Value of a Caddy


Jul 22, 2019
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Hi everyone, new to the forum but been a reader of the posts for some time
I have been intrigued watching Lee Westwood over the past few events noting that having dispensed with a professional caddy he currently uses either his son or his partner.
Given the lavish praise tour players and the commentators seem to have for caddies, it made me wonder how much extra burden this would have put on Westwood himself during each round and was he playing with ‘one hand tied behind his back’
He was in contention especially after the first few holes this could be his last chance for an Open win, what do people think
My mate kept banging on about how Rory needs a new caddy and thats what's causing him problems at majors . I think that's nonsense. It's still down to Rory to hit the ball and if the world no3 can't keep an iron I bounds while others are shooting sub 70s then no caddie is going to fix that.
My mate kept banging on about how Rory needs a new caddy and thats what's causing him problems at majors . I think that's nonsense. It's still down to Rory to hit the ball and if the world no3 can't keep an iron I bounds while others are shooting sub 70s then no caddie is going to fix that.
True but I'm sure the caddy has an effect on his mentality, saying the right thing at the right time, giving good advice and talking him out of stupid shots. I think people have the impression that Harry is just a yes man doing little but carry his bag and nodding along with everything he does. I don't know how true that is. He has won tournaments with Harry on the bag after all.

As for Lee, maybe at his age he doesn't have many expectations of winning tournaments, he'd rather have someone on the bag whose company he enjoys. Each golfer will have different expectations as to what they want from their caddy I guess.
It's personal preference. If my wife was caddying for me, she might not have Billy Foster's green reading skills, but she'd keep my brain in the right place better than he would!

But the value of local knowledge, of greens and no go zones is huge.

More importantly, Lee is doing what he is comfortable with
I think Westwood is comfortable with his game now. He knows what he can do, what he can't do, he is comfortable in his own skin. I saw him yesterday and he looked relaxed throughout. I think this suits him. Perhaps earlier in his career he needed the caddy on his shoulder but that time has gone now.

Watching Lowry yesterday he had a great relationship with his caddy and there is no doubt in my mind that his caddy kept him calm and focused in equal amounts. He was a reassurance as much as anything. Different stages in their career.

People talk about caddies and golfers but I would have thought the starting point is what the golfer wants, the type of personality they want to spend hours and hours with. We all know the debates about Rory and his caddies but maybe he would not suit a forceful caddy. At the end of the day it his choice, he has to live with it looking back over his career.
I think Westwood said he wanted to get back to basics and take on the decision making (i.e. calculating distance etc) as it helped put him in a better position to execute the shot. I guess it can take uncertainty away and perhaps help focus the mind on the process. I'm sure there is added benefit of sharing moments with his son and girlfriend given he's later on in his career.

These seem to be so personal in what a player needs/type of caddie so I don't disagree with the approach Lee or Rory take (Rory's mate is supposedly a very good player too) or the more traditional routes when pros (new and old) employee an experienced caddie.
He won something with her by his side and cleared a long drought. If playing with your partner puts you in a better mental space then more
Power to him.

The syngery between him and Foster just wasn’t working, Foster will be great for a young gun coming on to tour with his experience he can have the voice and control he feels he needs.

You have to think also with how long Westwood has been on tour he must becoming familiar with the vast majority of courses and probably has a plethora of yardage and green data from past competitions.

Allowing a day or two to sense check, double check and determine yardages is no big deal. If your with your partner anyway it’s not stealing that time away from you.

I hope it works for him going forward.
I agree that Westwood does seem relaxed and happy when you watch the coverage, and there is little doubt he knows about the value of caddies given his years as a pro
I just wondered what if anything he might be missing
Caddy is a life coach and sounding board for these tour pros. Giving a yardage is not a skill - any one can read a number or pace out a distance from a sprinkler.

The player makes the decision on the shot or reading the green, caddy is just there to re-affirm his opinion. If a player thinks a putt breaks left to right, but the caddy says it breaks right to left, there is no way any player is just going to do what the caddy says.
I agree that Westwood does seem relaxed and happy when you watch the coverage, and there is little doubt he knows about the value of caddies given his years as a pro
I just wondered what if anything he might be missing

I guess if anything a valued and experienced second opinion. Westwood admits she knows nothing about golf so he will just have to rely and trust his own judgement.

I guess she’s no fanny...
In the Philippines you'll usually get one or two ladies who know their stuff to escort you around the course .