What's my problem(s)?


Assistant Pro
Mar 23, 2016
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Just got back into the game, and I currently cannot hit my driver as it goes left, essentially a slice. This is every shot with the driver, for context. (Left handed)

My Hybrid and irons is a exaggerated draw, potentially a hook. Unless, of course it occasionally is straight left (no slice with these)

What am I doing wrong?! The Driver is always left, but the other clubs are either hooky, or straight left. I know that my grip is far too strong, but I am struggling to bring my right hand around the grip (too small grip?!) and have far too many knuckles showing. Someone also told me that my feet are aiming too far left compared to my clubface.

It is just confusing to me how my bad shot is both left and right, just depending on the club! Despite all this, the connection is mostly always good, so I don't think I am a million miles away.

P.s - I am looking to get a lesson.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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The direction and flight of the ball is mostly dictated by the swing path and the direction the clubface is pointing at impact. The grip controls the clubface and the aim affects the swingpath. Get those 2 parts fixed and you'll be fine


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Just got back into the game, and I currently cannot hit my driver as it goes left, essentially a slice. This is every shot with the driver, for context. (Left handed)

My Hybrid and irons is a exaggerated draw, potentially a hook. Unless, of course it occasionally is straight left (no slice with these)

What am I doing wrong?! The Driver is always left, but the other clubs are either hooky, or straight left. I know that my grip is far too strong, but I am struggling to bring my right hand around the grip (too small grip?!) and have far too many knuckles showing. Someone also told me that my feet are aiming too far left compared to my clubface.

It is just confusing to me how my bad shot is both left and right, just depending on the club! Despite all this, the connection is mostly always good, so I don't think I am a million miles away.

P.s - I am looking to get a lesson.

for sure lesson with PGA pro the best ways to go

if the grip hold is rotated way too counter-clockwise on the handle then for sure that's going to be a big part of the issue as that will lead to compensations in the swing motion which sometimes will come off better than others

the bit picked out in bold 'essentially a slice' so curving leftfield - but is that starting direction from the tee-box left of target anyways - so not starting right of target then curving left but starting left going left more times than not - push slice

so essentially the 'slice' and the hooks and pushes are all part of the same issue - swing path in to out then just depends 'where' the face angle is 'looking' at strike as to the direction and curvature shape

where the face is pointing at impact with the driver is around 80-85% responsible for the starting direction of the flight - then the difference between that face angle and the swing path more or less responsible for the amount of curvature that's with a strike pretty near center - real off center strikes will bring more issues into play in terms of direction and curvature

so sounds like the alignments are an issue guessing shoulders will be 'pointing leftfield' so closed (echoing the feet)

shoulder line little ways more important than the feet as they more govern the swingpath - which sounds like it's a ways 'in to out' as to why you get the hooks or straight pushes left along with the push slice - the grip sometimes closing the face down so hook but also sometimes holding off the closure am guessing by raising the hands up going into impact so the shaft gets steeper which plays into stopping the face closing at times to get a push or with the longer shaft of the driver or a push slice

unless you got real big hands it maybes isn't a grip size issue
but if you can't get the hands more 'on top' of the handle so rotated more clockwise to see just around 2 knuckles of the lead hand could be that the handle is being placed too much 'up' in the palm of the hand and not enough to the base of the palm so held more in the fingers

as just starting back into golf would try to get those lessons soonest as carrying on longer will just make 'change' a ways more protracted and difficult


Assistant Pro
Mar 23, 2016
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Thanks to both of you.

Just to let you know, my right hand was far too strong, and I for the life of me have never been able to amend my grip from 'extremely strong' i.e - 4 right knuckles showing as a left hander at times!

I took your advice Coach about holding it in my fingers rather than palms, and that is my current set up thought - it has really helped me!

Had my lesson at the weekend, and the main thing i was taught was that my hands are turning over far too late, thus leaving it out left etc and what not. Entered the medal immediately after the lesson....i N/R'd!

Think I need to go on the range before entering any more comps, and get to a point where I am keeping it in play, especially off the tee!