Achieving a wider swing plane and also a full swing.


Head Pro
Apr 12, 2016
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I am really struggling with club takeaway (not the chinese variety) and actually getting a full swing out of my clubs. I am probably getting to 3/4 swing before feeling like I cannot get any further. Does anyone have any tips for getting a wider and longer swing?


Head Pro
Apr 12, 2016
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How far do you hit a 7 iron flat?
170 Flat Averages done recently - I just don't feel in total control with current swing. Don't want to re invent it completely just need to get wider and higher. I feel like I am at the top of my swing when I am actually 1/2 the way. Rugby has ruined me!


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Are your irons bent flat? to my untrained eye you look a bit bent over. could be the camera angle.

There are people on here who would kill for that shorter backswing.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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if you already hit it a good distance with the short back swing, what makes you think a longer wider swing will be an improvement??

i have quit a shot back swing made it longer over the last couple of years, but near as accurate as ai was, esp with the driver.


Head Pro
Apr 12, 2016
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Are your irons bent flat? to my untrained eye you look a bit bent over. could be the camera angle.

There are people on here who would kill for that shorter backswing.
I think it's the angle, I have always played with my hands a little lower though. I just want a little more control through the swing - which I think I would achieve with a slightly longer swing.


Head Pro
Apr 12, 2016
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if you already hit it a good distance with the short back swing, what makes you think a longer wider swing will be an improvement??

i have quit a shot back swing made it longer over the last couple of years, but near as accurate as ai was, esp with the driver.
it's the added control. With a short swing I tend to be a little anarchy on shots where I need to push it a little. I think if I could get my swing a little bit longer and wider I would be a lot smoother through impact. Ideally just wanted to know if there were any drills out there!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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difficult to see exactly due to where the cellfone/camera is placed be a tad easier if placed directly behind the hands at hands height for dtl view - doesn't skew the perspective so much though still get some parallax

as already been asked would be useful to see a caddy view (front on)
but again cellfone/camera position better at hands height & centered to set-up & square on - shooting landscape format not portrait so better able to get clubface in shot at top of swing plus no big black edges to vid

if you play the youtube vid at 0.25 speed and pause it around approx when the lead arm is first horizontal to ground in takeback take a look at the lead wrist angle - extra bowed and overtop some of the trailhand
(yep of course there are players who can play with this at the highest level, but the one folks will throw out eg DJ is super hyperflexible in his body so it's not really relevant - indeed as the handicap index shows you can get the ball around pretty good too)
- also see at that vid pause that the lead arm is pointing back inside some so likely it wouldn't be (though given angle hard to be definite about) around parallel to target or feet line - this has bearing on the lead arm plane to the shoulder plane as spoken to in the following

so that lead wrist position is stopping or keeping the trail arm down and a bunch tighter (the narrowing felt) into the body some
plus with the lead arm working inside (more across the chest) means at the top of where the top of backswing arrives at

that lead arm is pretty well under the shoulder plane - so effectively the body/chest is in the way and combined with the lead wrist angle means the backswing has got to stop where it is doing

thing to consider would be get a couple of alignment sticks one directly at target ball inch of so inside of that and 2nd stick parallel to 1st stick and around couple inches off the trial toes practice takeaway to lead arm horizontal so the lead arm is more parallel and overtop of the stick off of the trail foot (will likely 'feel' like the arms are going outwards away from you, they unlikely to be just that normal & comfortable has been more back inside across the chest)
this coupled with the lead and trail thumbs on setting the hands/club point more 'upwards' at the sky not back some behind the heel line


Head Pro
Apr 12, 2016
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difficult to see exactly due to where the cellfone/camera is placed be a tad easier if placed directly behind the hands at hands height for dtl view - doesn't skew the perspective so much though still get some parallax

as already been asked would be useful to see a caddy view (front on)
but again cellfone/camera position better at hands height & centered to set-up & square on - shooting landscape format not portrait so better able to get clubface in shot at top of swing plus no big black edges to vid

if you play the youtube vid at 0.25 speed and pause it around approx when the lead arm is first horizontal to ground in takeback take a look at the lead wrist angle - extra bowed and overtop some of the trailhand
(yep of course there are players who can play with this at the highest level, but the one folks will throw out eg DJ is super hyperflexible in his body so it's not really relevant - indeed as the handicap index shows you can get the ball around pretty good too)
- also see at that vid pause that the lead arm is pointing back inside some so likely it wouldn't be (though given angle hard to be definite about) around parallel to target or feet line - this has bearing on the lead arm plane to the shoulder plane as spoken to in the following

so that lead wrist position is stopping or keeping the trail arm down and a bunch tighter (the narrowing felt) into the body some
plus with the lead arm working inside (more across the chest) means at the top of where the top of backswing arrives at

that lead arm is pretty well under the shoulder plane - so effectively the body/chest is in the way and combined with the lead wrist angle means the backswing has got to stop where it is doing

thing to consider would be get a couple of alignment sticks one directly at target ball inch of so inside of that and 2nd stick parallel to 1st stick and around couple inches off the trial toes practice takeaway to lead arm horizontal so the lead arm is more parallel and overtop of the stick off of the trail foot (will likely 'feel' like the arms are going outwards away from you, they unlikely to be just that normal & comfortable has been more back inside across the chest)
this coupled with the lead and trail thumbs on setting the hands/club point more 'upwards' at the sky not back some behind the heel line
amazing help. I will try and get a better video with me putting that into practice! I owe you £20!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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amazing help. I will try and get a better video with me putting that into practice! I owe you £20!

some stuff to consider have a look at - as to the reasons the swing currently stops where it does

things to always bear in mind - normal or comfortable the short swing that's been producing the results to play to single digits are a ways grooved in - so depends how easy or not it may be to adapt as to whether it works out
inevitably results of strike and ball to target maybes going to be a bit sketchy first off

one other thing meant to put in first post was check your body alignments (as said angle vid shot at makes stuff less clear)
it maybes appears that the shoulder line is pointing somewhat leftfield in relation to the hip line and feet line - which if that's the case means it makes it more difficult to turn the upper body because that turn is starting from a position further turned leftfield of square to target

good luck


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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The only thing the ball cares about is what happens at impact and they are the 5 LAWS

1 Speed
2 Swing path
3 Angle of attack
4 Contact point on the clubface
5 Clubface direction

They have a DIRECT influence on the ball.

Yes, we PREFER a perfect grip/backswing/downswing/followthrough/balance etc but the ball doesn't give a monkeys.

I am a huge believer in dont fix something just because it looks wrong, especially if it has a detrimental affect on the impact laws.

You have a great transition/direction at the top, great impact position, perfect exit point and good distance which indicates to me that laws 1-4 are sorted.
5 is the only one that is giving you direction/control issues.

What may help is to copy a garden swing changing direction.
Try and make the first 1-2 feet of the downswing the same speed as the last 1-2 feet of the backswing.
In other words, make the change of direction smoother

Other than that, I'd leave well alone


Head Pro
Apr 12, 2016
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The only thing the ball cares about is what happens at impact and they are the 5 LAWS

1 Speed
2 Swing path
3 Angle of attack
4 Contact point on the clubface
5 Clubface direction

They have a DIRECT influence on the ball.

Yes, we PREFER a perfect grip/backswing/downswing/followthrough/balance etc but the ball doesn't give a monkeys.

I am a huge believer in dont fix something just because it looks wrong, especially if it has a detrimental affect on the impact laws.

You have a great transition/direction at the top, great impact position, perfect exit point and good distance which indicates to me that laws 1-4 are sorted.
5 is the only one that is giving you direction/control issues.

What may help is to copy a garden swing changing direction.
Try and make the first 1-2 feet of the downswing the same speed as the last 1-2 feet of the backswing.
In other words, make the change of direction smoother

Other than that, I'd leave well alone
Sounds good, I will work on it. I need to keep playing about on the range. Starting to get my ability to feel a draw and a fade back, but with the slightly snatch at the swing it makes it difficult. I will work on it!