Any Cobra Golf King F6+ Driver experience? - CarbonTrac weight


Occasional Player of Golf
Oct 26, 2011
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Further to the post I made in the "what have you bought" last night, I am now without a new(to me) driver :(

During the session on the launch, the assistant did alter the weight, and it came loose before I hit, so was tightened again - I was concentrating on other things but with hindsight should have picked up on this.

Back at home, I was excitedly reading up/watching on the adjusting [] and here it talks about only locking the weight on the raise sections, whereas the weight was on the low section on "mine". So I set about altering it, loosening as much as comfortable and was not loose enough to move from side to side. So did it a little more and it did just about move. Placed in the proper place and tightened, but it did not seem to tighten enough - was rattling. Decided the to return to AG next day, and started looking on internet for issues.
After breakfast I had a spare 2 mins, I could not resist having another look, made a loosening turn and of course it sheared right off :mad:

So here I have a last years, pre-owned, not yet hit on the course or range broken driver.

Thankfully the guys in AG, took pity and have refunded me. They did actually have another pre-owned one in same spec (in black not white), and they kindly let me hit some balls with it. My brain was a little fried and wasn't warmed up and I didn't hit too well. I may have imagined it but it didn't seem to feel quiet the same. In the end I didn't walk out with it. The weight did seem to move much much better, although the loft adjustment was a little stuck initially.

I really liked the club, but am now thinking is there a bit of a design flaw in it.


Occasional Player of Golf
Oct 26, 2011
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Correction to above, the refund is on an AG gift card. So debating whether to plump for a new one, or something else....


Jul 13, 2015
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My advice would be to go and try as many drivers as you can, preferably on a launch monitor and see what,

a) you like the best


b) what the results from the launch monitor say.