I think i'll stick to soapy water
you should try goose fat, works wonders:rofl:
I think i'll stick to soapy water
WD40 contains fish oils, surely that detracts from grip?
Soapy water and a nail brush does rightly.
People clean their grips? More than once a year?
People clean their grips?
No idea, but as I posted earlier, it works.
I sprayed the wd40 on the grip, giving it a wipe with the wd40 seemed to get a load of dirt out of the grip. Then I gave it a quick wash with warm water and soap, then rinsed it off and the grip came up really good.
I guess the key is to wash off the wd40 once it's done its cleaning job.
Done occasionally as you describe will certainly be beneficial. The WD40 will take many oils and greases into solution (that might resist mere soap and water) and then detergent will remove the WD40 complete with dissolved stuff.
Most degreasing agents would work in the same way, and might be kinder to the rubber ie gunk or equivalent.
Surprised we don't have a dedicated Cillit Bang Golf Club Grip Cleaner - unusual for them to miss a market!
I'd be afraid the WD40 wears down the material. Many mineral oil products do, even suncreme and the like. They almost seem to melt the material over time.
Also, doesn't WD40 make the grip too slippery?
Barry Scott will be along shortly:rofl:
Barry Scott will be along shortly:rofl:
Have you cleaned my guitar or does it come with some fluff?