A bad range session. Rant time.

Don Barzini

Assistant Pro
Jul 4, 2017
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OK this is a rant because I'm bloody fuming at the moment. :angry:

Since May I've been having regular lessons with a pro. At least two a month, sometimes more. He's picked everything apart - my stance, my swing, my grip - and slowly pieced it back together. When I look at video footage of my swing now it's amazing to compare it to when I first went to him. Loads of improvement.

Today is when I'd usually have a lesson but nothing booked with him this week. I'm playing on Sunday for the first time in a couple of months. So I decide to head to the range to put everything into practice.

Wish I hadn't sodding well bothered. I just went to pieces. Spectacularly. If you'd seen me, you'd have thought it was the first time I'd ever picked up a golf club. Mostly duff shots and those that weren't were all over the bloody place. I was happy with less than 10 per cent of my shots. Pathetic. I was getting deeper and deeper into a rut and there was sod all I could do to get out. Right now I want to snap each and every one of my clubs in half and never play golf again!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! :angry::angry::angry:

The only crumb of comfort I am allowing myself is that whenever I've had a bad range session in the past, I play well when I'm next on the course! :D


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 27, 2013
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I have had more than my fair share of those. Seem worse when the light's getting worse and winter settling in. Try and forget about it ASAP and look forward to your next round.

I had a really good range sesh last night, one of my best visits on a long while. I kept it really short, did not hit that many balls, but concentrated on the technical change I am working on.


Head Pro
Jun 27, 2017
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Happens to all of us. Happens to me frequently. Golf is a game of very small fractions. You'll probably find it's something silly like too much head movement or something. Next time you hit the range or venture out on to the course it'll be totally different.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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The people in the bay next to you really don't care!!! Don't worry about it they aren't telling their mates in 2 weeks how bad a guy was hitting it next to him!

trying to hit golf balls while you are steaming mad is only going to make things worse so chill out.

If I am hitting my irons bad I'll hit woods and vice versa. Or wedge shots, or small pitches. Or if none of it is working sometimes I'll give the balls to whomever is next to me and leave it for another day


Head Pro
Mar 3, 2016
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I went up to the range with the wife and daughter last night, mainly to try and groove in a three wood.
Was hitting it beautifully, lovely baby draw every time.
After a twenty minutes or so I went to check out how the wife and daughter were doing, spent five minutes helping out.
Then I went back to the wood and could I hit it anymore? Not a bloody chance!
It took me ages to work out that I'd changed my take back slightly, meanwhile those two were laughing at the 'duffer' who was supposed to be helping them!

It's a funny old game :/

Deleted member 18121

I remember I had that once at the range.....I got 100 balls and after my warm up I shanked maybe 15-20 one after the other.

I just walked off....some days its just not worth it.

Deleted member 21258

When I am having a bad day, I just try to hit the flipping round thing even harder.

Helps to relieve the anger I find :angry:


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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It's weird how different the range is to the course. Once or twice at the range I've had a bout of shanks, like 5, 6 in a row. Thankfully that's never happened to me on the course (touch wood) - but I think it's purely because you walk in between shots and change clubs rather than standing there hitting the same club over and over. Things like that make a big difference.


Crow Person
Nov 14, 2010
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You probably had all these changes going through your head at once, thinking of various positions you needed to be in and so forgot to actually swing the club.

Next time just focus on one of the changes you've made, or two at most, and try to get a nice smooth swing going with the clubhead passing through where the ball is sat.


Tour Winner
Apr 2, 2009
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Each to their own but I never go on the range, I used to but just find it boring and nothing like being on the course.
Why not practice on the course,even if its only 9 holes - try out a few things that you wouldn't do in a comp or proper game. If not busy on the course play 2 balls, your 1st is your score and the 2nd is the try out or practice shot. Play a few bunker shots - the choice is endless!




Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Not sure if I'm annoyed or not. First range session. Strike and more importantly direction/dispersion much improved. Tempo and that frustrating length of swing not so good. Can't find a shorter swing/flatter wrist and pace of the backswing definitely too quick. Still, only the first 100 balls and a long way to go. If I can keep strike and direction as I move forward I'll be more than happy


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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Chin up!

Happens to all of us
We're human
We're not elite finely tuned athletes either (well you might be but I'm not) so our bodies are different each time out, adding to the inconsistency
Hope your next session goes better :thup:


Tour Rookie
Apr 4, 2013
I remember when this happened to me. Went to the range, shanked a wedge, proceeded to shank wedges for weeks afterwards - on the range and on the course. I've fixed the problem now (for now). I think after the first shank, it became a mental problem.


Head Pro
Jun 29, 2015
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Think all golfers can relate to this. Had a range session last night and overall hit it as well as I ever have overall. I even picked up my 54 degree and started firing at random targets from 60-100 yards. I was in the zone and fired 5 or 6 in a row almost stiff. Thought to myself 'wish I had this wedge game at the weekend', then put down the wedge and proceeded to work my way up the bag.

When it came to picking the 54 up again later in the session I was looking forward to throwing darts again, but...shank!!! Shook my head, dusted myself off and addressed another ball...shank!!! Couldn't understand what I was doing, but I must have hit 10 shanks with the bl00dy SW last night and no clue what was causing it.

Overall the sessions was great and really please. Choosing to delete the Arthur Js from memory. Looks like my approach game could go one of 2 ways in the stableford tomorrow.


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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Each to their own but I never go on the range, I used to but just find it boring and nothing like being on the course.
Why not practice on the course,even if its only 9 holes - try out a few things that you wouldn't do in a comp or proper game. If not busy on the course play 2 balls, your 1st is your score and the 2nd is the try out or practice shot. Play a few bunker shots - the choice is endless!



Practicing on the course, you'll have the green keepers after you!!!!!!!

Don Barzini

Assistant Pro
Jul 4, 2017
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Well if anyone's interested....

Following my horrific range session last week, I played a full round over the weekend.

Was very happy with how I played - best I've played for a while! :whoo:

Just goes to show eh?!


Assistant Pro
Jul 8, 2012
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The people in the bay next to you really don't care!!! Don't worry about it they aren't telling their mates in 2 weeks how bad a guy was hitting it next to him!

trying to hit golf balls while you are steaming mad is only going to make things worse so chill out.

If I am hitting my irons bad I'll hit woods and vice versa. Or wedge shots, or small pitches. Or if none of it is working sometimes I'll give the balls to whomever is next to me and leave it for another day

Great advice👍🏻