Any tips for anything inside 75/50/25 yards?

Had an hours practice today before it got dark and took 3 clubs (SW,GW and PW). I used my SW 75% of the time.

I was chunking and thinning it as usual but then decided to try a different method which involved me easing off the grip a bit and bowing my hands at the top of my takeaway then releasing them through my downswing. Seemed to help lift the ball into the air nicely and actually looked like a proper golf shot.

It’s hard to explain the method I was using before but there was zero movement in my hands/wrists and it was all to do with keeping my arms straight on the takeaway with hands and wrists locked and just rotating the body for any power like some sort of robot. The method I used to today that improved my striking almost felt a bit more natural.

Most shots were played with weight mostly on front foot with feet close together.

Does this sound like I am on the right path?
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Had an hours practice today before it got dark and took 3 clubs (SW,GW and PW). I used my SW 75% of the time.

I was chunking and thinning it as usual but then decided to try a different method which involved me easing off the grip a bit and bowing my hands at the top of my takeaway then releasing them through my downswing. Seemed to help lift the ball into the air nicely and actually looked like a proper golf shot.

It’s hard to explain the method I was using before but there was zero movement in my hands/wrists and it was all to do with keeping my arms straight on the takeaway with hands and wrists locked and just rotating the body for any power like some sort of robot. The method I used to today that improved my striking almost felt a bit more natural.

Most shots were played with weight mostly on front foot with feet close together.

Does this sound like I am on the right path?
If they mostly ended up on the green then yes. (y):D
From 45 yards?
I'd like to see where you got that info from.

I don't know why you would doubt the data. This range will feature players who have got out of position. The pins are always tucked away on tour so if they have short-sided themselves 30 feet is often a good result.

Obviously they would all expect to get closer than 30 feet from the middle of the fairway.
I don't know why you would doubt the data. This range will feature players who have got out of position. The pins are always tucked away on tour so if they have short-sided themselves 30 feet is often a good result.

Obviously they would all expect to get closer than 30 feet from the middle of the fairway.

the data set was approached from 50-75 yards from the fairway....
Have a look at Padraig Harrington's Chipping Video for good strike on the shorter ones.....he keeps it really simple. Worked for me.

i watched this over the wekeend and found it interesting that he says not to expose and use the bounce like most others suggest.
i watched this over the wekeend and found it interesting that he says not to expose and use the bounce like most others suggest.
Ooh, don't point that out on here! You get told you're wrong very quickly! I've tried that before!