8:35 challenge. (25 to 9, gettit?,)


Assistant Pro
Nov 17, 2014
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Really feel like I'm making progress!

Went off at 6:45 am today and played the best I ever have - we couldn't play one of the par 3s as it was ladies captain day, so played 17, and had taken 87 when we had to come off. Including one hole where I got a 9! (Could have been so much better!!)

Stapleford was 41 points with one hole to play.

Very happy with that, and hit it pretty well (apart from the 9 which was caused by an errant drive behind some trees, which I then tried to play through, hit one, got an unplayable lie, dropped, smacked my next into a bunker, next short of green, 3 putts. )

Very pleased though that I then parred the next, which was SI2.

I'd say my game is in the following shape.

Putting - light years ahead of where it was 2 weeks ago. The change to cack handed has changed my life. I now enjoy putting.

Chipping, pitching - have started to use the Dave Pelz method off my bank ankle off the green - its foolproof, and very hard to hit a real bad one.
Using the tips from one of the golf mags this month (can't remember which one, sorry) where you play it back, hands forward, and play it as a "mini draw". Very effective and if u play it crisply, the results can be very impressive.

I love the short game, and get excited around the greens now, as I think I cam make stuff happen!

Irons - short irons, are "ok" - I'm still world class on the range, and third class on the course and hit bad ones regularly, when I find it hard to hit a bad one in practice.

Have to play more off the grass, to build confidence.

Long irons - hit and miss. Hit some beauties, but also some daisy cutters that go 20 yards.

Driving - again its the range vs course thing. I can draw it beautifully at the range, at the course everything goes right - its more of a fade now, than a slice, but still very frustrating that I cannot translate what I do in the week, to the weekend!

All in all, feel great about the last week - take the 9 out of today, and I've played pretty well, and would have hit my expected mid eighties - still think I've got a chance to achieve my goal, whilst I accept totally its a long way off.

feel completely re energised, cannot wait to practice hard this week, and the clocks going forward also gives me so much more opportunity.

If I had to bet my life, I would say I will get to 12, and come up short- but that doesn't mean I won't be wearing my heart out to get below 10....

I used to be a bookmaker, and would bet as follows on my goal.

yes - 3-1
no - 2-9

cheers all, Rob


Assistant Pro
Nov 17, 2014
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It was a "friendly" match with my pp- although as we all know, these can be more competitive than a major!

no gimmes, no lost balls so a genuine score.

cant wait to get back out there!


Tour Rookie
Feb 16, 2012
Chorley, Lancs
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Stapleford was 41 points with one hole to play.

If I had to bet my life, I would say I will get to 12, and come up short- but that doesn't mean I won't be wearing my heart out to get below 10....

I used to be a bookmaker, and would bet as follows on my goal.

yes - 3-1
no - 2-9

cheers all, Rob

Pet peeve, it's Stableford after Dr Frank Stableford from the lovely Wallasey.

As for the other bit - No! Don't sell yourself short, it's gonna be very hard but don't start talking about only getting to 12. Aim for single figures. Only have single figures in your sights. If you come up to only 12, well fair enough. But single digits has to be your target.

Good luck Rob. Be a gladiator!