Was I guilty of Gamesmanship


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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Would also add that it's clear that you didn't have bad intentions but I reckon you'll not do that again.

Personally, I would send a tenner in the post to stick behind the bar for the guy as a way of an apology with a short note stating that you didn't mean to be unsporting and to have a pint on your dollar.

No need to do that, no matter what HE still missed the putt!

If you had not done it chances are the match would have finished the same anyway, you will never know though...


I would say 'Yes'

But nice post-gamesmanship comment rationalisation.

My thoughts exactly. Not quite cricket but we all make mistakes and as long as we learn from them and don't repeat then all's well.

I would probably let your opponent know that you have some regret about what happened and offer an apology.


Tour Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
East Herts
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This sort of on-course chit chat between different groups seems to happen a bit in our scratch matches against other clubs. I don't really care for it.

There are a few holes on our course where routes to tees cross over and I'm often struck by how much some players from other clubs like to stop, shoot the breze and swap scores in theirs and other people's matches. Often it's becasue they are well up, and therefore it seems like gloating.

Pretty crass and vulgar behaviour in my view. It's a club match, not the Ryder Cup. Let's play the games and just tot the points up at the end. The need to know what's going on in the other games seems borne of the information generation where we demand to know eveything that's going on around us in real time. We don't, especially not in amateur golf.

I have more respect for opponents who focus on playing good golf and being decent company to play with, not running round the course chatting to their mates whenever they get a chance.

Perhaps I am old fashioned.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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whats wrong with letting by-standers know "the state of play" on the final green? adds a bit of excitment. gets the adrenaline going. real pros deal with it, so i dont see the problem.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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This actually happened to me in the last round of the club matchplay, not a group but two guys having a pint outside the clubhouse. My oppo dropped his bag over there and told them the state of play. In truth I didn't even take any notice, it wasn't until I read this that I thought it was any sort of gamesmanship! I had a 5 foot side-hiller to win and missed, it was a tricky putt. I dont think I missed it because of what he said, perhaps the excitement of winning got the better of me, it had been a great match. 4 play off holes later I had a trickier one to win and holed it, he was visibly gutted but a gent about it. Like I say I didn't think he was being unsporting at all, but perhaps he was and it just didnt register, either way I dont feel I missed my putt because of it