Work The Idiots In Charge


Head Pro
Oct 8, 2012
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I spent 30-odd years in IT. The number of really good dedicated techies who got promoted to management roles they were hopeless at was depressing. A total waste of their skills, but it was the only way to get a decent pay rise.
Now retired, but I spent my entire career as a technician in IT. Back in 1983 I was made a project leader and hated it. I spent all my time trying to explain to members of my team how to do things that I could have got done in half the time. After 3 months I said "enough" and went back to just being a geek. (Didn't have give back the car allowance and fuel card, either :D)

The Fader

Sep 12, 2017
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In my last company before retirement - a major multi national - it seemed like more people were employed to "weigh the pig" than the number employed to fatten it!!



Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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I used to have a boss, he had two rules. If you are hitting target, you can play as much golf as you like Monday to Friday, if you are not hitting target, I expect to see you in the office trying to fix that. Ah those were the days!

I had a boss - if I was hitting my target he played golf with me, all the other reps started to dig at him because of how often he would rota to be with me on my golf day.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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I spent 30-odd years in IT. The number of really good dedicated techies who got promoted to management roles they were hopeless at was depressing. A total waste of their skills, but it was the only way to get a decent pay rise.

Similar thing used to happen in my profession you only got selected to go on the Supervisor selection course if you were top of the Sales team. They lost a lot of good salesmen/ladies that way and ended up with some pretty mediocre supervisors.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Reminds me of why I left the forces, as promotion came I got to spend less time in the field doing what I enjoyed the most. As time went in I spent more time training people to do a job I was better at than them, eventually made me leave as seeing them going out in the field doing what I loved and was good at whilst I became more of a REMF just controlling from a distance or via a debrief was quite disheartening.

Now I've ended up in a training role with the RAF it's not quite so bad as its not relating to proper field work, but still the itch is there to don some MTP, strap a rifle on and go out on recce ops. Man getting older sucks ?
Dont start saying things like that to the 'Crabfats' They will be expecting memory foam mattresses in the ditch ?
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Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Working in the NHS I'm aware of how many "managers" have been created in the last decade. What some of these do and what they contribute has been discussed on here before but I've seen some that at the first sign of a problem run straight to HR to sort out without wanting to get involved. If you take the cash for the responsibility stand up and be counted when it gets tough


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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They have to in order to protect themselves from complaints.

I've worked in a hospital, many employees are far from the hard working heroes.

I agree but from my experience of working in NHS recruitment/HR, a lot of these issues can be done according to policy at a local level without any problems. I do agree though that there are a few employees in any trust that are trouble and only in it for themselves and what they can get away with


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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I'm amazed at how many forum members are at the 'bottom rung' in their jobs and so have zero staff to look after...

Or maybe you do have a team you manage but still have a boss too..

Are your all sure this thread isn't about yourself ;)


Head Pro
Oct 8, 2012
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I'm amazed at how many forum members are at the 'bottom rung' in their jobs and so have zero staff to look after...
Your choice of words could be construed as suggesting that people who have no staff are in some way unambitious and are failing to progress. I hope that was not your intent, because if it was, then it's an insult to those who choose to focus on what they do well.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Boss slamming is always fun, I've done it myself, but this thread could equally be headed 'the idiots employed '. Bosses can reel off plenty of examples of appalling and stupid employees, same as it can be done the other way around. The thread is light hearted fun, leave it as that.

One thing this does show is the difference between being a non management employee and being a boss. They are two very different jobs and this is often not recognised. The great shame is that someone who is very good at their non management job often doesn't get to use those skills once they move up the ladder. The clearest example of this, imo, is in teaching. Brilliant teachers move up to be deputy heads and heads and then never enter a classroom again. A real loss.
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Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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I agree but from my experience of working in NHS recruitment/HR, a lot of these issues can be done according to policy at a local level without any problems. I do agree though that there are a few employees in any trust that are trouble and only in it for themselves and what they can get away with

I'm trying to find a way in the the NHS at the moment. I've got my third application in for THE SAME JOB that has come up in the last six months. Got an interview the second time. Smiled sweetly, turned on the charm offensive, jesus one interviewer was a golfer so latched on to that. Didn't score enough "points". But hey the job came up again 3 weeks later surprise suprise, so I'm on for it again. It's only a 15 hour part time thing, that I could do with my eyes shut, basically filing, just what the hell do they want????

HS? Bit of help here please !!!!!!


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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I'm amazed at how many forum members are at the 'bottom rung' in their jobs and so have zero staff to look after...

Or maybe you do have a team you manage but still have a boss too..

Are your all sure this thread isn't about yourself ;)

A few years ago I managed a team of 6. I always wondered if they thought I was an idiot.
Two jobs later and I'm at the bottom of the pile, with no monitary drive to try to crawl up the ladder. But it makes me wonder just how the English economy survives. :eek:


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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I'm amazed at how many forum members are at the 'bottom rung' in their jobs and so have zero staff to look after...

I am a SNCO in the RAF, level 8 of 9 but haven’t had any staff in last 3 jobs. However, I am responsible for airworthiness, keeping aircraft safe to fly. Just because people have no staff doesn’t mean they are on the bottom rung