The head


Jul 2, 2014
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Just watching the open and one of the thigns I notice is that they all move their head to the right prior to making their shot

do you do this in your routine?

I have a massive problem in keeping my head still during the swing...

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Just watching the open and one of the thigns I notice is that they all move their head to the right prior to making their shot

do you do this in your routine?

I have a massive problem in keeping my head still during the swing...

No, I keep my as head still as possible in the backswing, it stops me swaying.

I set my head position at address and keep it there.


Tour Rookie
Apr 12, 2012
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I've been trying to move my head back very slightly during the backswing, this then allows my spine to lean away from target at the top of the swing and seems to help with weight transfer.

I may be wrong to do this but yes my head moves right slightly during the backswing.


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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I think the spine is better to think about than the head, the head moving is just a consequence of other faults rather than a fault on its own, unless you are actually waving it about on purpose.

Much better to focus on what the spine and shoulders are doing IMO.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I think the spine is better to think about than the head, the head moving is just a consequence of other faults rather than a fault on its own, unless you are actually waving it about on purpose.

Much better to focus on what the spine and shoulders are doing IMO.

Agree with this.

This is something I've been working on of late (.... Secondary axis tilt at address) and find if you get it right, your head is already in the right position.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Just watching the open and one of the thigns I notice is that they all move their head to the right prior to making their shot

do you do this in your routine?

I have a massive problem in keeping my head still during the swing...

In reality although it may look like it to you. None of these golfers (nor should any) seek to actively move their head. They will/may change the inclination, angle of the head as the takeaway starts.
Any other head motion is simply just a reaction to the turning of the swings motion.

if you think about it from the shoulders up the head can primarily either just 'nod' up & down or turn side to side as in 'no'.

Any large head movements, side to side, or up & down vertical height changes, have to be & are caused by issues with the upper bodies or hips (losing pelvic angle by standing up through the swing) or over active legs movement during the swings motion both taking the club back as well as swinging back through impact.

Stuff like swaying off the ball moves the head initially a ways to the right, but it's the swaying of the whole motion (instead of turning) that's caused the head to move.

Likewise from the get go at takeaway collapsing the left knee (RH player) also causes the upper body & head to tilt a good ways towards target (instead of making a good rotational turn back from target) So this as well as moving the head/upper body to the left a ways, the left knee collapse causes a good deal of loss of vertical height so head appears to drop.

There's a number of issues that causes the head to move overmuch, but it is the other movements that are causing this extra head motion, you don't & shouldn't 'try' to move your head. That's just as bad as trying to keep your head rock still throughout the swing motion.
Think steady & level rather than 'still', the head in a good swing will move some, a little less in the backswing a little more in the more vigorous down & through swing, & you have to let your head release upwards little ways after impact as the right shoulder works downwards, under & through, impact, in order to finish in a good sound balanced position.

Have a look at this vid, it's titled "more turn etc ..." but that's not why I'm putting it up, listen to what's being said about the head's position & movement, & look & you'll see how it's the good swing motion that makes the head move.

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Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 21, 2013
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I was told by my instructor to move my head to the right as part of my swing as I bring the club round with my body.

Works for me and has improved my game massively. It stops my head dipping on the back swing and hitting a fat shot which is something I struggled with for a long time!