What are your experiences of playing by the new rules?


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Jun 25, 2012
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do you feel like you know the main changes yet?
Yes, like to think I’m always up on them.

any new rules you are still confused by or unsure of?
No, but I think the OOB local rule could have caused a lot of controversy if we’d adopted it, thankfully we aren’t.

do you feel the golfers you have played with this year have got to grips with the new rules yet?
Not all, seen some drop shoulder height and reminded them, also a couple automatically taking the flag out as I addressed my ball and had to tell them to leave it.

what new rules have you had to bring into play?
Drop, bunker leaves/twigs, 3mins, flag.

experiences of putting with the flagstick in
Good, I like it, especially in matchplay when it matters, I’m more aggressive with the putt.

experiences of new reduced 3 minute search time
Still plenty of time, if you haven’t found it in that time, it’s not in a place where you’ll probably recover from anyway. Being a new rule it has made me glance at my watch, 3 minutes is quite long imo.

have you seen anyone inadvertently breaking the rules because they're not aware of the changes?
Yes, accidentally, but a friendly reminder doesn’t hurt in roll ups, the acid test will be the first proper Comp this Saturday.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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Simply magnificent. Shaving 20+ minutes off a round. Just need the snowflakes and dinosaurs to follow suit and golf will be enjoyable for all again. Could start getting close to 3 hour medal rounds with a bit of thought and consideration.

Flag in rule is a God send. Reduces time on the greens and eliminates "tending". Putt and go.

I didn't time the exact moment we holed out on 18th yesterday but it must have been a smidge over 3;35 for the 4-ball because I was at home cleaning clubs 3;50 after we tee'd off

Flag in on most holes (only came out a few times) was the only real change I can think of to a usual social game pre 2019, stopped to ball hunt plenty of times within the group (but this was never a 5 min search previously either) we all played pretty poorly so it sure wasn't less shots

Didn't get held up by the group in front which helps but clearly we didn't get held up by our own selves messing with the flag either.

It seems like its just a few seconds saved but it must all add up


Jul 13, 2015
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We played today and used 'ready golf'. 3-ball with all eighteen holed out. Took 2.56 start to finish. Not bad at all.

Sounds as though you embraced the changes and got the rewards.

Outstanding son. Simply fabulous time.

Not long till we start seeing sub 4 hour 4 balls too.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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do you feel like you know the main changes yet?
Yeah, I'm certainly familiar with the main rule changes that you would experience regularly.

any new rules you are still confused by or unsure of?
I'm not 100% on the change of hazard types, yellow and red, what kind of drop you take in each scenario yet. That seems a bit complicated.

do you feel the golfers you have played with this year have got to grips with the new rules yet?
Yeah, pretty much. Sometimes have to remind people to drop from knee-height though.

what new rules have you had to bring into play?
All of them?? Not the dropping for 2 penalty shots when out of bounds though, our club hasn't adopted that.

experiences of putting with the flagstick in
I adjusted to it really quickly and easily. I leave it in for all downhill putts certainly as you undoubtedly have a better chance of holing or stopping it near if you're dead on-line. I'm even starting to think I aim better when it's in, as aiming at a thin stick in the middle of the hole (mentally anyway) is more precise than just aiming for the entire hole itself. One playing partner wasn't entirely on board with it though, so we had to adopt a form of ready golf, where those of us who wanted it in would put first, then take it out and it stays out. Better that than playing flag hokey cokey.

One negative is that having holed with the flag in, you do have to be very careful not to damage the edge of the hole when fishing your ball out.

experiences of new reduced 3 minute search time
We never really time ourselves so it's hard to garner any difference whatsoever really. Nobody ever times it.

have you seen anyone inadvertently breaking the rules because they're not aware of the changes?
No, I don't think so. As mentioned you sometimes have to remind people to drop from lower down, but that's easily done.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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If leaving the flag in is designed to speed up play, I am yet to see it. Watching a fourball in front of us, flag was in flag was out, flag was on floor, flag was back in hole. Eventually flag was out. Not impressed at the moment. Player putts 30 ft. Puts ball 6" from hole, 2nd player pulls out flag, steps back, player Putts. Next player from 20 ft wants flag back in. Player who is 10 ft from hole who should be focusing on his Putt has spent last minute or so playing with the flag.
Can deffo see the advantage of leaving flags in, but speed up play. Am not seeing it.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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If leaving the flag in is designed to speed up play, I am yet to see it. Watching a fourball in front of us, flag was in flag was out, flag was on floor, flag was back in hole. Eventually flag was out. Not impressed at the moment. Player putts 30 ft. Puts ball 6" from hole, 2nd player pulls out flag, steps back, player Putts. Next player from 20 ft wants flag back in. Player who is 10 ft from hole who should be focusing on his Putt has spent last minute or so playing with the flag.
Can deffo see the advantage of leaving flags in, but speed up play. Am not seeing it.

In that instance the player who putted first up to 6inches and tapped in should be popping the flag in and out as necessary.

It's all about using common sense.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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If leaving the flag in is designed to speed up play, I am yet to see it. Watching a fourball in front of us, flag was in flag was out, flag was on floor, flag was back in hole. Eventually flag was out. Not impressed at the moment. Player putts 30 ft. Puts ball 6" from hole, 2nd player pulls out flag, steps back, player Putts. Next player from 20 ft wants flag back in. Player who is 10 ft from hole who should be focusing on his Putt has spent last minute or so playing with the flag.
Can deffo see the advantage of leaving flags in, but speed up play. Am not seeing it.
I think that's just early days, and as time goes on more people will be leaving the flag in when they see others doing it. And if not, then you use ready golf and adapt. Figure out who wants the flag left in and let those guys putt first.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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I think that's just early days, and as time goes on more people will be leaving the flag in when they see others doing it. And if not, then you use ready golf and adapt. Figure out who wants the flag left in and let those guys putt first.

Tuesday was the first round I had this year, having been laid off with man flu. It was a royal PITA.Hope to god it does settle down.