. . . and another thing


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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the letter of the month (and winner of a scotty!) raised an issue long debated on here, that of caddies on the green.

I cannot (and I've tried) see any justification for all the caddies of a group ever to need to venture onto the green.
There are only three things a caddie need do; tend the pin, remove the pin, replace the pin. The player repairs the pitchmark (or should).
Pro's on any tour should not need or be permitted any assistance on the green except as permitted in foursome (?)rules.
If you tend, you also remove the pin off the green, otherwise removed by the caddie of the first to putt. It is replaced by the caddie of the last to putt out. Simple really
Why have caddies at all? What do they add to the spectacle? Players could use a Powacaddy, same as we do, sort out their own stuff, use a gps/lazer for distance and just get on with it. The caddie is an outdated concept from years ago when bags were made of leather, and the caddie was a course local who had some knowledge of where you had to go. If they didn't have a caddy to talk to, they might talk to some of the spectators instead.
Why have caddies at all? What do they add to the spectacle? Players could use a Powacaddy, same as we do, sort out their own stuff, use a gps/lazer for distance and just get on with it. The caddie is an outdated concept from years ago when bags were made of leather, and the caddie was a course local who had some knowledge of where you had to go. If they didn't have a caddy to talk to, they might talk to some of the spectators instead.

I think you will find Caddies are involved within player psychology more than ever before, its just not yardages and whether condictions they deal with, its play moral and helping the player keep focus, golf is big bucks at the top and you need all the help you can get to remain focused.
So, if they didn't have them, they would have to rely on themselves, just like we do. It shouldn't be a battle of psychobabbling caddies remotely operating their employer, it should be a golf contest.
I don't have an issue with caddies in general, just with not on the green, but only so long as they are not also contributing to slow play.

JB's caddie needs a new vocabulary 'For * sake JB, bat - ball now hit it!'
I was watching some womens golf, and this one lady kept making her caddy pace out the yardage to the green from whichever god forsaken part of the course she had hit it into. Clearly they hadn't driven this wildly in practice, and had no notes to rely on. As a result, he often paced out over 150 yards, and then walked back before she could play her shot. This took ages, and he then had to line up all her putts.

Without a caddy, she could have been two hours faster. Probably not scored as well, but if she can't score on her own, she shouldn't be on tour.
I think you will find Caddies are involved within player psychology more than ever before, its just not yardages and whether condictions they deal with, its play moral and helping the player keep focus, golf is big bucks at the top and you need all the help you can get to remain focused.

Sorry but if i was playing for £100k+ I wouldn't need a caddy to keep me focused. Show me the money!!!
I thought caddies did more than just lug clubs around a course, give yardages, make suggestions on stratergy etc. I thought they often organised travel and accomodation for their employer. Often attending practice sessions and so on.

I'm not saying whether caddies should be allowed or not, but they do play a vital role in the success or otherwise of the top players. Physically, mentally and in all manner of things. But I could argue either way on the should they, shouldn't they debate.
A caddy is handy for reminders and passage of some course knowledge and some degree of assistance to newcommers to the tour courses, but I think thats about all, oh and maybe carrying the bag.lol

All the regular pro's know all the courses.

I wouldnt like to be the player who sets off 6th in the field only to see 40 people or more have trampled all over the greens, even worse for the last group off.lol

I certainly dont believe more than one caddy should be allowed onto greens as I see no reason for it at all.
Agree about the "only one caddy necessary on the green" bit, but as to what do caddies do? Well, the players obviously think they do something worthwhile - otherwise they'd not bother with one, and hang on to the 10% of winnings they hand over...