Trump talks golf


Money List Winner
Mar 7, 2012
Dunfermline, Fife
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Whilst what Trump wrote is an absolute load of horse manure and nothing more than a desperate cry for attention coupled with plugging Turnberry, the journalist needs to learn that when you try and tear someone down like this, get the facts right first and foremost.

RSG is in Scotland now? I think not.


Crow Person
Nov 14, 2010
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Whilst what Trump wrote is an absolute load of horse manure and nothing more than a desperate cry for attention coupled with plugging Turnberry, the journalist needs to learn that when you try and tear someone down like this, get the facts right first and foremost.

RSG is in Scotland now? I think not.

Surely this is a good thing?

There are usually moans when anywhere in Scotland is described as being in England, but now Scotland is being given the greater recognition/priority.


Tour Winner
Sep 3, 2009
North Ayrshire
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What a piss poor article, Trump is right it will return to Turnberry.but the only i can think of is who wud win in a medal round between Trump n Kim jon witever he is called. And who marks there cards!!!!
many many time club champion of turnberryor the many many hole in ones in a round boy? As harry hill says “ fight” ?


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
The thing keeping the Open from Turnberry, isn’t Trump per se, it’s the hissy fits he causes..

He is a Wally, best ignored. Best way of doing that might be to forget about what I said in the line above!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

R&A don't want neither the protestors or his grandstanding linked to the event. It will return to Turnberry, but not anytime soon


Money List Winner
Mar 7, 2012
Dunfermline, Fife
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The thing keeping the Open from Turnberry, isn’t Trump per se, it’s the hissy fits he causes..

He is a Wally, best ignored. Best way of doing that might be to forget about what I said in the line above!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

R&A don't want neither the protestors or his grandstanding linked to the event. It will return to Turnberry, but not anytime soon

Hissy fits? You mean like the ones where he attacked democracy and incited others to do the same. Or like the hissy fit of what amounted to an insurrection at the Capitol?

Those hissy fits? Yeah, they're nothing to be worried about at all.


Money List Winner
Mar 7, 2012
Dunfermline, Fife
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No. I meant like your one above, massively over reacting to a flippant comment a golf forum!

Maybe rereading the whole post might help too.

And herein lies the problem with Trump. Trump's record does not really lend itself to the realms of "over-reacting". But if people keep just being dismissive of what he has done as some sort of, well, high-jinks, then that is up to them.

I did read all of the post. The second part of the post was irrelevant to the first part.


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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Trump's so called championship wins were well covered in Commander In Cheat by Rick Reilly (a fascinating and horrifying read). Most of them were based on declaring himself first champ on completing the inaugural round on a new course or a rebranded course, and in one occasion using a score he claimed from elsewhere to claim victory in a championship he hadn't even played in. And most of the rounds included incredibly generous concessions and leather wedge shots.

Trump is a disgrace to golf and the R&A will never ever ever go to one of his courses so long as he is even peripherally involved.

Some of Trump's courses are world class, mostly those he had little input to. Others are not, with vulgar loadsamoney features. Trump National LA is a terrible course, Doral Blue Monster is a tiresome slog. Both have fountains, though.


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2018
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Trump's so called championship wins were well covered in Commander In Cheat by Rick Reilly (a fascinating and horrifying read). Most of them were based on declaring himself first champ on completing the inaugural round on a new course or a rebranded course, and in one occasion using a score he claimed from elsewhere to claim victory in a championship he hadn't even played in. And most of the rounds included incredibly generous concessions and leather wedge shots.

Trump is a disgrace to golf and the R&A will never ever ever go to one of his courses so long as he is even peripherally involved.

Some of Trump's courses are world class, mostly those he had little input to. Others are not, with vulgar loadsamoney features. Trump National LA is a terrible course, Doral Blue Monster is a tiresome slog. Both have fountains, though.

I'd like to see fountains at Turnberry. Maybe one in the sea next to the lighthouse.

Can you even claim a course is world class until it has a par 5 with a fountain in front of the green?


Journeyman Pro
Aug 12, 2012
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I'd like to see fountains at Turnberry. Maybe one in the sea next to the lighthouse.

Can you even claim a course is world class until it has a par 5 with a fountain in front of the green?

There is one already outside the clubhouse.

Bloody Romans all over it. Looks very out of place, for both aesthetic and historical reasons