Any one found any tips to cure an over the top swing that work..


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Mine is not a big ott swing but came about from starting the downswing from the top instead of from the legs up. What worked for me was to concentrate on the first move from the top to be a subtle move of the right knee in towards the left knee.

This took the club in to in, lagged the club and gave a longer and slightly drawn ball flight

Maybe worth a go



Journeyman Pro
Sep 22, 2009
East Yorkshire
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If you are coming over the top, you may well be overswinging with your hands "casting" to help you get back to the ball.

Get someone to check that out for you and, if so, work on shortening your swing.

Or alternatively and far more sensibly, go and see a Pro! ;)


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Thanks for the tips when my new clubs arrive i will give it a go. I think i have been over doing the rigid lower legs to limit the chances of my left leg collapsing but in doing so maybe restricted my rotation too much.

I did it because of sliding too much and because it hurt but I have one new hip now and thats helped a lot.

If you try the action without a club, indoors, you will feel that your hands lag behind you more as the leg movement start the hip turn earlier and, I believe, sets you on a better in to in should also find better torque in the waist area.

I would be interested to know if it works for you



Head Pro
Jan 16, 2007
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Ask Aztec...................oh no................wait a minute......................he can't find one that works either :p :p



I was king of the over the top swing and now I can maybe not even do it if I try. Before I go into it its worth looking at bob`s video in the lounge about in to out swings.

My buddy from the forum Fundy helped me alot with this. I could have killed him to start with, he put a rubber range tee about a foot back from the ball and about an inch away from me as I stand at the ball. He then hit a few shots to prove to me that it could be done every time.

It was shockingly hard to start with and I spent more time walking down range to pick the tee up than I did hitting shots. It really blew my mind how ingrained it was to come from the outside, and I mean 500 balls blew my mind. In the end I was so pee`d off that I slowed down, shortened my back swing and made sure that my right elbow was tucked into my rib cage.

All this took me about a month and maybe 1000 balls or more but I know it was worth re training my body and muscles. I am now working on another part of my swing and I don’t even have to think about my pain, it just auto comes from the inside. My bad shot is now not a fade or slice but a hook or snap hook and there are way way less of them than the once regular slice/fade.

Take your time and alot of balls and drill drill drill with three quarter swings and retrain, you will not do this over night.

Another thing that helped me was something Rickg did when I played him and that was bring my club to the top of my back swing and look over to see that the butt of the club is pointing at the ball so I know I am on plane, then put it back to address and play my shot.

Good luck.



Good post Alex, I'm working through it just now also.

Thanks, I hate it when people use this phrase but “if I can do it, anyone can” but it does take time and effort and some patience and positive thinking.

I sure hope the same is the case for working on an early release as this is proving pretty tough right now.


Feb 20, 2011
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I'm not a good golfer (20 hcp) but I was experiencing the same problem and the local pro worked with me (as per Owen Thomas' advice)to make me put the ball back in my stance a bit on the drive, so the shoulders were more squared up and my hands futher forward. You definitely feel a bit more in control but after a period of this working I hit 2 OBs off the 1st tee this week, so what do I know:)


I'm not a good golfer (20 hcp) but I was experiencing the same problem and the local pro worked with me (as per Owen Thomas' advice)to make me put the ball back in my stance a bit on the drive, so the shoulders were more squared up and my hands futher forward. You definitely feel a bit more in control but after a period of this working I hit 2 OBs off the 1st tee this week, so what do I know:)

Sounds like fixing a fault with a fault, you need to hit up on a driver and that is hard to do if the ball is back in your stance.

Also you are only not a good golfer cos you say your not!!


Feb 20, 2011
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Hi Alex,

Perhaps I should clarify - when I say putting the ball back in my stance I mean ensuring it's level with the inside of my front heel rather than outside which has helped me bring my left shoulder in line with the target.

Has worked well for me in the last couple of rounds as I've hit my drives a little lower but straighter and further by 20-30 yards


Ah I see, you should still be hitting it on the up at that point then.