Why is my old handicap been adjusted?


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Mar 31, 2024
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Hi, I was wondering if anyone can help about my new handicap. So the last time I submitted a card either in general play or a comp was at my club 11 years ago. In 2013 I left and I’ve re joined the same club this year. The only card I’ve been able to sign and hand in was the other day only playing the back nine as 1 tee on the front nine isn’t within 10 yards of its original tee. My iGMember app and my England golf were both showing my old handicap index and when I submitted the nine holes the other day it has been adjusted! This is where my problem is as I don’t want to upset any members by having a handicap that’s above my playing ability. 2013 when I left I wasn’t practicing, wasn’t having lessons and fell out of love with the game. Now I’m doing the opposite and I’m averaging rounds in the 70’s including a 73 the other day on my course which is par 72. I thought I have to hand in 3 cards and they will take the best from those 3 cards minus 2 shots and then after that it will average out from my best 8 out of 20 rounds. Why is my old handicap index still be used?


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Aug 25, 2009
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Probably worth having a word with the club, handing cards in quickly or just banditing your first few comps.

Alan Clifford

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My guess is that your old handicap was just sitting there on your record. After you handed in your recent card, your handicap would have been recaluclated under the WHS system. My record shows that they only went back to the beginning of 2018 to calculate the first WHS handicap index, so now you have only one score in your record.

With only one score, you don't have a handicap index yet.


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Mar 31, 2024
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Probably worth having a word with the club, handing cards in quickly or just banditing your first few comps.
I’ll have to pre warn the members 😂 but all jokes a side I want to be as low as possible. Will see what happens after 3 cards handed in, if it’s not adjusted accordingly and they do use my old handicap as a base/reference I could always appeal in front of the handicap committee


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My guess is that your old handicap was just sitting there on your record. After you handed in your recent card, your handicap would have been recaluclated under the WHS system. My record shows that they only went back to the beginning of 2018 to calculate the first WHS handicap index, so now you have only one score in your record.

With only one score, you don't have a handicap index yet.


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On my iGMember app it shows a handicap index that’s been adjusted but no LOW handicap index, on my England golf it shows my handicap index but says low index pending. I was kind of hoping to start from complete scratch by handing in 3 cards.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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If they still have your records they may have simply done what they did to the rest of us.
Take the last 20 adjusted scores find the best 8 add them up and divide by 8.

If they are taking it from scratch it works like this



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Mar 31, 2024
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If they still have your records they may have simply done what they did to the rest of us.
Take the last 20 adjusted scores find the best 8 add them up and divide by 8.

If they are taking it from scratch it works like this

View attachment 52625
That could be the case, if it is I don’t understand why I have to sign another 3 cards if there using my old handicap index anyway 😂 I’m trying to avoid being labelled a “bandit” 😂😩


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2020
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Hi, I was wondering if anyone can help about my new handicap. So the last time I submitted a card either in general play or a comp was at my club 11 years ago. In 2013 I left and I’ve re joined the same club this year. The only card I’ve been able to sign and hand in was the other day only playing the back nine as 1 tee on the front nine isn’t within 10 yards of its original tee. My iGMember app and my England golf were both showing my old handicap index and when I submitted the nine holes the other day it has been adjusted! This is where my problem is as I don’t want to upset any members by having a handicap that’s above my playing ability. 2013 when I left I wasn’t practicing, wasn’t having lessons and fell out of love with the game. Now I’m doing the opposite and I’m averaging rounds in the 70’s including a 73 the other day on my course which is par 72. I thought I have to hand in 3 cards and they will take the best from those 3 cards minus 2 shots and then after that it will average out from my best 8 out of 20 rounds. Why is my old handicap index still be used?
Sounds like you have a migrated handicap from the old system with your old exact being used as your new index by means of 3 hidden "artificial scores" in WHS. As you submit scores, these will be replaced and once you have submitted 3 scores, your handicap will be calculated based solely on the new scores. Until then, if you submit a score near to your handicap, the artificial scores will immediately be redundant as the new score will be your best 1 of 3 (per the table in #7).


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Mar 31, 2024
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Sounds like you have a migrated handicap from the old system with your old exact being used as your new index by means of 3 hidden "artificial scores" in WHS. As you submit scores, these will be replaced and once you have submitted 3 scores, your handicap will be calculated based solely on the new scores. Until then, if you submit a score near to your handicap, the artificial scores will immediately be redundant as the new score will be your best 1 of 3 (per the table in #7).
Thankyou so much. I’ll have to come back after 3 cards to give an update.


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Aug 25, 2009
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I’ll have to pre warn the members 😂 but all jokes a side I want to be as low as possible. Will see what happens after 3 cards handed in, if it’s not adjusted accordingly and they do use my old handicap as a base/reference I could always appeal in front of the handicap committee
It admirable that you want to do it the right way. Hope you get it sorted.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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That could be the case, if it is I don’t understand why I have to sign another 3 cards if there using my old handicap index anyway 😂 I’m trying to avoid being labelled a “bandit” 😂😩
Following post #12 I now have a similar memory of what happened in 2020 for those that had not submitted any cards for several years.
Worth noting that until you get about 16 cards in that your handicap will not be truly reflective of your ability.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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The only card I’ve been able to sign and hand in was the other day only playing the back nine as 1 tee on the front nine isn’t within 10 yards of its original tee.

This rule has now reads 'should not be placed'
and the reference point is the fixed distance marker.

If it is for a general play card you could opt to not play the hole and record it as a hole not started, stating your reason, and the software will scale the score for the card accordingly.