Wrist position post impact

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Something Virtuocity mentioned in his thread about grip today got me thinking.

Post impact are your wrists supposed to roll?

Well, I did a bit of snipping off YouTube and came up with these examples:

Luke Donald:


Tiger Woods:


Hunter Mahan:


Charl Schwartzel:


Notice how it's impact their wrists are rotating over (Right over left) and they extend through the shot.

Here's me from the start of last year:


No rolling.

My wrists don't roll over until they are pretty much levels with my head:


The only player I can think of who comes close to hitting similar positions to me is Zach Johnson :mad:

Key difference here is I'm not a major winner and I don't play with an insanely strong grip.

This isn't something I'm concerned about as it's not something my pro has highlighted (... Yet) and as it's something I've always done, I'm not going to change it without good reason (.... IE the say so of my pro).

I'm just curious as to the forum expert thoughts on this part of the swing. Is it important? Does it matter when the rotation happens post impact? Is it better to extend through impact or rotate?

Just curious as to thoughts. Like I say, I'm not looking to change, just had my curiosity peaked by a fellow formers post.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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No there should be no conscious roll of the wrists/hands at all, this is one sense when pictures 'lie'. If you were able to ask any of these golfers they would tell you the same.

The left hand wrist 'cocks' and 'un-cocks' only upwards and downwards, fulcrum of which is the 'snuff box' (radial fossa) joint in the left wrist (I spoke about in the other grip thread), a thumb up thumb down movement only.

What leads to confusion with pics like this, is, you only get into this position because of the torso is turning through into and through impact into the follow through and so because the arms are connected as they are by the shoulders and because of this rotary body movement the arms gently rotate themselves through the whole swing.
So it looks as if there's been a conscious effort of the golfer to turn the wrists/hands over, but there hasn't been at all.

Trying to make the move that 'appears' to be here, will only mean you'll get really inconsistent and 'over closing down' of the club face, and depending on the timing of the conscious hand movement your trying to make in any one swing. You may get lucky occasionally and be square through impact.
But most times you either be still open through impact because the conscious hand movement over was slow and not square or you'll have closed the face down too quickly, so you'd get a lot of different shot outcomes and not be sending the ball to target.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
The wrists don't roll, you CAN roll them when you're halfway (p8 and onwards) into your follow-thru if you want (plenty of people do) but thru impact and into the follow-thru there is no rolling. What you are seeing there is sort of an optical illusion (basically your own inability to understand 3D orientation - no offence). That said some pics do look like there may be SOME roll but in essence if the toe of the club is pointing upwards then there CAN'T have been any roll, if the face is turned over then the person HAS added some roll into the follow thru (but definitely not thru impact, why would you? the clubface would be too hard to consistently get facing the way you want it to face).


Tour Rookie
Mar 1, 2011
is the optical illusion to do with the head and legs still facing camera but arms and torso at right angle?

If you want to focus on wrist position this is what my pro told me to emulate and something I am working hard on

serg i o.jpg

covering the ball with the wrists ahead of the club. There may be many variable why this is suitable for some and not others but it's certainly one factor that my pro thinks will help my swing. I am certainly no expert on swing techniques but it is working for me and a good way to get the feeling is by dragging a mop across a carpet and feeling the head get left behind.

EDIT: terrible picture far to small but that is Sergio at impact with wrists ready to uncock into impact