8 Rounds in 5 days!!!


Journeyman Pro
Mar 24, 2009
East Yorkshire, UK
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Just back from a fantastic few days in Ayrshire :cool:

Excellent courses and unbelievable weather!

Collected my brother and a friend from Manchester and played Carlisle G. C. on Wednesday afternon, a really nice parkland course in great condition and very accesible from the M6.

Then on to Ayr. Played Irvine Bogside Thursday morning in a 3 ball, we really enjoyed the course, especially the lightning greens which were probably the fastest I've ever played on!

Thursday afternoon we met up with the rest of the group for the match proper which started at Glagow Gailes. The course is in fantastic condition, the heather is very punishing if you are wayward off the tee. I did find it a little samey after a while though, with very similar holes and lack of natural features.

Friday was 36 holes round Old Prestwick, clear blue sky, not a breath of wind and surrounded by a clubhouse steeped in history. Again the course was in superb condition, the rough not too penal, although the fairway bunkers are very punishing! The elevation changes as you wind back and forth across the course make for a variety of different challenges, with some nasty surprises for the unwary. The famous Alps hole is simply amazing, nothing really prepares you for the first sight of that bunker as you scale the Alps! For me this is the best Links I have ever played, stunning course, glorious views with Arran as the backdrop and so much history to take in - a very memorable days golf.

Old Prestwick

Saturday was to be 36 holes round Dundonald Links, another memorable course, Dundonald is a comparitively new course I believe, but does not suffer for that. The condition of the greens and fairways was exemplary, as was the attention to detail of all the staff, which is to be expected from a part of the Loch Lomond group. The wind had got up a bit by Saturday and the temperature dropped, this sadly proved to be too much fo the Swedes and the invading Nordic Hordes were put to the sword 28 points to 10 :D So we played a 3 ball Texas Scramble comp in the afternoon, my first experience of this format and I though it was a very sociable and fun game, our winning score ;) was 77 which considering the wind and very tired limbs was quite credible.

Dundonald Links

Monday we stopped off at Kirby Lonsdale en-route back to Manchester for a final 18 holes to re-aquaint ourselves with parkland golf.

Hopefully the links to the pics work! :cool: