Anti-speed camera petition


Money List Winner
Jan 18, 2008
Verwood, Dorset.
It'll do as much good as any of the others that we've signed upto.

I don't disagree with it, just don't see the point. Speed cameras have their place, (normally in the wrong places and at the wrong times).

There's a guy who works out of the same site as me with a Scooby estate thing that drives up the hill after work every night at 60 to 70 mph, in a 30 zone, needless to say he's a t"£$%^r, however he's never been caught because the van sits at the top of the hill once a month with it's big flouresant doors for all to see. If you get caught then, well you just stupid. What we need is more sneaky detection systems, that hit the blatant law breakers like this guy, and not those that are 3 mph over the limit.

Sod goverment targets and target the real dangers on our roads. There's a time and a place for speed and it's not on 30 mph roads.

Seems that there's been a lot of political stuff on here recently. It's also weird how my attitude has changed since the arrival of our first child.


Assistant Pro
Nov 1, 2006
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Haven't been on here for a while, but this one always makes my blood boil.
There is an excellent alternative way to avoid being caught by speed cameras that people just don't seem to get - STICK TO THE SPEED LIMIT!
I have 3 points on my licence from doing 58 in 50 zone up near Edinburgh. I'm not proud of it, but neither did I go bleating that it wasn't fair.
The sooner more people get away from this pathetic 'ban the speed camera' attitude the better.
You may have gathered from this that I will not be signing and would urge others to do likewise!


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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I must admit, your right!

I used to be the total opposite but sod it, I dont speed so I have no need to worry about speed camera's.

Funny how things change as you grow older!


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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I've got no time for people who get complain about speed cameras and speed humps.
If everyone stuck to the limit we wouldn't need them.
And lets face it, if you get caught speeding, who is actually to blame? They publish where the cameras are, they paint'em yellow, they have to put a warning sign up and they also tell you the speed limit - if you still get caught then maybe driving with your eyes open and not trying to "use the force" may help.......


Assistant Pro
Dec 6, 2006
Nottingham, England
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Don't break the law (whether you agree with it or not) and you won't get fined...dead simple! I bet you would be the first to complain if a loved one was hit/killed by a speeding driver.


Tour Winner
Aug 19, 2007
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I don't have a problem with speed cameras, but then again I try to drive within the speed limits. BUT, I've been doing some urban driving recently and I'm very unimpressed with roads that have endless speed cameras (one after the other) but no speed limit road signs???? I went 3/4 of the way around a ring road the other day...8 cameras...not a single speed sign. I just went could have been 40 or 50.

Last week, I had to reverse onto my drive at full speed to get out of the way of a car coming along my road (30 mph) at possibly 60 mph? I scraped up the side of my old Estate which is now "uneconomical" to repair. I'll filler and spray it myself.

I know the time I see it parked up, I shall take a knife to the tyres and and a key to each of the panels on his fat-b****** A8 Audi. Illegal or eye for an eye.