Tour Rookie
This may seem strange, but I'm far too considerate on the golf course to the detriment of my own game. Nothing to do with slow play, but at times I am over concerned about people behind.
Yesterday played in a fourball with no one in front, we were caught by a threeball on the tenth green with them waiting to play their approach shots. The players behind could hit a ball and seemed decent. I teed off last on the 11th and arsed up my tee shot aware of the 3 behind. Whilst looking for my ball (which ended up in a hole next to a tree) I waived the group behind to tee off feeling agitated.
First guy tees off and makes an arse of it. I knock my ball forward after they have teed off. As I approach my ball which is now only 200 yards from the tee to play my third, the group behind waived us forward to continue ahead of them. I felt rushed as playing their second shot was a further threeball behind going down the 10th, so now we have two three balls behind. I was so concerned with holding people up that I lost it and completely rushed the back nine for a total score of 9, I'd scored 19 points on the front nine including a blob.
This is a major problem for me as it completely ruins my game. I'm not slow always ready to play, trolley left in the right place, scorecard marked appropriately and I walk briskly between shots. I need to mentally toughen up on the golf course and be more selfish, put myself first and think "stuff others, as no one cares about me on the course"
Even when playing and players in our group either lose a ball or have to play a provisional I can feel the anxiety rise as it will take further time, resulting in others catching us up.
When I've played with slow players and we've been caught, it's me who speeds up to the detriment of my game in an attempt to make up for their slow play. In addition when players are behind and i make an arse of a shot I then tend to rush the next to make up for it.
I'm just too sensitive to the needs of others.
However when I get held up I just accept it and don't curse those in front.
This doesn't always happen although I always seem to be on edge of others behind.
Does anyone else experience this and if so how have you adapted. Does anybody know how I can change my thinking/behViour, have any books that I could read.
Really wish I wasn't so sensitive because it's ruined my game on a number of occasions
Yesterday played in a fourball with no one in front, we were caught by a threeball on the tenth green with them waiting to play their approach shots. The players behind could hit a ball and seemed decent. I teed off last on the 11th and arsed up my tee shot aware of the 3 behind. Whilst looking for my ball (which ended up in a hole next to a tree) I waived the group behind to tee off feeling agitated.
First guy tees off and makes an arse of it. I knock my ball forward after they have teed off. As I approach my ball which is now only 200 yards from the tee to play my third, the group behind waived us forward to continue ahead of them. I felt rushed as playing their second shot was a further threeball behind going down the 10th, so now we have two three balls behind. I was so concerned with holding people up that I lost it and completely rushed the back nine for a total score of 9, I'd scored 19 points on the front nine including a blob.
This is a major problem for me as it completely ruins my game. I'm not slow always ready to play, trolley left in the right place, scorecard marked appropriately and I walk briskly between shots. I need to mentally toughen up on the golf course and be more selfish, put myself first and think "stuff others, as no one cares about me on the course"
Even when playing and players in our group either lose a ball or have to play a provisional I can feel the anxiety rise as it will take further time, resulting in others catching us up.
When I've played with slow players and we've been caught, it's me who speeds up to the detriment of my game in an attempt to make up for their slow play. In addition when players are behind and i make an arse of a shot I then tend to rush the next to make up for it.
I'm just too sensitive to the needs of others.
However when I get held up I just accept it and don't curse those in front.
This doesn't always happen although I always seem to be on edge of others behind.
Does anyone else experience this and if so how have you adapted. Does anybody know how I can change my thinking/behViour, have any books that I could read.
Really wish I wasn't so sensitive because it's ruined my game on a number of occasions