Warm up routine


Medal Winner
Jul 5, 2008
North Norfolk
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I am sure that there are someone who just start learning golf like me who reading this forum. Just remember to warm up properly or end up be a cripple like me....ouch, I just move my back :(

I never do a warm up routine before and today is the first time i have been told how important it is...a bit late and yes, I should use some common sense.


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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You could always start with some short chips/ 1/2 swing pitches and then before you play any full shots, hold a club across ya chest and rotate side to side. Then play some practice swings starting with halfs again, then 3/4's, then full.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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I never used to warm up at all for any sport. But as age has crept into the equation I've found that I've had to swing gently in a warm-up to get everything working and suprise suprise I play better early on.

If you go into a round "cold" then you could either do yourself a nasty or just simply not swing properly and the ball could go anywhere.

Work out a routine that uses most clubs even if you're just swinging while waiting to tee off. Most of the time you'll hit better shots early in your round and that can keep you motivated.


Tour Rookie
Mar 14, 2007
Dublin Ireland
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Its essential all sports people warm up for their sport-Just watch a pro rugby team warm up-they go through a serious 30 min warm up-its essential to get your second wind.
Even pro golfers go through a significant warm up-stretching, putting, irons, drivers and finally putting again.
For us hackers we don't need as serious a warm up but we should go through some stretching exercises before we even start swinging a club-it reduces the potential for injury and helps your game.
Some simple stretching exercises i got from my physio--
1--swing the arms like a windmill to warm up the shoulders.
2--Lie on a bench and bring your knees up to your chest hold for 5 secs and repeat 10/15 times, this helps loosen up your lower back.
3--Lie on the bench, soles of your feet on the bench knees together, bring your knees to the side touching the bench and back to the other side, repeat 10/15 times.This is helpful for your lower back-(Facet Joints)
4--Grasp your hands together in front of your body and stretch your hands above your head, thsi stretches your back and shoulder muscles.
5--hold a club in front at knee height and gently rotate your body left & right. Warms up the main muscles required to properly rotate your body during the golf swing.
6--Hold the club above your head and gently stretch to the left & right stretching the muscles along your side.
7--Then start with a half swing gradually binding up to a full swing.

You should not be ready to commence your game-this warmup akes between 15-20 mins. I can vouch for its effectiveness as its has helped me protect my lower back and continue playing golf.

Sorry for the long post but i but beleive not enough of us warm up properly for golf.


Medal Winner
Jul 5, 2008
North Norfolk
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Very useful posting, thank you.

As a newbie I tend to use my muscle power more than swing correctly (I know the fault and it's getting less difficult each day) therefore it's pretty hard work on the driving range although I wouldn't want to be anywhere elese ;)


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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For me, the routine is the same. I get to the club about an hour and a half before my tee time. I spend about 5 minutes loosening up usually by swinging two clubs just trying to stretch as I build to a fullish swing.

I then hit about 10 balls with a sand wedge, building from a half swing up to a full swing. I then hit 20 balls split between a PW and an 8 iron. Total time (25 minutes)

I then hit 25 balls with a 6 and 4 iron or hybrid and a 5 wood (20 minutes) and finish 10 betwen drive and 3 wood (10 minutes). I then spend 10 minutes just hitting little chips and a few bunker shots and then go on the putting for 10 minutes just working on pace rather than specifically trying to hole out. Then its into the locker room to pick up tees, balls, spend a penny, get my card and on the tee.