Work The Idiots In Charge


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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That smacks of autism Rob, my grandson would line all his cars, dinosaurs etc up in a line, smallest to largest, groups of colours together, and you weren't allowed to touch them
My little granddaughter does exactly the same.

The bosses who worked their way up could not be fooled by the men on the floor.
Graduate bosses didn’t have a clue ,and could be fobbed off with any old excuse as to why the machine wasn’t working.
Spent a lot of time asking the men why they were lying to him just to get a longer break.
“ because we can” was the reason.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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The bosses who worked their way up could not be fooled by the men on the floor.
Graduate bosses didn’t have a clue ,and could be fobbed off with any old excuse as to why the machine wasn’t working.
Spent a lot of time asking the men why they were lying to him just to get a longer break.
“ because we can” was the reason.
I've seen that plenty of times as well, your last statement. A sad attitude and when the company starts laying off staff because they aren't doing so well no doubt those same men will be blaming management and not looking at themselves.

As part of any graduate training scheme the graduate should spend time in every single department in the company for the exact reason you mention. If they don't understand each job, how can they manage those who are playing the game?


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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Your choice of words could be construed as suggesting that people who have no staff are in some way unambitious and are failing to progress. I hope that was not your intent, because if it was, then it's an insult to those who choose to focus on what they do well.

No, what I meant was I absolutely do not believe that those having a bitch and moan about their boss are on the bottom rung.
I actually think many will be bosses themselves and the irony is moaning about their boss when it's very possible their team could be saying the same about them ?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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I've seen that plenty of times as well, your last statement. A sad attitude and when the company starts laying off staff because they aren't doing so well no doubt those same men will be blaming management and not looking at themselves.

As part of any graduate training scheme the graduate should spend time in every single department in the company for the exact reason you mention. If they don't understand each job, how can they manage those who are playing the game?
The other side of it was , we regularly had intermittent problems With machines .
But Sod’s law says that when the boss and fitters turned up it didn’t happen.
Good bosses had seen these problems for themselves and understood.
The graduate boss didn’t understand this and thought the men were shirking .
This created a bad relationship.
I offered to train him up on the major Bull Blocks ( copper extruding machine) once.
So he could better understand the lads problems.
“NO” was his answer.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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I've seen that plenty of times as well, your last statement. A sad attitude and when the company starts laying off staff because they aren't doing so well no doubt those same men will be blaming management and not looking at themselves.

As part of any graduate training scheme the graduate should spend time in every single department in the company for the exact reason you mention. If they don't understand each job, how can they manage those who are playing the game?
The place was to big ( 1/2 mile long) for one man to know every job.
It was divided into sections, so we ended up with far to many managers .
Conflicting orders were commonplace, with team leaders (me) having to sort it out.
It was a great place to work and I enjoyed it mostly.
But imho most of the problems came from infighting in the management not the men.
They knew their jobs inside out ,all the little tricks to get a blow for tea.
But I always told them “ as long as they do their job there isn’t a problem”
Most of the bosses knew this but the Graduate guy just wanted to stamp his authority on everyone.
That dosnt work with experienced workers. Imo of course.

We started making tubes engraved in German for the EU market After being taken over by a German firm.
We all knew that was the last nail in the coffin.
I was gone by then but it was a sad day to see it go.
Spent 40 yrs there.
Miss the lads and with Covid havnt seen them for ages.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I moved from a very technical background into some promotions that saw me in a very senior management role and eventually becoming a CEO. I found I was struggling with various aspects of business like marketing and accounts, I had some experience of people management but that was in the military which is not quite the same. I decided to study management with the OU which was hard work along with holding a job down but it was incredibly interesting and helped me to deal with so many things with confidence.


Nov 16, 2011
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I moved from a very technical background into some promotions that saw me in a very senior management role and eventually becoming a CEO. I found I was struggling with various aspects of business like marketing and accounts, I had some experience of people management but that was in the military which is not quite the same. I decided to study management with the OU which was hard work along with holding a job down but it was incredibly interesting and helped me to deal with so many things with confidence.
Thus becoming - to paraphrase Crazyface - 'the absolute/Number One idiot in charge!' ;);)

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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I'm amazed at how many forum members are at the 'bottom rung' in their jobs and so have zero staff to look after...

Or maybe you do have a team you manage but still have a boss too..

Are your all sure this thread isn't about yourself ;)

You appear to be confusing looking after staff with being responsible for staff; I have no official management responsibility in my post, but I still look after younger staff despite not having to.


Nov 16, 2011
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This thread and SR's Socialism one remind me of my study of Japan's post-war reconstruction 'miracle'.
Japan's Quality Circles and Deming's Statistical approach to Quality (I've actually participate in/used both) do not seem to be well liked in this country, yet CAN provide valuable grass-roots ideas for improvement. There are also more modern equivalents.

In every company, there should be some facility whereby workers 'at the coal-face' can communicate with those 'who can make things happen' about inefficiencies/redundant processes that are wasting their time, therefore costing the Company money! Too often, supervisors/managers see these ideas as criticism of their role - which it should never be! But that's, to me, something that is particularly prevalent in UK!

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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This thread and SR's Socialism one remind me of my study of Japan's post-war reconstruction 'miracle'.
Japan's Quality Circles and Deming's Statistical approach to Quality (I've actually participate in/used both) do not seem to be well liked in this country, yet CAN provide valuable grass-roots ideas for improvement. There are also more modern equivalents.

In every company, there should be some facility whereby workers 'at the coal-face' can communicate with those 'who can make things happen' about inefficiencies/redundant processes that are wasting their time, therefore costing the Company money! Too often, supervisors/managers see these ideas as criticism of their role - which it should never be! But that's, to me, something that is particularly prevalent in UK!
I've heard in the past of companies who give bonuses to shop floor employees who make suggestions that save money, time, increase efficiencies etc. That would not be needed if managers simply talked and listened to staff. They do not always need to formalise these chats, just talk to people. It is weak and insecure managers who see suggestions as a threat. I've never understood that mentality but it is there, as you say.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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This thread and SR's Socialism one remind me of my study of Japan's post-war reconstruction 'miracle'.
Japan's Quality Circles and Deming's Statistical approach to Quality (I've actually participate in/used both) do not seem to be well liked in this country, yet CAN provide valuable grass-roots ideas for improvement. There are also more modern equivalents.

In every company, there should be some facility whereby workers 'at the coal-face' can communicate with those 'who can make things happen' about inefficiencies/redundant processes that are wasting their time, therefore costing the Company money! Too often, supervisors/managers see these ideas as criticism of their role - which it should never be! But that's, to me, something that is particularly prevalent in UK!
We had a suggestion scheme that worked very well.
The management stopped it as uneconomic.
So the lads kept things to themselves unless it made their job easier.
False economy but they didn’t listen.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Actually I disagree!
It takes a pretty special one! :LOL:
So what are you suggesting, I'm a pretty special idiot? You often come over as a complete (Mod edit) Foxy, you know nothing about me or my abilities to do my job. Unlike many I hold qualifications in Managenent, marketing and accountancy, I'm also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management as well as a qualified Engineer.
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Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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So what are you suggesting, I'm a pretty special idiot? You often come over as a complete (Mod Edit) Foxy, you know nothing about me or my abilities to do my job. Unlike many I hold qualifications in Managenent, marketing and accountancy, I'm also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management.

So your qualified to talk out of your bottom? It explains a lot


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I have a degree in needlework and media studies from Scumbag College so I feel qualified to comment on any subject.
And your point is? I thought the subject matter was 'Management' You are very quick to inform us of your specialist skills in School Governance, I tend to accept you do the job well, why should I think otherwise.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I'm trying to find a way in the the NHS at the moment. I've got my third application in for THE SAME JOB that has come up in the last six months. Got an interview the second time. Smiled sweetly, turned on the charm offensive, jesus one interviewer was a golfer so latched on to that. Didn't score enough "points". But hey the job came up again 3 weeks later surprise suprise, so I'm on for it again. It's only a 15 hour part time thing, that I could do with my eyes shut, basically filing, just what the hell do they want????

HS? Bit of help here please !!!!!!

I would simply be more focused on the role, suggest why you'll fit into the role and what you'll be able to offer the department. A lot of trusts aren't overly smart and for admin roles will use the same questions over and so you should have a better idea what they'll ask and can tailor the answers more specifically. If the trust has core statements (we use CARE - compassion, aspirational, resourceful and excellence) use those as part of the answers.