The digital age, do you prefer living in it now or prefer life without?


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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Times have changed though socially also, would you let your kids go out all day like we used to as kids today? I know i wouldn't! I recall going out at 9am and coming home before it was dark were the rules, we ended up at someones house for lunch, made camps, rode bikes, climbed trees etc etc etc, but that relaxed way is no more. too many weirdo's about (or do we just know more about them now?)


Tour Winner
Apr 2, 2009
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Kids today are a lot smarter, intelligent and generally socially aware then we ever were. Don't believe everything you read about kids today staring at screens constantly and never going out. Or either that or they are all in gangs. Yes of course that goes on, but the the vast majority are well adjusted.

Don't get me wrong,I'm fully aware of the exaggerations of the media to make a story. And I agree with what you say and kids are certainly much more savvy now than in my time.
We musn't forget that there are some kids that don't get the support of parents, or shall we call it lazy parenting.
As I said in the OP there has to be a balance. I'm pleased to say that 2 of my grandaughters have a good life balance. One plays football, karate, swimming, running and sometimes golf. The younger one has just started hockey, loves dancing, gymnastics and horseriding. When they have time to chill out, they're on their i-pads, xboxes, oh, and there's a park at the back of their house along with a skateboarding park, where they often go after school. I'm amazed that they find the time to do their homework!

They're aged 11 and 9.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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Mrs Sweep made an interesting point the other day, when we talked about all the technology available today and how it's changed our lives. She said "just imagine all those generations before us that thought they had it all."
I guess the difference is that it's hard to argue against something like electricity in your home as anything but good, but so much of today's tech seems to come at a price we can't quantify.