6 x 9 hole cards for initial HI


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Feb 5, 2021
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We have a member who can only play 9 holes right now so they are putting in 6 x 9 holes for their HI. Can anyone tell me how WHS works out their HI? Does it take the best score differential like for 18 then minus 2 (but then times by two for an 18 hole HI …..but allowing for front 9 par being 35 and back 9 par being 34 ….or does it scale the best 9 hole card up to an 18 hole card?

The best card so far is 55…..the worst is 72 but I need to talk to the member as they innocently said to another member that xxxx who marked their 55 was kind enough to ignore all their air shots and let them replay a bad drive because her first HI would be 54 so it didn’t matter 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


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Dec 3, 2020
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A score differential is calculated for each 9-hole score. They are then combined in order of play to create 3 18-hole score differentials: R1+R2, R3+R4, R5+R6.

The 9-hole score where the rules were ignored is not acceptable and must be deleted.


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Nov 1, 2023
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We have a member who can only play 9 holes right now so they are putting in 6 x 9 holes for their HI. Can anyone tell me how WHS works out their HI? Does it take the best score differential like for 18 then minus 2 (but then times by two for an 18 hole HI …..but allowing for front 9 par being 35 and back 9 par being 34 ….or does it scale the best 9 hole card up to an 18 hole card?

The best card so far is 55…..the worst is 72 but I need to talk to the member as they innocently said to another member that xxxx who marked their 55 was kind enough to ignore all their air shots and let them replay a bad drive because her first HI would be 54 so it didn’t matter 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
As wjemather states, an initial handicap is calculated by combining pairs of 9 hole score differentials. This is unlike a general play 9 hole round that is marked up to an 18 hole round using an expected score. Also the maximum hole score for an initial handicap is limited to PAR+5. The initial handicap is then the lowest combined score differential minus 2. As you are aware that the round was not recorded accurately you need to speak to both parties and have the round replayed.