You are playing a match in a knockout competition.....

Chris wood used to do that for years Smiff....:lol:

Things like that dont bother me too much....There are worse things in life Pal.:thup:
He could pitch up in gorilla costume for all i care. The main reason being i'am there to play golf and have a good time, not police how other people dress.
Another reason for keeping quiet is you can guarantee Guy the Gorilla will be far better company, than some pompous oath who refuses to play with someone who doesn't dress to their standards.
Our course doesn't allow untucked shorts, or at least it didn't.

Just recently there have been a lot of visitors wearing shirts with a small slit at the bottom of the side seam, apparently this makes them "designed to be worn outside the trousers" and the club allows them, now some memebers are starting to adopt it.

Personally I still think they look scruffy, side vents or not. I guess I'm just "old fashioned".
Our club is another that has a "traditionalist" view and insists shirts need to be tucked in. Personally I prefer to wear mine tucked but there are those that insist on breaking the rule. I'd rather leave it to someone else to worry about. I've enough to consider trying to get that pesky white ball to do what I want it to
Christ, that John Daley picture above looks like he sold his caravan but kept the curtains and had them made into trousers!

On a serious note, it wouldn't bother me.
Our club is another that has a "traditionalist" view and insists shirts need to be tucked in. Personally I prefer to wear mine tucked but there are those that insist on breaking the rule. I'd rather leave it to someone else to worry about. I've enough to consider trying to get that pesky white ball to do what I want it to

I like to wear mine untucked,not because I insist on breaking the rules but because I find it more comfortable.
and the bloke you are playing against has his shirt un-tucked on the 1st tee.
Would you say anything???

I wouldn't even notice, and even if he did I wouldn't waste any oxygen telling him so.

I understand we all have our pet peeves but moaning at someone for having an untucked shirt? Seriously?
Our course doesn't allow untucked shorts, or at least it didn't.

Just recently there have been a lot of visitors wearing shirts with a small slit at the bottom of the side seam, apparently this makes them "designed to be worn outside the trousers" and the club allows them, now some memebers are starting to adopt it.

Personally I still think they look scruffy, side vents or not. I guess I'm just "old fashioned".

Since when were shirts ever designed to be tucked in
Shirts have been made to hang since time began
It was only rule breaking trouble making fashionable oils who ever tucked them in in the first place
Couldn't careless about a shirt hanging out it's not something that is really all that important in the grand scheme of life.

Much more pressing things to worry about like playing the game against him rather than worrying about his shirt.