Update - feedback would be appreciated


Club Champion
Oct 23, 2014
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Hi all,

I've been posting a few videos of my swing over the past 18 months. I started Golf at the start of summer last year and have managed to get my HC down from 28 to 24 which I'm really chuffed with. I had seven lessons with the local pro which helped me massively - but obviously a lot of work still to be done.


I still appear to be coming over the top slightly and also over swinging. This might explain why I still hit a big slice when I have a bad drive.

Can anyone identify what I'm doing wrong and then providing a few videos on how to fix this? I really concentrate on keeping all of my weight on my left leg when I takeaway and to be honest this cured my slice massively - but isn't necessarily what I should be doing!

Thanks for reading :D


Nov 16, 2011
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With respect to the OTT/Slice issue....

Possibly caused by the fact that you lose connection on the downswing because you throw your arms away from your body - cast? This could well be because of the 'weight kept on the left in the backswing'! This results in you leaning back - as you do - in the downswing, in order to get power! The old 'towel drill' could help this connection.

And there's always Bob's Headcover drill! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsrovFJ3o9I

A couple of questions...

Baseball grip? Have you tried either overlap or interlock?
You seem to be reaching a bit far to the ball at setup too.
On the back-swing, you take the club back quite 'inside the line'. Far better to take it back slightly outside the line (and come down slightly inside! Check point is when the left arm is horizontal - ideally, club should be horizontal with grip aiming marginally left of target (slightly outside the the lie), or at least at target, and face a tiny bit closed (or at least not open).
What's the logic for keeping the weight on the left leg on the back-swing? Did the Pro tell you to do this? Could be a Stack&Tilter if he did, which may well change a lot of recommendations? In any case, he's better qualified to help you and may be only part way through his plan for you!

You chicken-wing (left arm bends on follow through) for some reason - probably due to the backward lean. If you can eliminate the cause of that, it might stop much of the slice too. If you are a Cricket follower, try to swing more between bowler and mid-off, as opposed to over mid-wicket!

Hope that helps.
Last edited:


Club Champion
Oct 23, 2014
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With respect to the OTT/Slice issue....

Possibly caused by the fact that you lose connection on the downswing because you throw your arms away from your body - cast? This could well be because of the 'weight kept on the left in the backswing'! This results in you leaning back - as you do - in the downswing, in order to get power! The old 'towel drill' could help this connection.

And there's always Bob's Headcover drill! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsrovFJ3o9I

A couple of questions...

Baseball grip? Have you tried either overlap or interlock?
You seem to be reaching a bit far to the ball at setup too.
On the back-swing, you take the club back quite 'inside the line'. Far better to take it back slightly outside the line (and come down slightly inside! Check point is when the left arm is horizontal - ideally, club should be horizontal with grip aiming marginally left of target (slightly outside the the lie), or at least at target, and face a tiny bit closed (or at least not open).
What's the logic for keeping the weight on the left leg on the back-swing? Did the Pro tell you to do this? Could be a Stack&Tilter if he did, which may well change a lot of recommendations? In any case, he's better qualified to help you and may be only part way through his plan for you!

You chicken-wing (left arm bends on follow through) for some reason - probably due to the backward lean. If you can eliminate the cause of that, it might stop much of the slice too. If you are a Cricket follower, try to swing more between bowler and mid-off, as opposed to over mid-wicket!

Hope that helps.

Brilliant - that's a lot to ingest! No my Pro didn't tell me to put my weight on my left foot, I read it somewhere - tried it out and it seemed to cure my slice and give me more distance for the majority of my shots, so I just kept on with it. Yes I use baseball grip - just can't get to (excuse the pun) grips with OL or IL - I feel like I don't have enough control over the club.

How do you recommend getting outside the line rather than inside?


Assistant Pro
Jan 30, 2015
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Brilliant - that's a lot to ingest! No my Pro didn't tell me to put my weight on my left foot, I read it somewhere - tried it out and it seemed to cure my slice and give me more distance for the majority of my shots, so I just kept on with it. Yes I use baseball grip - just can't get to (excuse the pun) grips with OL or IL - I feel like I don't have enough control over the club.

How do you recommend getting outside the line rather than inside?

I agree with Foxholer, better to take the club outside then drop it inside on the down swing. Hard to do it the other way around


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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I still appear to be coming over the top slightly and also over swinging. This might explain why I still hit a big slice when I have a bad drive.

Can anyone identify what I'm doing wrong and then providing a few videos on how to fix this? I really concentrate on keeping all of my weight on my left leg when I takeaway and to be honest this cured my slice massively - but isn't necessarily what I should be doing!

Thanks for reading :D

to kinda get a handle on why things happen in a swing motion you got to get back to what first-off is setting up a chain of events that then all combine to give the unwanted contact & shot outcomes that's making it all a ways troublesome

one thing you don't want is to get in to a self defeating circle of encouraging a fault to fix a fault - like keeping the weight left during the takeback & backswing is something that is not goin to help any

so the first breakdown in the chain - as in with many new folks looking to play - is grip & set-up alignments & posture - this as it is, is massively influencing what follows in the motion - you have to look to get a better set-up etc to then have a better opportunity to have better impact conditions so better chance of having some consistency in strike to target.


it's always difficult looking at a 2d images of motion even more so from only a dtl viewpoint realize in play not so easy to get face on (if you give-it a go another time - if it's the driver shoot dtl one tee box, face-on on another shot folks usually set up a ways the same & overall motion a ways the same - even if it feels a ways different each time)

needs to be a little ways more rigor applied at set-up as you can see shoulders here pointing left a ways looking at what might be the aim line (do you pick aim point more from beside the ball?) so to big tree while hips & foot line a ways further to the rightfield of that - club face appears more in line with shoulders
{general thought shoulder line more governs path to the ball & swing direction through impact}

would bit the bullet & lose the baseball grip - you athletic enough to not need a baseball hold to generate speed
sure changing to say overlap will sure feel a tad weird & uncomfortable but it won't after a short period of time- but in the changing the right hand doesn't want to be under the handle - as the right is here - left hand doesn't want the handle in the middle of the palm either

often happens with folks but having put the ball position in a pretty ways decent location around off the left heel - it then feel uncomfortable to have the head some 4" or so behind the ball but that's in the ballpark of where it needs to be - you got the ball forwards bit then have turned the chest towards the ball which both moves the head back up to the ball position this
also a main reason that then it has the shoulders aiming a ways left & the arms is the condition you see - left arm very visible below the right arm

this is what's giving the swing motion issues & also means the weight is working the wrong ways, steepish angle of attack is way you have the ball teed down good ways to low for the driver face

to change path, swing direction so strike & shot outcomes real important you look at & work to change how you aim & set-up flat lower back little less 'round' to top of spine to the ball (& the hold on the handle)

you can work as hard as you like to change the motion but it ain't really going to happen until you can get in little ways better shape at set-up
you not really that under plane going back you not whipping the club back inside the line it's pretty much on the toe line when 1st horizontal to ground