Money List Winner
the letter of the month (and winner of a scotty!) raised an issue long debated on here, that of caddies on the green.
I cannot (and I've tried) see any justification for all the caddies of a group ever to need to venture onto the green.
There are only three things a caddie need do; tend the pin, remove the pin, replace the pin. The player repairs the pitchmark (or should).
Pro's on any tour should not need or be permitted any assistance on the green except as permitted in foursome (?)rules.
If you tend, you also remove the pin off the green, otherwise removed by the caddie of the first to putt. It is replaced by the caddie of the last to putt out. Simple really
I cannot (and I've tried) see any justification for all the caddies of a group ever to need to venture onto the green.
There are only three things a caddie need do; tend the pin, remove the pin, replace the pin. The player repairs the pitchmark (or should).
Pro's on any tour should not need or be permitted any assistance on the green except as permitted in foursome (?)rules.
If you tend, you also remove the pin off the green, otherwise removed by the caddie of the first to putt. It is replaced by the caddie of the last to putt out. Simple really