What are the likely outcomes of a stronger grip?



Hi all,

I grip with a neutral grip, two knuckles showing on my left hand and my right hand fairly well over the top of that. To aid me getting the club a little(lot) steeper on the back swing might a stronger grip help, so two knuckles on the left and not so over the top of my left thumb with my right hand?

The reason I ask is that is seems to let my right shoulder drop back a little that may help with plane and feels a little easier to get the wrist hinge. I only played with it for 5 mins as I don't tend to muck about with my grip. What are the likely changes that a slightly stronger grip may have?




Tour Rookie
Jun 12, 2012
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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If I'm reading you right, by having your right hand on top of your left this will promote a weak grip with your right hand. While your left hand is fine, 2-3 knuckles showing your right hand should be more underneath the club. Your left thumb should sit in the fleshy pad formed by the right thumb, ie by the life line in the right hand. Your palms will be facing each other and the V's formed between both thumbs and index finger in the hands will point more to the right shoulder.

Hope this makes sence.