Achieving a wider swing plane and also a full swing.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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the initial intuitive idea in the OP the stuff mentioned around wider swing arc (rather than just the shortness of backswing per se - nothing necessarily bad about a 3/4 length top position - though overly narrow can make things ways more challenging) is very likely going to be one of the issues in direction control problems along with how the wrists set and transition motion (how much lateral transition & the sequencing) so how the 'release' (of shaft and clubface angle) then happens to impact

how things currently work means the control of the clubface angle - the rotational motion control (heel to toe) of the clubface is happening over a shorter distance of travel into impact - so less margin for error with getting face angle direction where it needs to be in relation to path(swing direction through impact)

depends on how often the scores reflect the index/index buffer other words a more solid 6
being an index 6 when the short game has to work extra hard and even then the score is more often times higher than index/index buffer so general scoring is often times 4-6 shots higher largely due to problems with direction off of the box/into the greens

to get better if a real solid 6 then maybes the bang for buck in improvement would be little extra short game & putting work

if though directional control issues means the score does not often times reflect a '6' then no doubt some changes to gain more clubface angle control are going to have to be looked at with a view to better scoring more often

my take swing-wise those would be around the stuff have already mentioned in the previous posts

(worth going to get some one on one lessons if the seed is already sown in the brain to want to change)


Head Pro
Apr 12, 2016
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the initial intuitive idea in the OP the stuff mentioned around wider swing arc (rather than just the shortness of backswing per se - nothing necessarily bad about a 3/4 length top position - though overly narrow can make things ways more challenging) is very likely going to be one of the issues in direction control problems along with how the wrists set and transition motion (how much lateral transition & the sequencing) so how the 'release' (of shaft and clubface angle) then happens to impact

how things currently work means the control of the clubface angle - the rotational motion control (heel to toe) of the clubface is happening over a shorter distance of travel into impact - so less margin for error with getting face angle direction where it needs to be in relation to path(swing direction through impact)

depends on how often the scores reflect the index/index buffer other words a more solid 6
being an index 6 when the short game has to work extra hard and even then the score is more often times higher than index/index buffer so general scoring is often times 4-6 shots higher largely due to problems with direction off of the box/into the greens

to get better if a real solid 6 then maybes the bang for buck in improvement would be little extra short game & putting work

if though directional control issues means the score does not often times reflect a '6' then no doubt some changes to gain more clubface angle control are going to have to be looked at with a view to better scoring more often

my take swing-wise those would be around the stuff have already mentioned in the previous posts

(worth going to get some one on one lessons if the seed is already sown in the brain to want to change)
Thanks for this, I'll put into practice and get some better videos on here. Short game and putting have taken a hit due to a period of no play. That will come back. Just want to get the irons where I want them to be!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Took a video on the range - I did wash the top between these two videos I promise. My camera work is crap and I need to find a better way to do it.

know you won't be buying from here

but something like this is real useful if at the driving range (solid ground)
but if you go this way get one like this the cell fone can be mounted landscape - then as said earlier for dtl at hands height from directly behind the hands at 90º to target line - that ways it does not mega-skew perspective of the lines to target and the swing motion

if goin to be on grass range or course just need an alignment stick with a cell fone mount that fits on said stick bunch of those around - but get a holder that will mount the cell fone in landscape format