Tour Winner
So in fairness of balance and like ChrisD said in the other thread for all the negatives we've seen posted what is it you like to see done on the course or have felt has been the right thing done by others:
I'll go first:
Playing last week there was a fourball in front of us that had never been to our course before that we're pretty slow, got to the 7th tee and they waited for us to putt out on the 6th and called us through apologising for the delay. They proceeded to then ask us about some local rules because as they put it "they wanted to respect the course and its members" :thup:
I'll go first:
Playing last week there was a fourball in front of us that had never been to our course before that we're pretty slow, got to the 7th tee and they waited for us to putt out on the 6th and called us through apologising for the delay. They proceeded to then ask us about some local rules because as they put it "they wanted to respect the course and its members" :thup: