

Assistant Pro
Jan 30, 2015
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Neither am I, can't see too much as in silhouette , as a past fellow sufferer of big fade and slice. Ii was told to close my stance more, I notice you're standing a little open which promotes a fade anyway
As I couldn't seem to get a full shoulder turn due to an old injury my pro had me moving my back foot back in 1 inch increments until the ball went straight
and it worked
Try this as a quick fix

srixon 1

Journeyman Pro
Oct 5, 2011
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Neither am I, can't see too much as in silhouette , as a past fellow sufferer of big fade and slice. Ii was told to close my stance more, I notice you're standing a little open which promotes a fade anyway
As I couldn't seem to get a full shoulder turn due to an old injury my pro had me moving my back foot back in 1 inch increments until the ball went straight
and it worked
Try this as a quick fix

Apart from the one that went left, they all looked fairly straight to me.

Looked fairly good to me, what's your handicap?


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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My pro. I was really struggling to feel a "loop" at the start of my downswing meaning I was coming over the top 99% of the time, taking the club away a little outside the plane has helped me get the feeling of looping at the top

Similar to what I was told at a lesson, feel like you're taking it back kind of on the outside then loop back on from the inside on the downswing.
I suffered with quite a slice however *touch wood* it's been ok lately thanks to concentrating on swing path at impact and all that entails.

srixon 1

Journeyman Pro
Oct 5, 2011
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I have what you would call an "over the top swing" when you see it on camera. However, because i take it back on the inside (about 6 to 8 degrees on average) my "over the top" is actually just bringing my club back on plane and my down swing is usually within 1* inside or outside "the line".

Until you can get actual figures from trackman or similar do not always believe what you see on the camera.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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About average I would say, might be a touch thin at times.

can see you are working on takeaway & backswing drill.

may help some next time set up with the stick as in the vid. around an 1" or so outside the ball & parallel to the ball/target line put down a rolled bag towel so around couple inches is target side of ball but majority is trailside. good visual to see better the path the club has to travel through to impact from slightly inside to square to back inside.

couple things have to happen for this to be accomplished. downswing transition has to start from ground up weight into the left side & left hip has to clear, head stays back of ball.

as well as path the other condition that's important is the AoA - so where the 'low point' is in the swings arc, couple inches target side of the ball. to get this hands have to lead a forwards leaning shaft again the same things in the swing motion have to take place - downswing transition has to start from ground up weight into the left side & left hip has to clear, head stays back of ball.

good ways to feel all of this is the pre-set impact drill. so again weight is left, left hip is cleared, left arm flat left wrist/hand lead a forward leaning shaft head back of ball. (first time folks do this they often say that the arms/hands/club unit feel more 'infront' than they ever have & the hip more cleared & more weight is on the left leg)
from this pre-set position you make a 3/4 backswing (arms connected to turn, when turn stops so do the arms & club so no overswing) feel a beat atop the swing then weight into left side leads the downswing, right shoulder turns down not out, turn transports the arms, right elbow to front of right hip rotate through to finish.

other drill to feel low point by avoidance. is to place a flat bag towel 3" behind the ball at 90º to target line. only ways to avoid the towel & get solid strike is by meeting the impact conditions outlined above.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Steep then shallow it out.

that vid seems familiar ... :)


see from here though that the swing has gone from steep on the ways up (top) to a little ways less steep on the ways down (bottom). so over the 'plane' on the ways up & then stays over the plane on the ways down.