Are 2 for 1 vouchers going to change the way we pay for our golf


Dec 11, 2006
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over the past few years there has been a big increase in the number of companies offering 2 for 1 vouchers. This has resulted in an increasing number of golf clubs accepting this form of discount. In light of this will golf clubs increasingly find it difficult to get new members willing to pay a joining and annual membership fee. If this turns out to be the case how will golf clubs get there income to maintain and improve there course in the years ahead?


Assistant Pro
Jul 1, 2006
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I must say that it seems to me like the number of clubs offerig 2 for 1 is actually in decline - to my mind its had its day

I know at my club we decided to get rid of 2 for 1 18 months ago becuase of the sort of people it was bringing in and also becuase it wasn't flexible enough. What we did was start to offer discounteed green fees (say 20 percent off on a tuesday or special twilight rates) when the club knew there were spare tee times that needed filling that way we werent giving away half price golf when we had enough demmand from visitors to pay full price (or nearer to it) at those times
Dec 10, 2006
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that;s interesting what you say swingstar - I heard that around my way - birmingham - a lot of clubs are no longer accepting 2 for 1 for the sort of reasons you mention

I have used them in the past but if the better courses drop out of the scheme its not worth having to shell out on the vouchers on the off chance that you might use them


GM Staff
Oct 17, 2006
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The idea that 2 for 1 attracts the wrong sort of people is an interesting one. I know members get very frustrated at my club because of the amount of cheap green fees on offer seemingly with no need for a handicap certificates-this means the club gets plenty of money but members cant get near their own course which is full of divots and un-repaired pitch-marks. Not that I’m bitter!!


Tour Rookie
Oct 15, 2006
Norn Iron
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Surely they have their positive points-they offer opportunities to play courses that would be other wise to expensive for many!

Yes that's good for the people who get to play the expensive course, but not so good for the stuffed shirts who complain about the "riff raff" mistreating their nice course!
Dec 10, 2006
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Re: 2 for 1/handicap certificates

surely no one asks for handicap certificates these days - when was the last time anyone was asked to prodcue one?


GM Staff
Oct 17, 2006
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Re: 2 for 1/handicap certificates

If places don't ask for certificates they should-otherwise what’s to stop any old Muppet getting on the course and ruining it for every one else!


Assistant Pro
Nov 1, 2006
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Re: 2 for 1/handicap certificates

AJP you hit the nail on your head in your opening gambit, and I believe some clubs that were all too quick to jump on the 2 for 1 bandwagon are now ruing it as a hasty short-term decision. How many other businesses do you know that have simply halved the value of their core product overnight, which is essentially what 2 for 1 schemes have done?

So as you say, a lot of former loyal club members have had their eyes opened as to the added pleasure of being able to play lots of different courses rather than just one, and those who might have thought about joining a club no longer see the need to do so.