Tour Winner
It seems I have been doing it wrong, I googled a picture and came up with the below!
You learn something new everyday.
Correct Method
Discard the loose piece of turf taken out by the ball
Insert the pitchmark repairer tool just outside of the back of the pitchmark
Lever the turf towards the centre of the pitchmark
Repeat this motion from all sides of the pitchmark
Gently tap the repaired area with your putter. This action stretches undamaged turf over the pitchmark, providing instant recovery
Incorrect Method
DO NO replace the loose piece of turf taken out by the ball. It will die and delay the healing process.
DO NOT pry up the centre of the depression with the pitchmark repairer as it exposes the soil and will delay the healing process
DO NOT insert the pitchmark repairer and twist it. This only breaks more turf loose
You learn something new everyday.