dedicated putter bending L&L machine from someone who does refurbs and adjustments.

Not gone in for refurb just yet, but only because it’s in the bag after about 30-40 hours of practice and now I feel I can’t live without it. The plan now is to have to send it in whilst I’m away for a couple of weeks in June.

Currently it’s rocking a raw finish which is hard work to keep in check, it’s making me reconsider black oxide as it’s just as prone for rusting. Not bad on a raw finish but I’ll be gutted if it happens post refurb.

It’s a great putter though now I’ve got used to it on longer putts 15-20 foot+ anything under 6-8 foot I feel I can’t miss currently.
Just seen this thread, interesting read, great making things.

Hows the putter working after the honeymoon period?
Just seen this thread, interesting read, great making things.

Hows the putter working after the honeymoon period?

Still working great.

My biggest hurdle was extremely long putts, this took hours of practice to get used to and I’ve just about got as good as I was with my normal putter.

The difference for me however is anything within 20 foot, pace and line is usually bang on. Just misreads that throw me. My putting averages which I track have improved too, so it’s not just mental.

The biggest advantage for me is anything within 8 foot, I barely miss now unless I mis-read a breaker. 3-4 foot putts which in pressure situations I could easily get the yips on is not an issue now. Just feel very in control of such putts and can’t let my hands take over.