After match presentation


Assistant Pro
May 14, 2007
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Following capts day lady capt day and presidents day,always played on a Sunday,the committees presentation is at 5pm after the match which usually ends by 1 pm.Winners must attend with collar and tie,if they don't they forfeit the prize they have won unless they told the committee at tee off time that they could not come back for the presentation with an acceptable reason.
Club was formed in 1970 pre computer's and when dress code was king...the world as changed and so have peoples life styles.. but the committees attitude of no give and take and do what you are told has not,they ask us to support the club by entering these comps.but penalize the members if it doesn't suit them, ethically I think this is wrong and I am not sure if legally it is wrong as we pay them entry fees to win these prizes,which some are well worth it.
Some members have a 30 mile round trip...any comments please or am I wrong?


Big Hitting, South African Sweary Person
Sep 25, 2011
Rural Lincolnshire
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Following capts day lady capt day and presidents day,always played on a Sunday,the committees presentation is at 5pm after the match which usually ends by 1 pm.Winners must attend with collar and tie,if they don't they forfeit the prize they have won unless they told the committee at tee off time that they could not come back for the presentation with an acceptable reason.
Club was formed in 1970 pre computer's and when dress code was king...the world as changed and so have peoples life styles.. but the committees attitude of no give and take and do what you are told has not,they ask us to support the club by entering these comps.but penalize the members if it doesn't suit them, ethically I think this is wrong and I am not sure if legally it is wrong as we pay them entry fees to win these prizes,which some are well worth it.
Some members have a 30 mile round trip...any comments please or am I wrong?

Happened to my mate in Leeds. Captains Day on a Saturday. We played very early and he had a storming 45 pointer. We left the club around 10am with about 150 more players still to go. Thought nothing of it. Turns out he had won by 3 and was called at 7pm and asked to attend the ceremony and that he had to dress for the occasion as it was Captains day and there was a function/dance after. Luckily we hadn't gone out on the razz by that point so cue a hasty dash (only 15 minutes luckily) for the presentation. He would have been DQ'd if he hadn't made it though. I remember him being pretty hacked off with it all at the time but his name is still on the board there.

I don't have a problem with having to attend and dress for the presentation as long as you know this from the get go and enter the comp as such.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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At the end of the day, the rules of the competition are the rules of the competition.
If they state that you have to wear a red polka dot poncho and stand on one leg to get the prize then, I guess, the committee can demand what they like.
I think it's one for the AGM.
Seems a bit daft if the match finishes at 1 but you have to wait 4 hours for the presentation.
But you all know the conditions before you enter.
I won a Captain's Day once. I'd asked to go out early as we had a family do that afternoon/evening.
Got a call at 2.30 saying I'd won and would I like to come and get the shield.
Cue a quick 25 minute dash in shorts, trainers and tee shirt to claim the prize.
No pretentiousness at that club and nobody batted an eyelid.
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Assistant Pro
May 14, 2007
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Thanks for your reply but there are never any functions at the club after the guy who won his division could not return for his prize as his son had had a car accident and he went straight to the hospital and lost his prize...

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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You'll get a split response on here, prepare for some stick. 'you know the deal before you enter' etc. Personally it sounds horribly dated, collar and tie still 😞. At our place we have a presentation evening, no dress code, where all prizes are handed out in one go. If you don't go, it doesn't matter, your trophy is handed to you next time you are in the club.

It is 2018 isn't it? Clubs need to wake up to modern life.

Deleted member 16999

I don’t have an issue with these type of days if you clearly understand the format and it’s been well publicised.
We’ve moved to just one presentation night with the same dress code as any evening and still have issues getting winners to attend.
Unless there is a genuine excuse(health or work shift etc) then the winners not attending our evening is bad manners in my book.


Sep 11, 2011
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If you know the rule beforehand, and don't like it, don't enter the comp.

If you want the rule changing, put in a proposal to the AGM. If the majority of the members agree with you, the rule will be changed.

Some people like tradition, others don't. There's usually comps/clubs that favour one or the other, or even a mix. There's room for everyone.


Tour Winner
Dec 29, 2011
In the slow lane...
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In my experience 'stuff' doesn't get changed unless there's a will for a change...

Often that means having to get involved with the running of the club... Either by attending AGM's or a last resort of getting on the committee... For many simply finding another club often proves easier...


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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Don’t worry. Only the clubs will suffer in the long run. The game and how it is presented are changing. Those clubs who resist changing will have dwindling numbers. The only problem is that members will suffer during this time.
I’m leaving my club this year for these exact reasons.


Head Pro
Jun 22, 2015
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I usually only enter the event if it’s a qualifier, but if I had won. I wouldn’t of gone to collect a prize. My prize would be the reduction. I’m not getting dressed up to collect a dozen srixons and a handshake off some aging liberal. (If it was a substantial prize, like a holiday or a few grand voucher then I’ll don my suit)

More and more clubs are doing away with Jacket and tie as the old guard die off. I’ve said it before but in 10 years time. They’ll be only a handful of clubs that require the the outdated tradition.


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2015
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I think clubs who continue with outdated customs learn their own lessons in terms of struggling to attract new members. As has been mentioned, you know the rules when you enter. Maybe that's a day to do something else, or play an Open at nearby course for probably a similar entry fee.

I've played at a club where the old guys will have a shower after their game and come into the clubhouse with jacket and tie. That's fair enough, but they still sat with other guys who were still in their golf gear.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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The answer for that specific club and issue is that concerned members should formally raise the issue with the committee and, if they arent prepared to discuss itmappropriately take it to the AGM (again following whatever timelines and procedures are required to have the matter voted on).

If there are more members who positively wish this to remain in place they you should respect that.


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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IMO if you won then that is the result. Whether the prize is 'presented' or not does not alter the entitlement since it was for a winning score not for a social add-on.

Clubs that hang on to these rigid conditions do the game and themselves no good.

Deleted member 15344

Its a rule that our current president and captain brought in because they said it was quite embarrassing to read out the results on their Captains Day and President Putter and the winners weren’t there - I just highlighted to them that people do have lives outside the club and not everyone can attend a presentation on the same day they have already played. They brought in regardless and I lost a NP prize , at our club presentation night half the people can’t make it but still get their prize

If you earn the prize you should get it regardless if people can make a presentation night.


Big Hitting, South African Sweary Person
Sep 25, 2011
Rural Lincolnshire
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Captains Day is usually a full on day with golf usually followed by a meal, presentation, dance and charitable things and as such I feel it is perfectly acceptable to stipulate that the winners should be in attendance when said presentation is made.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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We have done away with the clothing regs but still expect people to be at the presentation for some functions most noticeably Captains Day.

What the Captain did this year I thought was a brilliant idea. There were no set prizes but as each pairs names were announced they chose what they wanted from the prizes laid out so if the winners were not there and they were the only ones to 'no show' they got the 'worst prize'.

Years ago the Captain actually provided the prizes out of his own pocket. Most chose the option of 'no show', no prize


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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What the Captain did this year I thought was a brilliant idea. There were no set prizes but as each pairs names were announced they chose what they wanted from the prizes laid out so if the winners were not there and they were the only ones to 'no show' they got the 'worst prize'.

Great idea 👍


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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We have done away with presentations after an event except for club champs and Captains Day and neither are collar and tie. Even our end of season presentation is casual. The only downside is that with the club champs and captains day, most of the field have been and gone and very few bother to come back. Its sad that the best golfer doesn't get the immediate recognition although the trophy is re-presented af presentation night.

I don't think my club wold ever persuade members to come back unless there was another element to come back for like some form of social event. Something now I've thought about it I might mention