The repair of Pitchmarks

Superb, I can confirm that the above way is correct, always stretch the turf to the centre of the pitch mark and do this all around the mark. And spread the word, then maybe my members will get to hear about it!

Who needs the R&A when we have our very own top greenkeeper to advise us, maybe a thread on the best ways a golfer can help the greenkeeper might be an idea (except for golfer not playing golf on his wonderful course)
Parmo/Echtloon: Unless I'm interpreting things incorrectly the second one is telling you the same as the first. In both cases you're putting the repairer in at an angle then pushing the "above ground" bit up and forward - thereby stretching the turf over the hole. Then you tamp it down a wee bit. What you don't do - which the first example is a bit better at showing - is to try to lever the bottom of the pitch mark upwards
Played Haverhill yesterday. I think it must rank as the course with the fewest unrepaired pitch marks ever, terrific greens - stayed quick even after a day's soaking.