Anyone struggling?


Journeyman Pro
Feb 6, 2012
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Not sure why I'm posting but thought with the way the world is at the moment a thread where people could openly discuss how they're feeling, any lingering thoughts they have that they maybe can't feel they can talk about or just any help or advice on solutions to any issues!

For us monies fairly tight at the moment with all the increases, we had a horrendous Dec 19 to around Sept 20 due to my wife having to leave her job, then Covid and her having to go out a work for next to nothing delivering parcels!! Tough times, extremely tight money wise which has had a knock on effect now still but we're ok and probably more fortunate than a lot of people right now.

If you want to comment please try keep it politically free as it'll just get locked! Hopefully if you're in a situation someone may have experience or help and can offer advice or just a place to express your feelings and get it off your chest.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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We've got everything happening at once so it's just a case of wait and see if the money runs out really. We have savings but with a baby on the way next year and the following things need doing:
New car needed as wife's car is toast and we need a larger one anyway for the baby stuff.
Really need to redecorate the two bedrooms.
Our garden is minus one fence and one shed still.
Lounge needs new lights and repainted ceiling.
Obviously all the baby stuff we'll have to buy as it's our first.

Barely know where to start really.
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Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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Money ......................... it's all about money.
Everything goes up except the savings, but hey ho, I'm still in a better position than most.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Haven't enjoyed my job since the lockdowns...too much BS coming from the powers that be, too little action and a general "couldn't give a stuff" about those on the front line
Subconsciously I've been winding down work ever since and reached the point a few weeks back where I just didn't want to do it anymore and it was eating away at me
Talked it out with the Mrs, some golfing partners and a couple of guys on here and decided to throw the towel in.
Finances are firm so I'm taking some time out to get my head straight before looking for something else, probably part-time
All the clients have taken it well and my last day will be 30th of this month.
Once the decision was made I felt so much more at ease and unstressed.....
It will also give me time to support the Mrs as her job is stressful enough and she has to have surgery sometime soon.
We'll be right.(y)


Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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Haven't enjoyed my job since the lockdowns...too much BS coming from the powers that be, too little action and a general "couldn't give a stuff" about those on the front line
Subconsciously I've been winding down work ever since and reached the point a few weeks back where I just didn't want to do it anymore and it was eating away at me
Talked it out with the Mrs, some golfing partners and a couple of guys on here and decided to throw the towel in.
Finances are firm so I'm taking some time out to get my head straight before looking for something else, probably part-time
All the clients have taken it well and my last day will be 30th of this month.
Once the decision was made I felt so much more at ease and unstressed.....
It will also give me time to support the Mrs as her job is stressful enough and she has to have surgery sometime soon.
We'll be right.(y)

Well done Ian, a brave call.
I hope it all works out for you as I'm sure it will.


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2021
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We've got everything happening at once so it's just a case of wait and see if the money runs out really. We have savings but with a baby on the way next year and the following things need doing:
New car needed as wife's car is toast and we need a larger one anyway for the baby stuff.
Really need to redecorate the two bedrooms.
Our garden is minus one fence and one shed still.
Lounge needs new lights and repainted ceiling.
Obviously all the baby stuff we'll have to buy as it's our first.

Barely know where to start really.
Don't know how much of a gardener you are, but I think replacing fences with hedges is the way forward.
Costs about £8 per metre and just needs a quick trim once or twice a year. I'm not much of a gardener but it took me a day to dig my 12m hedge in a few years ago, replacing a knackered fence. Wind proof, birds love it, never needs restaining and it's nicer to look at than a fence. All in all, a win for mental health and practicality.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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At the moment there is a relentless nature to things, mainly negative.

Increase in costs of all basics, food etc
Dramatic increase in fuel and energy costs, causing significant stress
Mortgage rates on the increase by some way
War in Ukraine and the worry of an erratic and aggressive Russian leader

It is one thing on top of another, no end in sight. That doesn't mean it wont all resolve itself, we just can't see it right now. It's hard and wearing for even the most laid back of people.

Anyone worrying is not alone right now.

I'm watching the news less, really using golf as an escape at weekends, free the mind etc. It's about trying to switch off from everything that is happening.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Yup struggling…rather my Mrs is, a lot, and I get the domino effect.

Her mum is 92 and gently ‘losing it’ but is in denial about her age and some health issues she has. Her brother is 64 with no partner or children; very few friends; no job and hardly any money. Having to live with his mother…and he has bone marrow cancer and peripheral neuropathy - his mum doesn’t really understand and refuses to change anything much at all around her house that will make his live more bearable - and she doesn’t see how critical to her is the essential support he can provide on a day2day basis. And she is very worried about cost of living and power costs (doesn’t open ‘brown envelopes’ and just puts them in a cupboard)

We have supported him through his chemo and will be doing so through his pending stem cell transplant and subsequent 3-4 weeks isolation in hospital. And at the same time we will have to be providing support to her mum while he is in hospital.

We do our best, but my goodness it’s a struggle. I’m up there (Chesterfield) for a week later this month…give my Mrs a break from her having to go up. It’s easier for me as I can take a more dispassionate approach to supporting her mum and brother. And after all… that’s what I signed up to all those years ago in church.


Undisputed King of FOMO
Jun 18, 2020
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Like many - Money is a growing concern in our house. The little man is 8 months old now and soon to be going to Nursery. We have to fund that somehow! My wife is going part time when she returns to work too - so less income from her! Cost of living is just going up and up, we have made small money saving decisions here and there and are just being careful. I don't think our lifestyles will be all that different with minor adjustments - just a shame we seem to have a lot less free cash these days to do fun stuff.

We've got everything happening at once so it's just a case of wait and see if the money rounds out really. We have savings but with a baby on the way next year and the following things need doing:
New car needed as wife's car is toast and we need a larger one anyway for the baby stuff.
Really need to redecorate the two bedrooms.
Our garden is minus one fence and one shed still.
Lounge needs new lights and repainted ceiling.
Obviously all the baby stuff we'll have to buy as it's our first.

Barely know where to start really.

Well as a new Dad, I feel like I can help somewhat here!

Car - SUV's are your friend, I strongly recommend finding and buying your buggy and car seat first - then when trying our cars, take it with you and see how it fits in the boot! We have friends who brought the Mazda CX3 expecting it to be big enough - only to find out the car seat didn't fit in the back! We have a Madza CX5 and its awesome for families! Other popular options - KIA Sportage or apparently the ford Puma is decent!

Baby stuff - don't buy too much yourself till they're here!. 1) People are so generous when it comes to babies, we had gifts off friends of friends! 2) Accept everything offered to you even if you don't plan to use it! 3) Babies outgrow everything so fast - your little one might be born tiny, or might be born close to 0-3 month clothes, buy what you need for when they arrive and a week or so after. (Also buy for the season they are due to be born - a summer baby doesn't need a newborn snow suit!)

Multipacks from supermarkets are great value and quality!
Baby doesn't need a bedroom for 6 months so no rush on the painting - sounds like you just need to book out a weekend with the paint brush and just get the rooms done!


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Well as a new Dad, I feel like I can help somewhat here!

Car - SUV's are your friend, I strongly recommend finding and buying your buggy and car seat first - then when trying our cars, take it with you and see how it fits in the boot! We have friends who brought the Mazda CX3 expecting it to be big enough - only to find out the car seat didn't fit in the back! We have a Madza CX5 and its awesome for families! Other popular options - KIA Sportage or apparently the ford Puma is decent!

Baby stuff - don't buy too much yourself till they're here!. 1) People are so generous when it comes to babies, we had gifts off friends of friends! 2) Accept everything offered to you even if you don't plan to use it! 3) Babies outgrow everything so fast - your little one might be born tiny, or might be born close to 0-3 month clothes, buy what you need for when they arrive and a week or so after. (Also buy for the season they are due to be born - a summer baby doesn't need a newborn snow suit!)

Multipacks from supermarkets are great value and quality!
Baby doesn't need a bedroom for 6 months so no rush on the painting - sounds like you just need to book out a weekend with the paint brush and just get the rooms done!
Cheers. Yes, those are the sorts of cars we'll be looking at. Maybe the Ford Kuga as well as the Puma (not sure which one's bigger). Hyundai Tuscan or IX35 look alright. Or we might just get a Qashqai like everyone else. ?

I absolutely despise DIY. And it's sadly not just painting, our wardrobes are falling apart so we need new ones, and the missus wants all new carpets upstairs as well. So it's a whole thing.

We do want a new top of the range pushchair/travel system though as we looked at some at an exhibition last week and some of them were amazing haha.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Cheers. Yes, those are the sorts of cars we'll be looking at. Maybe the Ford Kuga as well as the Puma (not sure which one's bigger). Hyundai Tuscan or IX35 look alright. Or we might just get a Qashqai like everyone else. ?

I absolutely despise DIY. And it's sadly not just painting, our wardrobes are falling apart so we need new ones, and the missus wants all new carpets upstairs as well. So it's a whole thing.

We do want a new top of the range pushchair/travel system though as we looked at some at an exhibition last week and some of them were amazing haha.
Space will be your friend when it comes to cars. We had a Citroen Picasso, absolutely brilliant for us then. Don't have preconceptions, forget looking cool etc. You want as much boot space and head space in the cabin as you can manage without driving a massive car, and the costs that incurs, difficulty in parking etc.

@Bdill93 post was a really good one. I'm out the other end now, both grown up, but his comments resonate still.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Cheers. Yes, those are the sorts of cars we'll be looking at. Maybe the Ford Kuga as well as the Puma (not sure which one's bigger). Hyundai Tuscan or IX35 look alright. Or we might just get a Qashqai like everyone else. ?

I absolutely despise DIY. And it's sadly not just painting, our wardrobes are falling apart so we need new ones, and the missus wants all new carpets upstairs as well. So it's a whole thing.

We do want a new top of the range pushchair/travel system though as we looked at some at an exhibition last week and some of them were amazing haha.

Tell you a really good car for families is the honda civic .. or hrv if you want bigger but the civic ..

Plenty of this model second hand. Not the best looking car but the boot is massive! I mean huge. We never had trouble fitting stuff in that car

Hrv was a little higher up.

Other than that same sort of dimensions

Put it this way I owned both and both are still in the family their that good

The civic was my mum's and I then had it now my aunt has it

The hrv I bought (civic was the second car to that) and the hrv is now my mother in law's car

Both excellent for kids and fitting stuff in

Get on FB for prams and stuff .. my mother in law picked up the same stroller we bought for the twins (RRP 170) for £50 bearly looks used

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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On the upside, the weather is warming up, days are getting longer and lighter..........................:eek: doh.

The good news is, we are British and we can laugh about these things.

Anyone having money troubles, speak to providers straight away. Whether your bank, mortgage lender, utility provider, credit card etc. They really are very good now and once you have done it I am sure it will be a weight off. Don't internalise these things, that will only make matters worse.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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I am retired, having been so for years with just a little bit more than basic state pension for income.

It has not been the retirement I envisaged primarily because the 2008 crash wiped out a lot of the savings and the subsequent very low interest rates meant living on the remaining capital and not the interest from the capital.

I am still able to do most of the day to day things without worry but have cut back on things like days out, eating out and think several times about whether or not I need to buy some things.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 6, 2012
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On the upside, the weather is warming up, days are getting longer and lighter..........................:eek: doh.

The good news is, we are British and we can laugh about these things.

Anyone having money troubles, speak to providers straight away. Whether your bank, mortgage lender, utility provider, credit card etc. They really are very good now and once you have done it I am sure it will be a weight off. Don't internalise these things, that will only make matters worse.

Recently had good and meh responses when I've done this in the last month. Our mortgage fixed had come to an end, left it and the rates were going up so looked into it. Realised we have a portal with Nationwide after getting some really good advice from their mortgage advisor and managed to fix for 3 years in the Tuesday before the last rate increase which has already saved us about £40 a month and much more going forward. The meh was with Tesco credit cards. Offered a 0%, asked a few questions as I have a small balance with them already and basically the reply was no, no, no with no explanation to the questions I was asking.

As always contact Sky etc regarding offers too and always check your insurance renewals (I know this is common knowledge but always a useful reminder).


Tour Rookie
May 3, 2011
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We do want a new top of the range pushchair/travel system though as we looked at some at an exhibition last week and some of them were amazing haha.
The people who manage to pursuade golfers that buying 100s of pounds of gear will make them play better golf have learnt all their tricks from the people that persuade first time parents that anything less than 100s of pounds of pushchair marks you out as unfit child haters.
It's mind bending madness.
Once you're on your 3rd offspring you'll look back and think wtf....
...and think of how much further you could have driven the ball if only you'd spent the money on the Stealth....


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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The cost of living issue is one I have been lucky with. The electric is fixed until September next year and the mortgage is fixed for 5 years and so that has offered some comfort. The heating is oil and the prices are steady, if not dropping a bit. Honestly I have not seen much difference in the weekly shop but I cook most things from scratch and have that pretty streamlined anyway.

Will be honest and say the Ukraine thing does play on my mind a lot. Brings back all the fear and uncertainty from the cold war in the 80s.


Head Pro
Jan 10, 2016
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Cheers. Yes, those are the sorts of cars we'll be looking at. Maybe the Ford Kuga as well as the Puma (not sure which one's bigger). Hyundai Tuscan or IX35 look alright. Or we might just get a Qashqai like everyone else. ?

I absolutely despise DIY. And it's sadly not just painting, our wardrobes are falling apart so we need new ones, and the missus wants all new carpets upstairs as well. So it's a whole thing.

We do want a new top of the range pushchair/travel system though as we looked at some at an exhibition last week and some of them were amazing haha.

On the car front we have a focus hatchback and an Octavia estate. The car seat fits in the back of the focus, but as soon as there is a pram in the boot there isnt really space for much else. The wife uses this as her daily driver to work and picking up/ dropping off Sophia. I have the estate and honestly the boot is massive for the size of car, so have a look at this is you want to keep the overall size of car under control.