4 days


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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I don't want to derail the other threads (I don't really think this one will be taken too seriously anyway) but I want to throw out a question of what folks think needs to happen to solve the Brexit mess?

Not interested in whether you voted stay or go, or what errors have been made by who & what lies have been told... just this: What would be your plan to sort the mess out?

Here's mine:

It appears (even looking in from the outside) this is nearing crisis level (at least politically & socially) and I’m thinking the Queen is the only individual who can wield sufficient influence/respect to address parliament with a very blunt directive & ultimatum to sort it out (to make the very best out of a bad job as it were)

So she goes to the house & gives the politicians a severe booting (not in polite royal speak) and gets them told that they must drop their ego’s, personal & professional motivations and political allegiances. Lock the door to the house and don’t let them out until they have a workable plan A, B & C (& she stays in with them) She can then monitor and remove anyone who’s not a ‘team player’ or does not put the country and the people at the forefront of their efforts

My guess, the doors would be opened in 4 days


Sep 11, 2011
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I think there needs to be an understanding and an acceptance that there is no such thing as a good deal. What might be a good deal for me won't be for someone else. The Tories will fight amongst themselves over what the deal should be. Labour and the LibDems will disagree with whatever the Tories finally settle on, and not all of the Tories will support it anyway. Hence whatever is put to parliament will fail.

The EU appear determined to twist and turn at every opportunity, making nice noises then changing tack completely. They're, understandably, taking full advantage of the disarray in Westminster, and also stoking those fires by meeting with the opposition parties to discuss other options.

Will the Queen step in? If she does it won't be done publicly. Maybe she'll make her opinions known to Mrs May at one of the weekly briefings.

Personally, I'd walk away from the negotiating table now. If the EU want some sort of deal, let them come to us for it. I'd drastically reduce Corporation Tax, as Ireland did, and make the UK very attractive to businesses. The EU still rankles at what Ireland did so successfully, and there's no reason why the UK shouldn't do the same. Any increase in costs that the EU imposes via tariffs and border checks could me more than offset by reducing Corporation Tax.


Money List Winner
Dec 22, 2008
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The queen can’t get involved, she’s apolitical. I reckon we should walk away, no trade agreement, no divorce payment. If the EU want to negotiate let them come to us. It’s not about trade, it’s about internal EU politics now, we need to call their bluff IMO


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 5, 2011
Wilton, Nr Salisbury
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From day one we should have just told the EU that we, the UK, have decided to leave, it will be in WTO terms and if they wanted to deal with us they know how to contact us.
Then we could been working on trade deals around the world instead of all this rubbish we have been having with the EU trying to get us to back down and change our minds.
What to do as of now, simple just walk away.

Deleted member 15344

I think it’s very easy to say “walk away” etc but do any of us really know the consequences of that ? Is that the best thing for the country ?

Surely the people doing all the negotiations are trying to find what’s best for us and I hope they keep going until they find that level that is best for us , why rush things , why be desperate to get it sorted as quickly as possible. Surely we should take as much time and effort into ensuring we do the best thing for the country and it’s people. Walking away etc could be disastrous for some people for example but do we still just go steaming ahead. This was never going to be easy , it was never going to be done in a small period , there are many people making it as hard as possible including our own elected MP’s

Let’s not cut our nose of to spite the EU - if there is a chance of that having a negative affect on the UK as a whole

They need to find a way to get middle ground - if it means compromise on trade or immigration etc the so what if it’s the best for us. The country is ready to implode and what they can negotiate is crucial to making sure we don’t screw ourselves over


Tour Winner
May 16, 2011
South West Surrey
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I would take it out of the public domain, make any deal or no-deal behind closed doors. Radical I know, but better than involving everyman and his/her dog. Can't please all individuals or all groups.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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How would I sort it out - get rid of all this democracy nonsense and lets have a dictator.

We all know the vast majority of the general public are just a load of sheep easily swayed by a red top or social media.


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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Personally, no amount of time is going to get what we and to a lesser degree, the EU, want.
The whole arguement is skewd by political dogma and infighting, and no amount of compromising or time is going to alter that.

Sorry, in 4 days? I would scrap the whole EU departure, shake hands with them and carry on. I would cancel foreign ownership of any UK infrastructure company and set out to create massive job creation so we don’t need foreign labour to fill jobs here. There would be no foreign takeovers of any UK employer, and those that have would be cancelled.
Last edited:


Sep 11, 2011
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I think it’s very easy to say “walk away” etc but do any of us really know the consequences of that ? Is that the best thing for the country ?

Surely the people doing all the negotiations are trying to find what’s best for us and I hope they keep going until they find that level that is best for us , why rush things , why be desperate to get it sorted as quickly as possible. Surely we should take as much time and effort into ensuring we do the best thing for the country and it’s people. Walking away etc could be disastrous for some people for example but do we still just go steaming ahead. This was never going to be easy , it was never going to be done in a small period , there are many people making it as hard as possible including our own elected MP’s

Let’s not cut our nose of to spite the EU - if there is a chance of that having a negative affect on the UK as a whole

They need to find a way to get middle ground - if it means compromise on trade or immigration etc the so what if it’s the best for us. The country is ready to implode and what they can negotiate is crucial to making sure we don’t screw ourselves over

You're not wrong but there has to be a line you won't cross. Surely that is when you reach the point of no deal is better than a bad deal. Equally, sending the message to the EU about it can take as much time as you like isn't wise. Two things from that; they will extend and extend and extend as this would see payments continuing to be made even though the UK is already excluded from participating in tendering for work beyond March next year nor receiving approval/payments for projects in the UK that extend beyond that date. Secondly, it is a weak position when agreeing the final solution. If I was at point zero and you were at point 100, a weak position would lead to a final agreement a lot closer to 100 than zero.

The reality is very much as the EU have been saying since day one. Stop thinking you'll get anything like a cherry picking deal. And in that respect, agree some basics, which legally under EU laws they have to do, and then do the finer detail afterwards.

Pathetic Shark

Tour Rookie
Oct 16, 2013
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How about we have a Saturday night game show to find 10 people willing to represent us? They could sing, dance, tell jokes etc. We then vote on social media for our favourite 10.
They then go off to Europe, ask questions we have put forward each week on a nightly phone-in show.
They then come back and ask for our votes on what the replies were.

About as stupid as some of the other suggestions out there doing the rounds from both sides.


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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Arm wrestling.. Boris v Barnier .. I would pay for that. Get a neutral judge like Trump to be the Ref.. if anyone strays in the way he will grab them by their xxxx


Sep 11, 2011
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Arm wrestling.. Boris v Barnier .. I would pay for that. Get a neutral judge like Trump to be the Ref.. if anyone strays in the way he will grab them by their xxxx

I like it! Make it a tag mud wrestling contest with Juncker and May added to the mix. Hilarious!!


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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Despite the fact that the whole Brexit thing appears not to have been handled well, we were on a hiding to nothing. It is in the EU interest to block and be obstructive and to publicise everything that could go wrong because that simply stokes the fires for those pushing for a second vote to cancel the whole thing. The EU want us to stay because otherwise the bills will pretty much need to be paid by France and Germany and that could be a disaster if any of the Southern European states collapses as they have threatened to do. The first thing that May has done right was last Friday with her speech saying prepare for a no deal brexit as Europe is not showing any respect in the negotiations. That was a strong message that any plan to get us to vote again was not going to work.

I voted remain, I still think that Brexit is a bad idea but it appears that Europe has been stonewalling for 2 years to try and get the vote changed and the only way that we can counteract this is to walk away and make then come to us with a plan. After all, we have been to them with a number of suggestions that have been laughed off but I cannot think of one report of Europe putting forward a blueprint of how they think this can work.